Short fight and Drone

Lizzy and the snake made contact, the snake tried to bite down on her face but was unable to do so and that single moment allowed Lizzy to bite down on the snake with her acrodont teeth but plans dont always go as planned, the snake moved its body and moved away its neck before Lizzy's bite landed.

There was a light scratch in Lizzy face and the snakes toxins slowly dripped down from her skin, the toxin of the brown tree snake is on the mild side of the venomous snake spectrum but if it did pierce Lizzy's skin when would be in trouble, the snakes toxin cannot hurt an adult human but was able to poison children's and animals of similar body mass as children.

"I shouldve expected that it would be hard to kill it"

Lizzy back away slightly and hatched a plan, she began to randomly spit fantasy acid on the snake, in which the snake easily dodges and responded with another lunge at her.

Lizzy seeing this action coming swiftly turned her body and used the momentum of her turn to slap the snakes face hard, the snake was unable to dodge due to its momentum and Lizzy own momentum.

Lizzy's tail landed on the snakes cheek and she could feel a cracking, it was not on her but on the snake, the snake rolled to the side and landed with a thud, its body was still twitching even though its head was busted and an eyeball squished, the eyeball dripped matter to the ground.

"Yes! haha snake soup!"

She approached the twitching snake and went for the kill, she stomped on the head and stomped on the body a bit to make sure it was dead, double tapping is always a rule of survival, Lizzy dragged the snake into a bush and left the area which was scarred by the fantasy acid and stained by the blood of the snake.

Once Lizzy was in the bush she went and put the snake in her inventory to eat later after she got the task done, the reason she dragged it into the bush and not directly into her inventory is because, earlier in her field of vision while she spat acids, she saw the drone and she would rather not show something unexplainable lest they will hunt her and capture her.

"I'd better get stronger quick, just enough to scare off people but if push comes to shove I really may need to kill and eat them, I hope granny will forgive me then"

What Lizzy didn't know was that her appearance was enough to tick off biologists and scientists.

Village HQ.

They saw the battle from start to end and eve saw the death of a snake that they had taken from another place, it was a disposable asset so it wasn't a loss and it didn't matter if it was a valuable asset because they saw a new asset on the screen.

"Ask the scientists and biologists how much they would pay if we captured it and gave it to them alive"

"Yes sir"

"Tell me what's that thing it spat on the snake?"

"Sir it seems to be a corrosive substance of unknown origin"

"I know that much moron, tell me something I don't know!"

"We have no information on it sir, but we speculate it must be some sort of venom or it is the creatures metabolic acid"

"Well then send the compiled info of the creature and send it to the hunters, tell them to capture it alive and announce that we released it as a challenge for them hehe"

"On it sir"


Lizzy walked back to the river to wash off the venom on her face, it didn't do anything but she found it disgusting and she didn't want to risk being blinded by it, she didn't enter the water and instead practiced her tail control, she used her tail to splash some water on her face.

After a few minutes of rinsing, she walked away of the river and then suddenly heard a phone ring, she hid in a bush as silently and swiftly as she can, Lizzy the looked at the direction of the ring and saw 2 women standing just a few meters away.

"The hunters have started hunting? when?"

"Host the hunters were deployed as soon as the sun settled on the sky"

"Why didn't the system tell me?"

"The host never asked"

"Okay it was my mistake but I need to think my next actions through"

The 2 women were looking at their phones and a zoomed high definition photo of a lizard popped up, then a document stating it was a challenge came along with it, they read through the document and thought Mr.Chu was crazy for wanting it alive until they saw the size speculation, even the corrosive acid spitting surprised them.