I'm Not That Good An Actor

Troy finished his ice cream and wondered what else there was to say. He should probably give Megan more information about the reunion and the people she would be meeting…and he needed to warn Jonah and Eden about their act because they obviously knew how single he was. 

This whole thing might go over better if the three of them got to meet beforehand so they wouldn't screw things up accidentally either. The reunion wasn't really that far away so the only times he would be seeing them both before then were hiking Saturday afternoon and going out to eat the following Wednesday. 

"Are you busy next Wednesday evening?" he asked. 

Megan nodded apologetically. "Yeah, I have a performance that night. Why do you ask?"

"I want you to meet Jonah and Eden before the reunion so they don't mess things up for the act but the only other time I'll be seeing both of them in the next week and a half is hiking on Saturday. You probably don't want to do that."