You Don't Have To Worry About That

Megan licked her ice cream cone absently for a few minutes before broaching the subject of why they were actually here. "We should probably come up with some sort of story about how we met and do some basic get-to-know-you questions so we can pull off a believable act."

Troy had been thinking about it on and off throughout the rest of his shift this morning and had a few ideas. It wasn't much harder to come up with this than it had been to come up with a bogus story for Jonah to fake moving across the country. Though that really wasn't something to be proud of. 

"If you don't mind, we could say that we met at one of my shows. Since you are a fan, after all," he suggested. 

She didn't seem to mind at all. "Good idea. Then we could say we bonded over a shared love of music if anyone asks. Are you good at improvising?"

He sort of had to be during the whole mistaken identity mess. He was better than the average person with no acting training.