Support and Bonus

"What the f*ck!! is that?!"

Lizzy was stunned for a bit but then recovered from it, she exerted strength on her two left legs and propelled herself self to the right in order to dodge the swift strike of the mosquito, its stylets sunk into the ground and it was held there for quite a bit, Lizzy took this chance to get info on the large mosquito.

[Monstrum Culicidae]

Monster Mosquito

Family: Culicoidea

Genodes: 250

"When did we have such a thing?"

"Host these are the beings of a collapsed mid tier dimension, their genetic makeups were absorbed by your planets creatures via the dimensions 'Mid tier Dimensional Support System', this system is a powerful system capable of rescuing the lives of creatures even with a single DNA strand and place them in worlds of lower tiers"

"So you're saying that these were once creatures of our planet but due to that system they got upgrades?"

"The hosts words are indeed correct but host need not worry, Evey dimension and world has a system supporting it and it seems its about time for a world update"

As Lizzy talked she didn't give the mosquito a chance to escape and immediately squashed it with her foot, Lizzy placed the mosquito in her inventory and walked away to look around for changes to the island.

Village HQ.

"What the f*ck am I looking at?" William.

"I do not know as well..." Eric.

In the field of vision of the hunters was a blue window that showed their stats and equipment, what surprised them more is the class selection beside it, which baffled them even more, on the uppermost part of it all was the words 'World Defense System'.

William reached out to his window and was able to touch it, he tried to touch the others windows and was unable to do so, this gave them a bit of knowledge about the systems privacy.

"I guess only the owner can touch their windows huh" William.

This window didn't just appear in front of the hunters but the entire world, it was the dimension support systems method of protection from creatures or events that threaten human extinction but this was also a blessing in disguise for a lizard.

Island, forest.

"System what is this update of the world that you said?"

"Host the defensive system of the world has taken effect and it gives humanity a lower tier system that allows them to fight back against these creatures, good news to the host, the systems they received contain 500 genodes allowing the host to gain a bonus 500 for every human with a system"

"Promotion to eat humans again?"

"The host will need to do so or the host will perish"

The systems response carried with it a gentle tone but the very message still made her heart skip a beat, she had a bad feeling that something would happen to her soon and that she needed to grow stronger quickly.

Lizzy walked towards a dot on the map and was sure sure that the inmates were still alive otherwise they wouldn't be on the map, she was still contemplating whether to eat the humans or not, the snakes in her inventory were being preserved, she would have enough to strengthen once if she ate them.

Lizzy took quite a bit of time to travel towards the dot and was led to a large cave with a fire burning inside, lighting up the cave, she walked in and then saw an inmate sleeping inside but there were other clothes beside him, she could only deduce that there were other inmates her as well.

Lizzy spat fantasy acid at the inmates face and then as he was about to scream, she bit his face off, it was the first time she actually killed a human this way and it made her feel guilty but she consoled herself that it was a criminal and accidentally swallowed the face she ripped off.

"Ding! Host has gained 5 Genode/s"

Lizzy was surprised at the taste of the human meat, it tasted like high quality meat for her, Lizzy covered the mans face with one of the clothes nearby and waited for the other inmates behind the corpse.

The wait wasn't long as 2 inmates came back carrying a large boar that had its had smashed in by some sort of blunt weapon, its blood was drained through a crude rip on its stomach and was dragged into the cave.

"This f*cker is still asleep?" inmate 1.

"Yeah I think so, we should use him as bait for more food" inmate 2.

"We could, anyway tie him up as I skin the boar, I got that sharp rock along the way" inmate 1.

Inmate 2 got closer to the body and was not aware of what was waiting for him.