The mansion part 4: The Start of a Long Night!!

As Connor and Lydia got in front of the church a sister saw them.

"The... The Hero-sama, What… I mean! How can I be of help to you?"she stuttered.

"Calm down! I just came to check on Dolrig, that's all!" Connor said.

"You overreacted to Connor even though you should have met him this morning before the speech, what's that about?" Lydia asked.

The sister averted her eyes as if she was caught doing something she shouldn't.

"A few hours ago two men were carried inside, one was beaten to death and the other one was terrified as if he saw a devil. Mary-sensei said they opposed the hero and ended up like that. She then gave us a long lecture about not going against your will no matter what." She told Connor what happened.

"Is that a reason to act like this though?" Lydia asked.

"Mary-sensei insisted to not tell you, unless you asked directly about what she told us we should answer truthfully saying it's better to seem genuine!" The sister said.

"Well it was true that I beat those two but they went too far, they tried to lay their hands on my wife!" Connor said proudly.

"T...The Holy maiden?!!" She exlaimend in suprise tha there are some stupid people enough to for the holy maiden.

"No, her!" Connor said while pointing with his thumb at Lydia who was standing beside him.

"Ara-ma… You playboy! wife you said! were still not married yet!" Lydia said with a blush as she smacked Connor in the back.

"Wait her? everyone thinks it's you and the holy maiden?" The sister asked.

"She is too young for my taste! she needs to be at least 24 years old!" Connor said with a smug face.

"I don't have a problem with him taking a second wife as long as like her too!" Lydia add up.

"Then if you're going that route, can I join too? I'm 24 years old?" The sister said jokingly.

"NO! Aren't you asking the wrong person?" A hard and serious refusal came from none other than Lydia.

"Calm down Lydia! She was joking. Remember she is a sister they aren't supposed to marry, Right?" Connor said, trying to calm Lydia who jumped in between him and the sister.

"He is right! I was joking!" The sister stated.

"Oh...Sorry I jumped to conclusions on my own." Lydia apologized.

"You said I was asking the wrong person, what did you mean?" The sister asked.

"Well of course, I'm The first wife so he won't be marrying a second one or taking a concubine without my approval of them!" Lydia declared.

"So you're monopolizing the hero all for yourself?" The sister said.

"It's not like that! Keeping up with him in the future will be hard for me, so I will ask him to take more partners but for now I will only let Alice-sama and Alva close to him!" Lydia said.

"That's true, if he's anything like the first hero. A single woman won't be able to contain his energy!" The sister said.

"Yeah! Even his descendants, men and women alike, are active like crazy!" Lydia said in an empty voice.

"Hey! Can you stop talking about me as if I'm not here!! we were here to visit Dolrig, not talk about the first hero!!" Connor said in an irritated voice.

"Oh!... Sorry about that I will leave you now since you know where the Dolrig room is." The sister said as she walked away.

As Connor and Lydia reached Dolrig room door Lydia felt something was off.

"I don't feel alright! The air is kinda heavy!" Lydia complained.

Ariel, Can you tell what Lydia is feeling since I don't feel anything!

{Notice: The air contains some cursed mana, the opposite of holy mana. Since Lydia is a paladin with holy attributes she feels uncomfortable being in the presence of cursed mana.

You don't feel the effect since you are breaking the mana around you and absorbing it to regenerate your mana.}

Never expected that from that combination of skills, does that mean I'm immune to it?

{Notice: You're far from immune, it's just that the concentration is low enough that you can break and absorb it!}

"Get in! I can sense your presence behind the door!" A strong and deep voice echoed from inside the room.

That was Dolrig calling them to enter, as Lydia felt discomfort by cursed mana apparently Dolrig felt something similar.

As Connor opened the Door he saw the figure of a short man with a huge belly sitting on the bed with his leg crossed.

The room was dark as night had fallen, only the faint moonlight was glimmering through the window.

The shirtless dwarf's eyes faintly glow red, as the tattoo that spread to his jacked left arms glows deep crimson.

"So my savior comes to check on me?" he slowly spoke.

