The mansion part 3: The Unexpected Fight!!

Ariel, appraise them!

{Notice: Appraisal completed successfully!}


Name: Cony piercer. Level: 10 age:28

Social stats: Mercenary hired as a guard.

Class: Spear fighter.

Title: Non.

Health: 45

Mana: 20

Stamina: 50

Strength: 14 ,Dexterity: 24 ,Speed: 21 , Magic: 10 ,Luck: 9

Constitution: 20 ,Wisdom: 12 ,Intelligence: 9 ,Charisma: 14 ,Will: 17


[Spear art: 11].


Name: Freid baster. Level: 10 age 31

Social stats: Mercenary hired as a guard.

Class: Heavy swordsman.

Title: Non.

Health: 64.

Mana: 21

Stamina: 75

Strength: 26 ,Dexterity: 16 ,Speed: 15 , Magic: 8 ,Luck: 12

Constitution: 26 ,Wisdom: 12 ,Intelligence: 10 ,Charisma: 13 ,Will: 14


[Greatsword arts: 14].


In terms of personal powers they are individually weaker than Lydia and Alva, but can I really take on both of them?

{Notice: It's possible, even if you were to die, the skill [Plot armor] will use one of the disposable lives -Lydia, Alva- so you can survive.}

Connor remembered the cursed skill he has, A surge of anger sparked within him but faded quickly!

Can I win without the [plot armor] skill? What are my chances?

{Notice: In a sword battle you have a 20% chance of winning and going for 'Cony' first makes it 30%. In a magic battle, 40% and going for 'Cony' first while focusing on ranged battle makes it 60%. Lastly, going all out gives you 60%, and focusing on 'Cony first makes it 90%.}

Tch!... I don't have that much of a chance since this is a duel.

{Notice: that's wrong!}

Huh? What do you mean?

{Notice: The training fights are duels, this is not! As per Alice's knowledge, this is a fight to protect what is important to you, going all out is the norm!}

Why did you tell me all that then?

{Notice: You said -chances-}

Oh! ok.


Inside the office, Roxanne is doing her work while munching on some carrots she stole from the kitchen, one can see her as a little rabbit eating.

A man wearing full plate armor entered the room without knocking on the door.

"I came to report!" He said, saluting Roxanne.

"So what did you find?" Roxanne asked.

"It was strange! I was observing him but got the feeling that I was being watched instead!" The man said in a worried voice.

"So you too!" Roxanne replied as if she was expecting what he had to say.

"What do you mean?" The man was surprised as well intrigued by what Roxanne said.

"I did send other people to observe him and they all said the same as you 'We were being watched', Normale people who encountered him said they felt that for a moment but the feeling faded after that!"

"So whatever it was, it was observing us since we were observing him?" The man asked.

"That's most probable! Stop investigating, we don't need to provoke it more than we need."

"As you order!" The man replied in a strong voice.

"Don't shout, Kage-oniichan is sleeping!" Roxanne told the man.

"Ah, sorry!"

Roxanne just remembered something, she looked the man in the eyes.

"By the way! you did tell the guard of the mansion about how the hero and his party looked so they can avoid conflict with them right?"

"I did not receive such an order!" The man replied, his face saying he understood something was wrong.

"Hurry and do that! before they would get themselves killed!" Alice shouted quietly at the man as he ran out of the room.

For god's sake, I just hope no one starts trouble with them.

Feeling like you're being observed, they say?

Did Connor realize they were observing him so he did the same? No, he doesn't look the type to do that!

He did say he had a skill named [Ariel] that he can take to, right? then was it her?

No way, I never heard about a skill that can act on its own!

I probably should look more into it.


On the ring, Two armored men, one wielding a spear and the other one a Greatsword, Stood with smug looks on their faces.

Facing them is Connor with a vein on his forehead that is on the verge of exploding.

The weapons are real! this isn't a training match, this is a fight amongst lions.

