Don't You Dare Apologize

Eden pulled Jonah to his feet and, as she dragged him away, she heard offended yells from the people she insulted mingled with Troy's hysterical laughter. They had better things to do than be here right now. She had more than accomplished her mission for the night. 

"We're supposed to say hi to Brendan and Max," he said in a daze. 

They didn't have time for that! They were making a dramatic exit before the program officially started! "Where are they?"

"Over there." He pointed to a table on the other side of the room. 

Eden marched him over there. "Which of you guys are Brendan and Max?"

Two rather confused men raised their hands but only one spoke up. "Uh…we are. You're Jonah's fiancée, right? I've seen your picture on Facebook."

"Yes I am," she said proudly. "We wanted to say hi before we left. I'm afraid something important has come up so we have to head out."