Do You Ever Think About The Consequences Of Your Actions At All?

For reasons Troy couldn't fathom, his old nemesis decided to sit down at this table too. With Avery Cavendish. Even better! Had they met up at the entrance or something and decided to come torment him? 

That left only two spots available. This was possibly the worst table for Jonah to sit at but hadn't the whole point of him coming here been for Eden to set people straight? 

Megan, sensing his intentions, handed him her purse. He set it down on the chair directly next to Sam and stuck his foot on the one next to him to no one else would take them. This should be an interesting show. 

And, boy, was it! Jonah and Eden showed up after a few minutes of horribly painful small talk with Blake as Sam and Avery stared daggers into him. They were definitely here to cause trouble or they would have chosen a different table.