WebNovelThe 7254.55%

Tatted up

Now I am sure that stasis is not as cool as I thought. I thought it would heal my injuries but it feel like it just numbs it.

I'm in this dark void currently and all I feel is an itching sensation over my body and especially in my eye. Weirdly it's pitch black so I don't know if I can still see through it. The blur really messed it up.


A light blue circle appeared behind me. It was a literal light blue circle with no depth, face or any sentient structure. But I was weirdly able to hear its voice.

[You may call me Raz. I am the administrator of this new sector. Before you ask any questions, I will lay out important information first. Understand?]

I nodded slowly, the circle or Raz was basically like a cosmic Alexa it's voice was monotone and robotic in some ways.

[Your world has been found and assisted by the Razlarchy of the 456th Chaos Cycle. This means it is not the world you have experienced before.]

[Currently 4,987,765,888 lives have been lost in the transition. 788,456,298 lives have been lost in the selection of the Raza Council.]

[The Raza Council is a board of the strongest individuals in a given sector, tasked with the protection and leadership of that sector]

[Combat potential was roughly evaluated through observation of your fighting ability and aptitude while on the isle]

[In 500 seconds you need to choose your title and moniker as well as where to put your Mark of Raza, a sign and mark that you are a part of the Raza Council]

A holographic keyboard appeared in front of me with a question on the holographic screen.


It seemed like a simple question but it felt heavier than it seemed. This wasn't something that a random person will call me, it was a large portrait describing who I was to those that were worthy.

So I thought back to my worst fights, The battles to the death that really pushed me further. All I could think about is an old folk story my grandmother used to tell me.

"There once was an old dragon seeking to conquer the world

He went to the Forrest and conquered the trees

He went to the volcanoes and conquered the lava

He went through the caves and conquered the mountain

He went to the seas and conquered the mighty storm

He went to the lake and could not conquer it

The stillness of the lake reflected his deep desires and motive for living

The dragon could not defeat what it could see in the lake"

The Stillness of the Isle

There was a nice ring to it

I typed it into the cosmic computer, "of the Isle" was already filled in.

The computer turned to a screen asking for a moniker.

[This will be your name on the leaderboard and what council members call you]

I typed in "chicken nugget" but it did not go through

I guess it has to be somewhat serious for a 12 Council Member

Well, the only thing I could think of that has a relationship with my power is inertia.

I typed in Mr.Inertia and it wasn't accepted. It somehow knows that I want to place a funny name and rejects all my great names. I type in "Inertia" and it actually goes through.

[Point to where you would like your Mark of Raza]

A mirror appeared in front of me

It is the first time seeing myself after what feels like years.

My hair was nappy in some places, and my eye was scarred.


How can I see without my right eye? It looked scarred and gray. I guess this weird void is some kind of alien technology that allowed me to see.

I looked up and down my body. I was completely naked in the mirror. I looked bigger, not powerlifter big but like a swimmer or sprinter. My muscles were slim and defined like marble. I don't know how long I was in the maze or the Isle but there were definite benefits.

I didn't know where I wanted the mark but a funny anime idea came to mind

"Hey blue circle, can you put the mark in my eye?"

"It will not restore function within your eye, it will function almost cosmetically to set you apart from lower agents in your sector"

"Yea I figured, will the mark glow and have a cool symbol?"

"It can be in moments when someone challenges your seat or when your emotional state is under distress. The mark simply shows the number of your seat."

"Then yea, I want it right on my eye"

"Very well, you will go into stasis and held there until everyone on the council is ready."

"Aww, stasis ag-"

Then I blacked out