Progress and Classes

Inmate 2 got closer and closer, he picked up a ripped sleeve of an orange jumper and arrived at the front of the dead inmate, he reached for the inmates hands slowly and once his hand was close enough, Lizzy sprung out and bit it hard removing it from his arm and then swallowed.

"Ding! Host has gained 10 Genode/s"

Lizzy got out from hiding and spat at inmate 2s face, she then left him there screaming with a melting face and scurried towards the other inmate that was skinning the boar.

"What in the hell is that thing?!" inmate1

The inmate picked up the sharp rock he had carried and prepared to whack the incoming giant lizards head, Lizzy swiftly moved her 4 legs and then jumped towards the inmate with an open jaw, she didn't notice that she had slowly gotten used to eating human parts.

The inmate swung his hand and landed the rock with a loud thud on Lizzy's head, he successfully deterred Lizzy by forcibly changing her trajectory and he then ran without any second thoughts, Lizzy landed on the ground and shook her head as the impact had made her slightly dizzy.

Lizzy looked at the running inmate but didn't give chase, she returned to the cave and looked at the two faceless corpses, she saw the inmates handless wrist and remembered she had eaten two human parts just now, she wanted to throat up but then remembered the heavenly taste.

She shook her head in an attempt to push away the thought but was unable to since the taste was still lingering in her mouth, she looked at the two corpses and could feel herself drooling.

"Maybe only the bad guys?"

"Congratulations to the host for eating humans, the system has decided to award the host with a lucky box. The lucky box has been stored in the hosts inventory for convenience"

"I'll only eat the bad guys though, they deserve it"

Lizzy got close to the corpses and began to eat them bite by bite without even looking at their Info, it took her an hour to finish both corpses. She went out of the cave to find that a large amount of mosquitoes were flying towards the cave, she could fight them but she would risk a lot so she just ran deep into the woods, leaving the blood stenched cave alone.


Lizzy had walked for another hour to get some distance from the mosquitoes and was able to discover another area, it was littered with guns, blood stains, and half eaten corpses. Lizzy walked around for a bit while scanning the area and finding the monkeys footprint, she then decided to leave this place as well.


Another round of walking and the sky had turned orange, Lizzy during her walk was able to eat some inmates along the way making her task progress quite a bit, currently she was eyeing her task.

[Main Task]

Granny's Avenger

Granny died an unjustified death, granny went to heaven but the murderer is still alive with a chance of earning freedom, as the saying goes, an eye for an eye, a life for a life. Kill and eat granny's murderer and fulfill part of your vengeance.

• 0/1 Granny's murderer

Rewards: 1000 1st tier Genode/s, High Tier Chest

Optional task/s:

• 7/14 Deathrow Inmates

• Find the truth behind granny's death

Rewards: 1500 1st tier Genode/s, 1 Choice Gacha Ticket

"How hard!! is it to find a single murderer!!!!"

Lizzy yelled out loud but only loud lizard clicks could be heard, after the screaming calmed her down she went and exhaled a sight of relief, she then walked and arrived at another empty cave, she scanned the insides and ensured her safety.

Lizzy didn't leave anything to chance and spat fantasy acids all around the caves entrance, from top to bottom, she then laid inside the cave tired from walking all day without finding the murderer, she was mentally exhausted rather than physically since she had to steel herself many times, although she ate the inmates with gusto, she still hesitated later on but got over it along the way.

Panda Empire, Military HQ.

"Meng meng, do you think what we did to Lizzy was right? she won't escape and try to get revenge on us right?" Tai Cheng stated with worry.

"Cheng cheng, don't worry and stop worrying, she got sent to prison remember and we got a lot of benefits, the boss paid us for doing so and the one who hired him even paid us, let's just enjoy the money once all of this is over" Diao meng.

"Okay, so what class did you get Meng meng? we all have some unique selections, I for one chose to be an Alchemist" Tai Cheng.

"Oh me? I chose the class strategist" Diao meng.

"Nice choice, we could help each other in the back lines then" Tai Cheng smiled at Diao meng.

'Hehe fool, my class is enchantress, and all I need to do to get what I want is activate my skill Love Sick' Diao mengs inner dialogue.