I opened my eyes to a round table of darkened figures. Their faces were all darkened and couldn't tell much besides gender. And even that was only based on body size.
"Going from 12 to 1 you will all introduce yourselves by moniker and title"
I wondered if I was 12 until a figure stood up from his/her chair
"Hello, you can call me Fanalis, I am the Inevitability of the Isle."
Hearing the person, it was clear it was a female. She was clearly an anime fan. I thought the Fanalis were a race of people, but I guess she liked the name. She has strong legs or pink hair.
She sat back down abruptly as number 11 stood up.
"Hey party people, you can call me Zeus, and I'm the Storm of the Isle."
The party guy was clearly a lightning freak. And he kinda sounded like a douche you would meet at parties.
He did not immediately sit down but continued to try to talk to people and ask questions that none of us knew the answer to. Finally, after a silent crowd, he sat down. Number 10 stood up
"I am the Traveler, and my title is the Nomad of the Isle"
This voice was female and nervous but there was clear confidence at the same time. I wondered what her class was. Maybe she also had strong legs and liked to run everywhere.
After 10, 9-4 stood up and introduced themselves. I'm pretty sure Andre and Sam are also on the council but I can't be sure, the blurry disguises are pretty effective.
One of the big surprises is that I am number 3. Number 4 was a huge figure called the Hill and his title is the Shield of the Isle. Definitely some sort of tank but it's just a great guess.
I thought I was competent but I didn't think I was top 3 competent. In the fight with the blur, it was clear I had no clear fighting style or martial prowess. I guess my power has even more upsides than I originally guessed.
I stood up calmly and spoke
"Y'all can call me Inertia and I am the Stillness of the Isle."
No one really moved or had any crazy reaction. I sat down and number 2 stood up.
"I am R- I mean, Tinnitus, and I am the Shriek of the Isle."
She sat down and number 1 stood up. All body language shifted. Even I turned to see who number 1 was.
" I am Freak Zone but you guys can call me King of the Isle"
It's like he tried to be domineering and seem powerful but it really had no effect on me. I honestly had to hold in a laugh after he said the King of the Isle.
"Now that the introductions have concluded, time to get to why you all are here," the blue circle said