Mindy Lavell

Troy hadn't sat down with people he knew bullied Jonah in high school on purpose. When he and Megan first arrived, they sat at an empty table because they were some of the first ones there. 

She had already given him another pep talk about how success should be measured by the impact you make rather than how much money you have on the car ride there so he was feeling like he could handle this. But that was before Mindy Lavell—the girl that asked Jonah to prom in order to get closer to him that resulted in him getting suicidal again—decided to park herself directly across from him. 

He had thought she was cool at first, though he hadn't really known her since she was in the AP track with Jonah. They had shared several classes over the years as opposed to the single P.E. class she had with Troy. 

Jonah had been so excited that she was being nice to him too because normally girls didn't want to touch him with a ten-foot pole. Troy had been happy for him.