The guards that are watching are anxious, some asking if this is alright? Who is the skinny-looking man? What kind of strength does he have to be rolling three women at the same time?

A man approached.

"The fight will now start! killing is forbidden, you win if your enemy can't fight or surrender. Understood?"

Connor and the two men agreed with a silent nod.

[Martial art], [Enchantment Magic] Connor took the initiative aiming at Cony first.

He ran directly toward Conny at a terrifying speed using his Enchantment skill.

Cony didn't move but just waited for Connor to get Close enough.

[Spear art: maneuvering]

When Connor got in Cony's range, Cony used his spear as a jumping pole and jumped above Connor from a still position and landed behind him!

Freid who was behind Cony is now swinging his sword at Connor while Cony tries to stab from behind. A pincer attack!

[Greatsword art: Cleaving], [Spear art: spinning thrust].

As Connor realized that his charging blindly was a mistake. He instantly jumped. With the enchantment magic, his jamp easily reached three meters high.

"You're not running away!!" Cony screamed.

[Spear art: upward thrust]... but before he could launch his attack, a pillar of dirt emerged from the ground underneath his feet.

"This bastard can use magic!?" Freid shouted.

The pillar raised high enough for Connor to land on it.

Connor slowly lifted his arms to the sky.

"[Chaos Magic: Falling of light and dark] Die!!" Then Connor silently cast [Light Magic: orb of light], [Dark Magic: orb of darkness] and mixed them together to make them look fancy and hurled them at Freid.

Of course, this was a bluff to scare him, and he felt for it.

As Freid saw this weird orb of doom flying toward him alongside the wicked smile on Connor's face he felt really threatened and ran out from it.

If this orb touched me I would be doomed.

Connor didn't waste time and jumped at Cony with his sword drawn.

[Spear art: Block] Cony blocked Conner downward slash.

As Connor's slash was blocked he instantly lifted his sword back up.

[Mace art: Hammering the nail] and with a scream, Connor started sending strike after strike at Cony, No elegance, no fancy movement, no swordsmanship. Just pure infiltrated violence, like a crazed monkey, swinging a stick at someone.

That isn't how you use swords, Cony thought as he blocked all of Connor's attacks.

[Spear art: Spinning block], [Spear art: smooth thrust]

Cony spun his spear disarming Connor and with the same motion stabbed him in the left arm.

"You're an inexperienced kid!" Cony said with confidence.

[Mace art: Heavy hit], [Wind Magic: Shockwave], [Lightning Magic].

Connor delivered a right punch directly into Cony's torso.

BOOOM!! A loud shattering noise rang throughout the training ground.

Cony was sent flying, his armor is pieces. Crushing directly into the crowd.

"Ahhhh!!! Fuck! that Hurts!" Connor screamed.

His right hand is bleeding like crazy.

Cony's spear was still stuck on Connor's left hand.

{Notice: Multiple broken wounds and damaged tissues on the right arm due to the shock with Cony's armor. Major damage to the artery on the left hand due to the spear wound.

Healing the right arm to stop bleeding is recommended.

Taking the spear from the left arm and healing it with magic to stop the bleeding is recommended.}

Shut up for a moment, ahh, I don't feel good.

Brruhhhh, Brruhhhh. Connor started throwing up!

{Notice: Rescanning...

Notice: Internal damage due to the heavy shockwave and the recoil, internal bleeding discovered. Healing is a must or death within 20 min is inevitable!

Heal yourself NOW!!}

OK! OK! [Healing magic] Are you happy now?

{Notice: Skill requirement met, Acquiring the skill [Pain resistance].

[Pain resistance: Level 1] added to the list.

Skill requirement met, Acquiring the skill [Sword art].

[Sword art: Level 1] added to the list.

[Mace Arts: Level 1]==>[Mace Arts: Level 3]

[Enchanting Magic: Level 9]==>[Enchanting Magic: Level 10]

[Martial arts: Level 4]==>[Martial arts: Level 6]

[Wind Magic: Level 2]==>[Wind Magic: Level 3]

[Destruction: Level 6]==>[Destruction: Level 8].}

Oh…[Pain resistance].

