I let out a sigh. I noticed two arms on my waist. I opened my eyes slowly, I was feeling so tired and strange, but I couldn't figure it out why. I saw Taehyung by my side, he was sleeping like an angel. I tried to sit properly on the bed, but when I raised my head, I felt like a bomb was going to explode in my head. I put my hands on each side, it was the worst headache I had ever felt since that day.

Taehyung woke up minutes later, my hands still grabbing my head while I was whispering no sense, trying to feel better.

"Hey there, are you okay?" He said, followed by a chuckle.

"It's not funny. I feel like shit." I tried to say, but the last sentence came in a whisper.

"It's normal, you drank a lot yesterday." He said, sitting by my side, trying to look at me. I looked at him, with a frowned. Drank?

"Taetae what are you saying? You know I don't drink." I said, trying to calm myself, thinking that it would relieve the pain.

He gave me a look, his look.

I tried to think, but nothing came to my mind.

"Party, hot tub, 5 cute boys, pool... Samantha..." He started saying words without a meaning, or that's what it looked like to me before the events of last night appeared in my head.

I let out a sighed, my head hurting even more.

"Don't worry, I'll make breakfast for you. I'll give you some painkillers, it will make you feel better. Don't move, I'll come back in a bit." He kissed my forehead.


Taehyung was right, a few hours later I was feeling better. My head was still hurting, but I could deal with it. When I pulled myself together, I went downstairs.

Everyone was in the kitchen, talking to each other. I felt my headache coming  back when they stared at me, some of them smirking.

"Wo Y/n, good morning. You're my idol." Yoongi said, laughing. Ashley hit his arm. I guess she gave him a death stare, because Yoongi stopped at the moment.

"Babe, how are you feeling?" Ashley hugged me, tight.  I didn't understand what was happening. Yes, maybe I got drunk yesterday, but it wasn't wrong, right? Young people do that. She guided me, I sat on a chair next to Hoseok.

"Do you want?" He said, showing me a pack of cookies. I shook my head.

"I already ate breakfast, Taehyung make sure I took the pills, too." I said, letting out a sigh.

"By the way, do you remember something about yesterday?" Hoseok asked me, giving me his soft stare, but at the same time it looked like he was trying not to laugh.

"I... I don't know... I guess."I said, with a weak smile. I tried to think, Ashley grabbed my hand.  "I remember your friends..."

"TXT." Jungkook said. I nodded. 

"I remember eating together, drinking... Oh! I remember we went to the hot tub." I said, pointing at Yoongi and Jimin. "Then... then... we kept drinking, right?" I asked, confused.

"Yes." Jimin said, leaning closer. "Do you remember who show up?" I saw a smirk on his face.

I put all my energies trying to remember what happened next. It took me a few minutes, when I finally saw Jin and Samantha. Jin was grabbing a beer, while Samantha was grabbing his arm with her own. They had a strange face. I think Jin and I left after that, but I couldn't remember it.

"Jin and Samantha." I only said. They look at me, as if they were waiting for me to say something more. "I left with Jin?" I asked, no sure about if I was right.

"Yes, he wanted to talk to you." I only nodded. I let out a sigh of relief, running my hand through my hair, satisfied that my memories were correct. But, for some reason, they were still looking at me, as if I had to say something else.

"What?" I asked, looking at them. My heartbeat increased a little, but enough for me to notice it.

"Don't you remember?" Hoseok asked me, softly. I looked at him, shaking my head as an answer. What happened? What did I do? Or worse, what did I say?

"You had a 'little fight' with Samantha." Jungkook said.

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I was clueless. I didn't like Samantha, not at all. But from there to got into a fight with her was a very big step. I decided to say something, because I wasn't understanding why could happen, anyway.

"Well, what happened?" I asked. I felt little, everyone was looking at me. I looked at Hoseok with my puppy eyes.

"You kind of pushed Samantha in the pool..." Hoseok said, slowly.

"She did." Yoongi assured. A laugh came out of his mouth again.

"But it was a party, what's wrong? We were probably playing?" I asked insecurely, looking at my friends. They gave me a compassionate look.

"You were fighting." Zoe finally said. For her sleepy face I guessed she woke up not so long ago.

"But why?" I asked. I couldn't understand at all the situation, I was not the type of girl to got into a fight with someone. I felt stressed, as my headache was coming back.

"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault. She started." I didn't say anything. I just looked at Allison, so she kept talking. "You without wanting it, or maybe you wanted," she giggled, "threw your drink at her." She finished.

"And what happened?" I asked, I was feeling kind of curious.

"She started screaming like a maniac because her dress was ruined." Taehyung said, walking into the kitchen. Everyone laughed, me included. "But then she said mean things to you, you to her and-" Ashley cut Taehyung.