"I didn't realize it before since you were very weakened, but now I'm certain that if you weren't someone that Connor saved I would be dropping my mace on your head on the spot!" Lydia said.

As Connor heard the shift in Lydia tong he turned to look at her face and what he saw was glowing golden eyes as she wore a serious look on her face.

Ariel cares to explain to me? I feel like if I don't do something those two might start to kill each other.

{Notice: From Alice memories.

Cursed mana is always associated with devils and the devils take their mana from hell and sinner in it. So it is usually used in bad deeds as the place it came from. it can also spawn from the negative emotion of creatures to fuel them.

Holy mana is always associated with gods and heaven. so it is usually used in good deeds. It can also spawn from the good emotions of creatures to fuel them.

Lydia is a paladin who draws her Holy Mana from her connection to the Holy maiden and also draws her Holy Mana from you, the hero she worships.

I can only send one entity in Dolrig so there is no devil involved in his Cursed mana, the source of the Cursed mana is probably past trauma or hatred.}

Think Connor, something to say.... anything will do… just don't spout out nonsense.

"Damn man, you look metal in the dark!" Ok, good job myself. Just after thinking I shouldn't I said something stupid.

"I don't understand what you mean but we dwarf pride ourselves in our metal creation so I will take that as a compliment!" Dolrig said.

"Anyway it's too dark here, I will light the room!" Connor said.

"Wait! not the candles! don't lit anything!!" Dolrig rushed he almost fell from the bed.

Connor realized what Dolrig meant, and responded at the spot.

"I'm not liting anything on fire!"

[Light magic: persisting orb of light]

An orb of light the size of fist appeared between Connor's hands. He directed it to stick close to the ceiling.

Now this looks like a normal lightbulb but without the wires.

Connor turned toward Dolrig.

"How about this? Nice isn't it?" Connor said with a smile.

Dolrig sat on the ground in relief.

He started playing with his beard as he looked at Connor's magic.

"This would have been useful in the mines I used to work in! also I smell something on you! hmm what did you bring?" Dolrig clearly is looking at the barrel of mead that Lydia was carrying.

Connor stared laughing as he saw Dolrig expression as he looked for a drink.

"Yeah! A barrel full of mead, we can drink as we wants!" Connor replied.

Lydia put the barrel down before exiting the room to bring some mugs.

Connor kept chatting with Dolrig about dwarfs.

"I want to ask you something if you don't mind?" Connor asked.

"You saved my life! just ask what you wants!" Dolrig said as he brushed his beard.

"You don't speak like the meadery owner described the dwarfs, why is that?"

"He was probably talking about dwarf that just started learning the human tongue, they can usually sound weird but I lived with human long enough to learn to speak properly!"

I can relate to that when I was learning Japanese language, I did sound dumb sometimes.

"Well this is the first time for me to see a dwarf! So I wanted to ask about your people!" Connor asked.

Better to know beforehand or I my end in trouble for something I didn't mean.

Dolrig started talking.

Humans are generally taller that us since we average at 4 feet tall, but we live longer than them! For like 400 years.

As is commonly known in human societies we are a race that love mining and smithing, it's just something that we like.

A big beard is a sign of wisdom and a huge belly is a sign of wealth and a well built arms shows how hard you work.

The dwarven people are as proud with their drinks as much as their weapons.

We don't really get along well with elves, mainly because of the rivalry in item creation and the fact that the elves forbid Alcohol in their land.

Connor asked with interest. Why do they hate alcohol so much?

Dolrig answered saying that those wimps are just too weak for alcohol and get drunk too fast.

Lydia returned with three large mugs, and they all drank until they emptied the barrel.

Dolrig was fine while Connor had to keep using Detoxification magic on himself and Lydia.

The mead was stronger than he thought.

"Say Dolrig, are you interested in joining us on our journey?" Connor asked.

"I was thinking of leaving Bluemill due to the recent event, but as you felt earlier I used Cursed mana! won't me tagging along irritate your comrades?" Dolrig pointed out.

Connor thought for a moment.

Ariel, what do you think?