{Notice: Taking the spear stuck in your arm is recommended for healing.}

It still seems that I can't move my right arm, is that normal?

{Notice: Healing magic was able to stop the bleeding but wasn't able to fix shattered bones! Even if you used all your mana, healing all your broken bones is still impossible!}


"Do your best, if you lose you will lose me too, remember!" Lydia is cheering for him.

"Aren't you a little harsh on him?" Alva asked.

"Not at all! It's his responsibility now!" Lydia responded with a serious face.

"That's aside, isn't he stronger than the last time we saw him fight?" Alva asked.

"Yeah! I don't know if it's the result of Kinryuu's gift or just that he has a terrifying growth speed!" Lydia answered.

"He is the hero after all!" Alva said.

Alice is quietly praying behind them.


If this is my condition then how is that bastard?

{Notice: No Experience was acquired, he is still alive. Most likely getting healed outside the ring!}

Good, I don't want to become a killer yet!

Now how do I take this spear out? this is the only way!

Connor started slowly pulling the spear with his teeth while growling in pain.

{Notice: [Pain resistance: Level 1]==>[Pain resistance: Level 2]}

"FUCK!!! Ahhh!" Connor screamed in pain as he took the spear out.

As The spear was taken out blood started gushing out of the wound like crazy.

[Healing magic].

{Notice: The wound was too big, healing magic wasn't able to fully close the wound!}

Shit, should I wrap it with something?

{Notice: DODGE!}

Connor rolled instinctively as he heard Ariel warning.

A giant steel sword crushed where his head was.

"This is…!" before he could finish his sentence a steel boot crashed into his face.

Connor was sent rolling with a bloodied face.

Freid!! The jig was up!

Without any waiting, Connor started running in the same direction he was rolling.

I must keep my distance.

Shit, my vision is blurry and I can't breathe that easily!

{Notice: Damage to the nose, jaw, and teeth. Healing is recommended to stop the bleeding.}

I know! [Healing magic].

Connor's vision slowly returned.

Freid is a fair distance away from Connor.

I was right, he is slower than me. I would be alright if I kept my distance.

[Fire Magic: fire bullet]

Freid easily deflected the fired bullet.

I'm still bleeding, I should finish this quickly!


"Oof! That looked painful, I hope it won't leave any scars!" Alva said.

"He is dead!" Alice said.

"You're damn right!" Lydia agreed.

Freid just got both Lydia and Alice seeking to end his life.

Connor-sama, I pray for your victory. Alice prayed


{Notice: Normal ranged magic won't take him down, try combined magic!}

Ok let's do that, firstly I need to restrain him.

Connor stopped and turned toward Freid.

Freid kept running to catch up to Connor, not knowing what awaited him.

[Earth magic: mold earth].

The dirt started rising, engulfing Freid from his feet up.

No matter how he slashed or struggled, the dirt that restrained him kept regenerating.

"What is this, Hooi, you bastard, what is this magic?!" Freid yelled.

"You better surrender, I don't know if you could survive this!"

"Wait! what?" Freid said.

Using [Magic control] to keep the magic stable.

Now with [Earth magic: stone shell] to create a tank shell while increasing its durability with [Enchanting magic], filling the inside with [Fire magic: explosion] and [Lighting magic: Lightning bolt], [Wind magic: Current flow] to accelerate the shell and stabilize its trajectory.

Finally some spices with [Destruction].

Connor's body started to glow blue faintly as mana began to leave his body.

The air slightly vibrated as the shell formed from the magical sparks.

Oi oi oi! That looks dangerous, killing isn't allowed you know? Freid thought.

"Wait! Wait! I surrender, don't shoot that thing!" Freid cried as he desperately scoped the dirt restraining him.