"She got on your nerves, so she kinda deserved it." I giggled.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, I don't remember anything about Samantha, I swear." I said, feeling guilt.

"Nobody can't remember anything when they get as drunk as you did, Y/nshie." Yoongi said, trying to make me feel better. I smiled at him, at all of them. I was glad to have them. TXT were already gone, I didn't know if they spent the night or not.

"Y/n-ah are you sure you are okay?" Hoseok asked me, caressing softly my cheek. I frowned, but nodded. "Your eyes looked read, they're even swollen." He said. I suddenly noticed pain in my eyes. I cried?

"Did I cry?"

"After you pushed Samantha." Jungkook said. "But don't worry, Taehyungie got you." He smiled, I smiled back at Jungkook before looking at Taehyung and mumble a 'Thank you'. He smiled back. Now I understand why I was sleeping with him.

Suddenly I noticed his absence. Why I didn't notice it before? "Where's Jin? Is he still sleeping?" I asked.

"No, he left an hour ago, more or less." Namjoon said, putting all the plates in the sink

"He said where he was going?" I asked again. Namjoon gave me a look I couldn't recognize, there was pain in his eyes? He shook his head.

"He only said for a walk." I nodded.

Why Jin would go for a walk? Was he not tired? I walk upstairs, into Taehyung's room. I sat on the bed when I found my phone."


Morning Jin :) 

You can't believe the headache I've because of yesterday, but don't worry, I already took a pill, so I'm feeling better

How are you feeling? Namjoon told me you went for a walk

Tell me your secret :<

See ya later :)


It was dinner time and Jin wasn't back. We all were in the living room, worried because he didn't send a message or called to anyone. He was an adult, but it was strange because he usually said where he was or when he was coming back.  Was he okay? Something happened and we didn't know it? Namjoon phone rang, he answered quickly, without looking at the ID.

"Jin-hyung?" He asked worried. He let out a sighed of relieve seconds later. "Where are you? We are all worried. We thought something had happened to you." There was a pause, we didn't hear what Jin was saying except for Namjoon. He was nodding. "Yeah, I know hyung." Pause again. "Okay, I'll tell 'em. See you." He was going to hang up when he put the phone near his ear again. "Wait." He yelled. "How are you feeling?" Another pause. "We'll talk better later, okay?" Another pause. "Jin-hyung? I love you." After a few seconds he hung up.

What was that, a love consultation? I almost laughed at my own comment, but at the same time I was more worried, even though we knew he was okay.

"I love you?" Yoongi scoffed.

"Is Seokjin-hyung okay?" Jimin asked, with a pout.

"Yes, don't worry Minnie." Namjoon said. "He's with Samantha." Crack. My heart.

"What he's doing with that bitch?" Taehyung asked, angrily.

We all looked at him, confusion all over our face. He didn't like Samantha?

"I thought you like her." Jimin said, putting a hand on Taehyung's thigh, caressing it a little. Here we go again. Ugh, soulmates.

"Not anymore." He said coldly.

"You want to talk about it?" Jimin asked, softly.

"No." Jimin pouted. "Maybe later." Taehyung finally said. Jimin hugged Taehyung tightly. I smiled, I was glad Taehyung had someone like Jimin by his side.

I grabbed my phone. Jin didn't answer any of my messages. Was he mad? Why was he with her? Was he on Samantha's side? He knew I cried and he did nothing? Ugh. I hated that I couldn't remember anything. A door closing got me off my thoughts.

"Jin." Namjoon ran to him and hugged him. What was wrong with these two?

"Hi." He said, he seemed tired. He put the keys in the furniture.

"We're going to eat dinner, do you want something special?" Jungkook asked.

After a few seconds he looked at me. He seemed serious, he never looked at me like that. "No, thank you. I already ate dinner with Samantha." Why it seemed he was saying it to me? I was really thinking he was mad. He went upstairs.

After a few minutes I decided to follow him, but someone grabbed my arm. It was Namjoon.

"Why don't you go home, mhm?" He said, showing his cute dimples. Feeling tired, I nodded.

After saying goodbye to everyone, Namjoon lead me to the front door. I couldn't help myself, I needed to know it.

"Is he mad at me?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No, he isn't. Don't worry, okay? He'll come around." He said softly.

"Wait, what do you mean? We aren't angry with each other." My voice was trembling, the fact that I didn't know what was happening was driving me crazy. He looked at me, with the same eyes. He pulled me into a hug. "Everything will be okay." He whispered, caressing my head. Pity. That's when I realized he was looking at me with pity. Why would he, though?

I was still completely clueless about what I could have done. It was better this way, or maybe not.