Since the disastrous hike on Sunday that made things fifty times worse for Eden's broken heart, she had accomplished quite a few things on Aubrey's master list of distractions. She started learning sign language using online video lessons, made dozens of origami butterflies, crocheted a scarf, and played about fifteen hours of this phone game involving merging magical objects. 

They didn't do much to help. Her brain was still free to wander into the world of overthinking. 

But Aubrey had put so much effort into coming up with the list that she didn't dare say anything. That was how she found herself spending an entire day devoted to baking bread products. 

So far, they had at least started to make a loaf of plain white bread, soft pretzels, cinnamon rolls, and bagels. There was an awful lot of rising involved so they had been at this for hours with little reward yet.