The glow on Connor's body faded as his mana was fully transferred to the shell.

"Combined Magic: Shell Shock!!!" Connor shouted as he released the spell.

The shell flew with a whistling sound through the air.

As he saw his end coming Freid closed his eyes.

The shell passed just a few centimeters to his right, just the air pressure was enough to blow his right eardrum.

The shell crashed a few meters behind him, the shock from the impact was strong enough to shatter pieces of the ground, what followed immediately was the explosion of fire and lightning that was charged in it.

The horrifying sound of the explosion was heard throughout the entire town, as people in the training ground hid their faces instinctively.

The head guard sent by Roxanne heard the explosion and started running toward the training ground, praying that nobody was dead.

"Hhh!" Connor laughs lightly.

"I suppose I just can't kill someone!" Connor adds up.

"I can finally understand why she liked explosions!" Connor said as he fainted from mana exhaustion.

"Connor-sama!!" Alice rushed to the ring, Alva, and Lydia in tow, then she immediately started healing Connor's wounds.


Connor slowly opened his eyes, feeling a horrible headache.

His vision is blurry but soon cleared out, his whole body is heavy.

"Connor-sama please don't move too much! you did have a mana backlash while wounded!" Alice, who was sitting on a chair beside Connor's bed, replied.

"Is that so? It feels like a horrible hangover!" Connor replied in a pained voice.

"How do you feel, do you need something?" Alice asked.

"Kinda hungry to be honest, something to eat will do the trick!"

"Ok! A shall bring you something." Alice said as she exited the room.

Alva and Lydia, who were standing guards at the door, hurried to ask her about Connor's condition.

He will be alright, she told them.

"I'm going to bring him something to eat, Alva, come with me! Lydia, you stay inside with him and if anyone dares forcefully intrude, kill them on the spot!" Alice ordered.

"You don't need to tell me that. He fulfilled his role protecting me! now it's my turn to fulfill my own role!" Lydia response.

"I'm counting on you!" Alice made her way to the kitchen alongside Alva.

With a towering shield, a mace that was too heavy for a normal person to wield.

Cladded in shining steel armor from head to toe.

She stood in front of the bed in silence observing the surroundings meticulously.

"Hello, Why are you armed to the teeth?" Connor asked Lydia who stood in front of his bed.

"Protecting you in your weakened status is my duty, as it's yours to do the same." She replied.

"O...ok! thank you, but is there really a danger? We are in the city lord mansion!" Connor asked.

"Nobles, royalty, aristocrats, the most common place they get killed in is their own houses! So we can't let our guard down, especially when you're the hero!" Lydia replied.

"Ok then, I will leave it to you!" Connor said as he relaxed.

Ariel, you here?

{Notice: Of course!}

Can you show me my stats, I remember them leveling in the fight.

{Notice: OK!}


Name: Connor . Level: 02

Age: 24 Race: Human.

Social status: The master of the Von Eric family.

Class: Hero.

Titles: Toxic gamer, Another world traveler, Tamer, Partner of the gold dragon Kinryuu.

Health: 110/120

Mana: 2/372

Stamina: 10/131

Strength: 21 ,Dexterity: 25 ,Speed: 28 , Magic: 27 ,Luck: 16

Constitution: 26 ,Wisdom: 23 ,Intelligence: 31 ,Charisma: 25 ,Will: 29

Martial art Skills:

[Martial arts: Level 6],[Mace Arts: Level 3], [Throwing: Level 1],[Sword arts: Level 1], [Pain resistance: Level 3],

Evocation Skills:

[Fire Magic: Level 4], [Water Magic: Level 2], [Wind Magic: Level 5], [Earth Magic: Level 6], [Lightning Magic: Level 11], [Light Magic: Level 2], [Dark Magic: Level 2], [Pure Magic: Level 1], [Enchanting Magic: Level 12], [Sound Magic: Level 2], [Magic Control: Level 8].