{Notice: That won't be a problem, Alice and her paladins will accept whatever you do!}

"How do you feel about it Lydia?" Connor asked Lydia.

"I don't see where is the problem! he can join the party as long as he won't lay his hand on anyone." Lydia said.

-Hey Alice can you hear me?- Connor tried calling Alice using the holy maiden link.

-Yes! What do you need Connor-sama- Alice answered immediately.

-Well I wanted to let Dolrig join us but he uses Cursed magic, is that Alright with you and Alva there?- Connor asked.

-I don't mind, let me ask Alva about it-

Connor can only hear Alice speaking but not Alva.

-The dwarf that Connor-sama saved apparently can use Cursed magic, and he asks if that Alright with you?-


-What did you say? I'll whip your ass!- Alice said.

-Connor-sama she doesn't mind!- Alice talked to Connor.

-Hoi! Did you just threaten her?- Connor said as he suspected Alice.

-Yes I did! It doesn't matter if she likes it or not, it's if she can bear it or not!- Alice replied.

-What do you mean?- Connor asked as felt something off.

-Someone is clearly trying to cause problems in this town and you saving Dolrig derailed their plans! This is the hero's fate, and we need to follow you no matter what!- Alice added up.

-We can take the dwarf with us regardless of what he is or what he can do- Alice said.

-Ok then! I will take your word on it!!- Connor cut the call.

"Dolrig-san, welcome to the party!! everybody agreed, mostly" Connor said with half a smile.

{Notice: Dolrig brownbeard has been accepted by the hero.



Name: Dolrig Brownbeard. Level: 09

Social stats: Hero party member.

Class: Battle Smith.

Titles: Cursewilder, Dreadsmith, Devil Contractor.

Health: 46/46.

Mana: 45/45.

Stamina: 56/56.

Strength: 28 , Dexterity: 12 , Speed: 14 , Magic: 22 , Luck: 3

Constitution: 28 , Wisdom: 15 , intelligence: 17 , charisma: 18 , Will: 29


[Cursed Smithing: Level 24], [Curse manipulation: Level 7], [Cursed smite: Level 1].


"Wow! You got some new skills, most of them are Curse related though!" Connor said.

"Well That to be expected!" Dolrig laughed while slapping his large belly.

"We shall go now since I have other things to take care of! We will depart tomorrow after dawn, so come to the city gate so we can head to the Eric domain!" Connor said.

Connor stood up with Lydia.

After parting with Dolrig they returned to the mansion.

Alice was waiting in the room along with Alva.

"Lydia, sorry for troubling you after you just returned but can you stand guard at the door!" Alice asked Lydia who has just entered the room with Connor.

"Sure! But why?" Lydia asked.

"Nothing important, just going to whip Alva's ass as I promised!" Alice said with a smile.

That's nothing? Connor thought to himself.

"Oh right, she likes that! you can't break your promise to her!!" Lydia with a tired look.

Did I miss something? Connor looked at Alva but she averted her eyes.

Lydia walked to Connor and whispered in his ears.

""You will get used to it eventually!""

Wait what? What did I get myself into?

Lydia exited the room to stand guard outside.

Well I don't care anymore, I should just enjoy the show.

Lydia said I will get used to it but this life seems weird to me, not that I'm complaining.

Maybe the Boys have influenced me this much.

I wonder what they are doing, I'm starting to miss my previous life already.

{Notice: the suspicious buff-Oldman said that he stopped time there, so they aren't doing anything. Probably!}

You mean the God of creation?

{Notice: Yes, his whole presence was suspicious for me, and the skill [Plot Armor] is closer to a Curse than a blessing. I don't recommend trusting him that much!}

Didn't he give you to me? If he is a god then why did he do that? Are you telling me not to trust him now?

{Notice: All he did was give you the [Appraisal] skill! I was born from your soul as it was transferred and if you didn't have the [Appraisal] skill I would have started to show as a second personality.

If he was the one who made me I would have the entire world's knowledge but as you can see I'm a crystallization of your knowledge and those linked to you directly!}

Dropping bombshells on me like it's nothing, then what do you suggest I do?

