New Area, Factory, and Main Task

The women talked to each other in English after they saw the challenge and Lizzy understood them since she did graduate as an English major, she focused on the two women first go see their info.

Name:Ren lie shou

Species: Human/Homo Sapiens

Status: Healthy

Efficacy: 600

Genodes: 1000

Name:Kim Sun-lee

Species: Human/Homo Sapiens

Status: Healthy

Efficacy: 610

Genodes: 1000

Both women were armed with hunting rifles that had a large capacity magazine, which would explain why they had high combat efficacy.

Lizzy saw their info and immediately decided not to try and meet them nor would she try to fight them, she instead listened to their conversation.

"This thing isn't just a lizard isn't it? its smaller but it can kill a snake much larger than it and even spit acid" ren stated while scrolling through the info.

"Yeah it is not a normal lizard but its still a lizard from what I see, maybe a mutated lizard? "

" Maybe it was made from a lab in the eurasian, bald eagle, or bundesadler empires?"

"Maybe, maybe"

Lizzy learned from the 2 that she was now being hunted by the hunters and not just the 2 women, Lizzy slowly moved back and walked away and went towards the part of the forest that she has not gone to.

Village HQ.

"Where is the creature?"

"Sir it seems to have escaped the drones vision and we are not able to pinpoint it anymore"

"Well go and look for it! I'm not paying you to laze around!, go and search for it using your drone!"

"Yes sir!"

The personnel being yelled at wanted to say something but kept it to himself instead and just let his thoughts speak for him, 'If not for the salary, I would've already ditched you, you stupid fat motherf**ker'


Lizzy was walking around to maybe find a snake but failed to find one in her 3 hours of travel, she focused on her snake task to see her progress and time.

[Dangerous Meal]

• 1/2 Varying snakes

• 145:34:44

The sky was no longer as bright as it was earlier, Lizzy was now looking for a bit of shelter in this unfamiliar part of the forest, she found a rather large hole on the ground. Lizzy didn't know to which creature it might belong to but she was sure it was abandoned due to the dust in it that was left untouched.

"This part of the forest feels very... how should I say this hmm weird, eerie"

"Host finds it weird due to this part of the forest being home to some mutated creatures, the system has scanned the area and has found an abandoned factory just a bit deeper"

"Wait if you can scan the area, then can you tell me where the snakes are?"

"No, the host requires the ability to track and find the hosts own prey"

The response of the system didn't surprise Lizzy at all since she already expected that the system would deny her request, she didn't have enough genodes to strengthen and it was going to become night which will release even more powerful animals and as the system has said mutants.

Village HQ.

On the large screen showed 8 Windows showcasing the 8 hunters and all of them seem to be setting up camp for the day, they had wood and some had tents while others had to sleep on tree tops and caves, the ground was unsafe due to many uncertain factors.

The hunters have not found any inmates yet and it showed how crafty criminal minds were, they escaped he radar of the HQ and even escaped the sights of the hunters, there was one thing they didn't escape from though and that was the eyes of the system.


"The system will not point the host towards the task targets but the system can point the host towards 15 death row inmates"

"I told you I wont eat humans"

"The host says they won't eat humans but what if one of the inmates is the one who killed hosts granny?"


"The system is certain the robber is here within the island, if the system finds the killer would the host kill and eat them?"

"I will cross that bridge when I get there"

"The system will temporarily take that as a yes"

"Host has unlocked main task"

The green task tab appeared and it directly went to the main task, within the main task bar was a single rectangular bar with the name 'Granny's Avenger', she focused on the task to see its information.

[Main Task]

Granny's Avenger

Granny died an unjustified death, granny went to heaven but the murderer is still alive with a chance of earning freedom, as the saying goes, an eye for an eye, a life for a life. Kill and eat granny's murderer and fulfill part of your vengeance.

• 0/1 Granny's murderer

Rewards: 1000 1st tier Genode/s, High Tier Chest

Optional task/s:

• 0/14 Deathrow Inmates

• Find the truth behind granny's death

Rewards: 1500 1st tier Genode/s, 1 Choice Gacha Ticket