Restoration Skills:

[Holy Healing Magic: Level 4], [Holy Detoxification Magic: Level 1]

Taming Skills:

[Taming: Level 2], [Shapeshift: Level 1].

Draconic blood Skills:

[Draconic physic: Level 1], [Draconic senses: Level 1], [Draconic stomach: Level 1]

Ariel Skills:

[Ariel: Level 15]= [Appraisal], [Sentient]

Hero Skills:

[Patreon of the holy maiden: Level 2]

Blessings from the god of creation:

[Plot armor: Level 1], [Destruction: Level 11], [HeAw%=DeLoAw%: Level Unknown].


The hell? have they increased again? and why do I have Alice's skills?

{Notice: As she was healing you, I managed to use the holy maiden link and get her skills, since they were skills she got by linking to you in the first place.}

By the way did my skill menu appearance change?

{Notice: I just rearranged the skill by their type so it is easier to read!}

Thanks for your hard work.

Alice also healed my wound, I should probably that her when she returns.

Healing is one thing, but what am I going to do with my mana capacity? it is high compared to everyone I have seen so far but I still feel as if it isn't much.

Hey Ariel, is there a way to farm mana?

{Notice: Mana isn't a plant, you can't farm it!}

No No, I meant if I can increase my maximum mana level!

{Notice: There are multiple ways mana can be increased.

1- Leveling up. observed when you leveled up.

2- Getting it from a strong being. observed when you got the gift from kinryuu.

3- Using the skill [Pure magic] and [Magic control] to suck the mana from the air, found from your skills.

4- Mana recovery potion to quickly restore your mana. From Alice's memories.

5- Magic items that store mana. From Alice's memories.

7- switching into a diet full of mana!. By eating monster flesh over a long period of time you will start absorbing their mana. The downside is that a normal monster's flesh is poisonous to humans and eating it results in death. The skill [Draconic stomach] allows you to eat it and only suffer food poisoning, diarrhea, and stomach pain.}

I take the third and seventh options.

[Pure magic: Mana circulating], [Magic control: Pure magic efficiency increase].

{Notice: Mana recovery speed increased!}

As for eating monster meat, I will try it slowly.

But for real! All you need in this world is to be born with the right set of skills and you will become overpowered.

{Notice: That is not true! In this world, people aren't directly born with skills!! They are born with the capacity to hold them, but they still have to work hard to get them. You're the only one Alice saw that can pop new skills like nothing.

Combined magic is also not something that anyone can do, this is also one of the reasons Alice is assigning Lydia to guard you.

Mages will start targeting you for knowledge, some will approach you kindly while some will try taking it by force. some will even try making deals with you for it.}

But I just use the skills to cast magic. I don't have any knowledge.

{Notice: You have! the knowledge from your old world, no one in this world knows about tanks, and their shells work beside you! The "Science" Knowledge from your other world is what fuels your powers!}

So you can use skills to cast magic, but there are also things that need you to know how they work to be able to cast them.

{Notice: True.}

Wait a moment, thinking about it in reverse. If I have knowledge all I need is mana to cast the magic?!

Ariel, since you already looked into my memories you know what I'm about to ask right?

{Notice: Yes, you can!}

I'm talking about going Nuclear, is it possible!

{Notice: I told you yes! all you need is more than 3200 mana to cause small nuclear fission!}

This definitely a forbidden knowledge to this world. if it got out mages will be flying around throwing nukes on everything in their path.

Alice then entered the room followed by Alva and a maid holding Connor food on a big plate.

As Connor finished his food, it was almost dusk.

Ahh~, I finally recovered some mana so my head isn't hurting, all I need now is a drink.

Yeah! I should take a drink and go visit Dolrig, dwarfs like Alcohol right?

After that, I have to watch Getting spanked by Alice.

And lastly, the talk with Alice, I will have a long night.

Connor got out of the room followed by Lydia.

"Why are you following me?" Connor asked.