{Notice: Confronting the god of creation should be our last goal. For the time being gathering powers and connections as the hero is recommended!

The so-called "Gods" of this world have gone through the trouble of adapting their whole religions to the hero, instead of directly helping him. That is suspicious with how much power a god should have.

The Cursed mana was just a different frequency of mana and not some evil power.

The same can be said about holy mana. They both can be turned back into normal mana with the combination of [Magic Control] and [Pure Magic].

Something isn't adding up!}

So you're saying that there is a major BS in this world. I don't want to deal with that!

{Notice: Firstly: They are either unable to see, contact, or directly interfere with you.

Devils stand as evil or good have not been confirmed.

Trust in the Gods, especially the Creation god is bad.

Strength and influence is needed to protect yourself.

This is just my Conclusion based on what we have now, things might change.}

I will take your warning to heart and I will focus on leveling up.

I want to be a hero, and a strong one at that!

Also it seems weird that we are talking about this before watching Alva's punishment.

{Notice: Alice is staring at you!}

Connor snapped out of his mind and as he looked up he saw Alice smiling in front of him.

"Connor-sama I called you twice, didn't you hear me?" Alice asked with a wicked smile.

Shit I zoned out. I should say something nice.

"Sorry, I was just thinking of what we should do after this!" Connor said.

Alice exhaled.

"Everything is ready! All that is left is to know what Alva should do for you, fighting for her!"

Connor looked toward the bed and saw Alva lying with her bottom sticking out.

She is still wearing her clothes though.

"I will save that for later, I don't save her once it is enough to get anything from her!" Connor said.

"Is that so? Well, then, let's start!" Alice said as she wiped the belt that was in her hand.

Alice slowly walked to Alva.

"I'm going to start!" She then proceeded to take Alva's pants off.

A White and Loose boxer-like pantsu were underneath.

I guess modern day tight panties haven't been invented here yet? no she showed us some pretty decent one today.

"Well firstly, nice ass you have there but I have a question for you!" Connor said as he was sitting on the couch directly behind Alva, Putting one leg on the other and spreading his arm.

"What do you mean by that!!" Alva's face was red as her hair as she replied to Connor with a forced smile.

"Your ass is 5/5, but the panties are bad 2/5 at best. Which makes this a 7/10 ass shot! I'm pretty disappointed!" Connor said in a criticizing voice.

"They are the ones I wear with my armor, moving in them is easier!" Alva replied while blushing.

"Enough talking I'm about to start!" Alice said as he used her left hand to fix Alva's position.

"Hey!!" Alice swung as fast as she could at Alva's ass, the belt made a whistling sound before impacting. CRACK!!


Wait! what? Connor thought to himself.

and the second hit. CRACK!!


This is… no it can't be!

The third hit. CRACK!!

"Ahhh~ a bit lower!" Alva said.

The fuck??

The fourth hit. CRACK!!


She is one of those people…

The fifth hit. CRACK!!

"Ahhhhh~" it was twitching!

A total masochist.

The sixth hit. CRACK!!

"Ahhh~ more!"

She enjoying it! Connor started to slowly regret ever asking to witness this.

The seventh hit. CRACK!!

"Ahhh~ Harder!" Alva seems to have forgotten that Connor is there.

What am I doing? I want to go home!

The eight hit. CRACK!!

"Ahhhh~ Harder!"

Connor walked slowly and took the belt from Alice's hands.

[Enchantment magic], [Martial arts].

Connor delivered the last two hits, with great strength and persuasion. They landed directly at the entrance of the cave between the two mountains.

"Ohhh~Ahhh~Ahh~~" while twitching Alva moaned one last time before passing out with a large weird happy face. The dam was Broken!


A few minutes later Alva woke up on the bed.

The memory of what happened returned to her.

Her face turned bright red as she saw Connor sitting on the couch with Alice.

"That was interesting to say the least!" Connor said.

"This wasn't the worst from her!" Alice commented.

"Kya~" Alva hid her head underneath the pillow like an ostrich in shame.