"A guard should be assigned to you at all times, Alva is protecting Alice, and I'm protecting you!" She replied.

"Well, that makes sense! I was thinking of buying a drink and visiting Dolrig."

"That's a good Idea, dwarfs really like their drinks. Alice left Allowance for you to spend here!" Lydia handed a pouch filled with coins.

{Notice: 4G 40S 30C.} Airel Counted the money.

"I should find a job fast, I don't feel right taking an allowance from someone who is younger than me!" Connor complained.

"You're the hero, the country will sponsor you but you can still work as an adventurer!" Lydia said.

"Let's go, Dolrig is waiting!" Connor said as they walked out.

They went outside the mansion and headed toward the town center.

Apparently, Alice has something to talk about with Kage and Roxanne. So she is staying in the mansion.

Connor and Lydia spent some time looking into the shops searching for alcohol.

They only found wine, ale, and mead.

Connor was disappointed that he didn't find any beer.

Dwarfs like ale and mead, but they don't like humans' fancy wine.

They usually just fill a large mug with mead and drink in one go.

The shopkeeper said that a dwarf told him.

After workin' in me forge, notin' beats a full belly and some cold mead. give me the energy to wake up and work in the morn!" he said.

"That weird speech pattern! Did the dwarf you met spoke like that?" Connor asked.

"Yes he was a traveler, a dwarf that lived with humans for a long time usually speaks normally!"

"So how much do you think a dwarf can drink in one night?" Connor asked.

"It varies from one individual to another, but usually half a barrel of mead a night!"

"WTF? Half a barrel, are you serious? those barrels look as if they can hold up to 5 gallons!" Connor said.

"That's just how dwarfs are! and that is the reason they have so many talented blacksmiths. Since if they aren't they won't be able to afford their drinks." The owner laughed.

Connor and Lydia bought a barrel and headed toward the church where Dolrig was resting.

Tomorrow we will continue our travel toward The Von Eric domain.

By what the meadery owner told us, Dwarfs seem like short, thirsty Vikings.

Maybe visiting their Cities will be fun, on a quest to find beer!

Ariel, can you show me my status again? I want to see how my mana is doing.

Name: Connor . Level: 02

Age: 24 Race: Human.

Social status: The master of the Von Eric family.

Class: Hero.

Titles: Toxic gamer, Another world traveler, Tamer, Partner of the gold dragon Kinryuu.

Health: 120/120

Mana: 210/372

Stamina: 110/131

Strength: 21 ,Dexterity: 25 ,Speed: 28 , Magic: 27 ,Luck: 16

Constitution: 26 ,Wisdom: 23 ,Intelligence: 31 ,Charisma: 25 ,Will: 29

Martial art Skills:

[Martial arts: Level 6],[Mace Arts: Level 3], [Throwing: Level 1],[Sword arts: Level 1], [Pain resistance: Level 3],

Evocation Skills:

[Fire Magic: Level 4], [Water Magic: Level 2], [Wind Magic: Level 5], [Earth Magic: Level 6], [Lightning Magic: Level 11], [Light Magic: Level 2], [Dark Magic: Level 2], [Pure Magic: Level 1], [Enchanting Magic: Level 12], [Sound Magic: Level 2], [Magic Control: Level 8].

Restoration Skills:

[Holy Healing Magic: Level 4], [Holy Detoxification Magic: Level 1]

Taming Skills:

[Taming: Level 2], [Shapeshift: Level 1].

Draconic blood Skills:

[Draconic physic: Level 1], [Draconic senses: Level 1], [Draconic stomach: Level 1]

Ariel Skills:

[Ariel: Level 15]= [Appraisal], [Sentient]

Hero Skills:

[Patreon of the holy maiden: Level 2]

Blessings from the god of creation:

[Plot armor: Level 1], [Destruction: Level 11], [HeAw%=DeLoAw%: Level Unknown].

Oh, nice! Seems like it's recovering pretty quickly.

With this, I will be able to fight more often without passing out.