"Sticking it up, do you want more?" Alice said to Alva.

"NO! NO! NO!" Alva started.

Connor stood up.

"I will leave her to you, I'm going to take a bath." Connor said.

"Yes!" Alice replied.

"Lydia I'm going to take a bath to join?" Connor called Lydia.

"Of course!" she replied with agreement.

After helping Lydia take off her armor, they both headed to the bath.

Alice stayed with Alva.

"How do you feel?" Alice asked.

"Terrible!" Alva replied.

"But you enjoyed yourself, right?" Alice pointed out.

"This isn't the problem!!" Alva said, almost crying.

Alice pated the half-crying Alva on the head.

"The last hits were Connor's, you liked them more than mine! how about you just try enjoying it?" Alice asked.

"I told you that isn't the problem!" Alva replied.

"What a troublesome person you are, what will you do when he finds out about your other 'hobbies'?" Alice asked in a playful voice.

"You're one to talk!" Alva replied.

Alice laughed slightly as she stood up from the bed.

"I think I will join them in the bath! care to join??" Alice asked Alva.

"No way Connor is there!" Alva replied.

"We both never bathed together! don't you want to?" Alice asked.

"I want to, but Connor is there!" Alva complained.

"Then how about this, the further you go with Connor the further I will go with you?" Alice said.

"For real?" Alva said with anticipation.

Alice started walking toward the door.

"Wait for me! I need to find my change first!" Alva called back to Alice.

Alice returned to Alva and gave her a slight kiss on the forehead.

"That's a good girl!" Alice said.

Alva blushed a little before replying.



In the bath.

"Wow this is larger than the Inn's bath" Lydia said in amazement.

"You're right!" Connor agreed.

"Hero-sama, forgive me but it will take some time to heat the water. Can you please wait until then?" A maid who accompanied them to the bath said.

"No need for that! I can take care of it!" Connor replied.

"How?" the maid asked.

Connor extended his hand.

[Fire magic: Fire tube], [Water Magic: Water current].

A tube made of fire appeared and water started pouring from it into the large bathtub.

"Woo! I can make it bigger that last time!" Connor said in amazement.

"Puff...hahahaha! Using Combined magic to make a bath, that's our hero indeed!" Lydia fell to the ground laughing hysterically.

"For real?!" The maid wasn't able to believe her eyes.

Combined magic was rare and hard to achieve. Even court mages find it hard to achieve unless they use magic items like staffs, wands, and scrolls.

Usually they never show it to others saying it takes Considerable effort to cast and that it isn't some entertainment to be showing around.

Now this hero just casually used it to prepare hot water for a bath!

"I apologize for my remark earlier, I shall leave you two now!" The maid Apologized then left the bath.

Connor looked at the maid and the laughing Lydia in confusion.

What is the problem? Am I doing something strange?

{Notice: I shall explain!!…}

Ariel explained the situation to Connor.

After the preparation was done Connor and Lydia helped each other wash their backs.

They then entered the bathtub.

"Ah~ this is relaxing, especially after this long day!" Connor said as he was stretching.

"You're right!" Lydia was sitting next to Connor.

They heard some noise from the changing room.

Lydia looked at Connor.

"Maybe the maid had returned to take the clothes for the washing?" Lydia said.

"You're right." Connor replied.

A few moments later the Door opened and Alice entered the bath.

She was naked only hiding herself with a towel.

"Connor-sama! I came to join....wait, Kya~" as soon as he saw her Connor used [Water Magic: small water current] and started splashing her with cold water.

"Connor-sama! Wait!... please stop it cold!" Connor didn't stop and kept splashing her with an empty look on his face.

Alva entered after her, she was also naked only hiding herself with a towel. She was blushing clearly embarrassed.

"Wait! what are you doing to Alice-s...Kya~" before she could finish her sentence Connor started splashing her too with [Water Magic: water current].

"Stop! It's cold, why is mine bigger than Alice? Kya~" Connor kept splashing them.

Alva dropped her towel and bent over launching herself toward Connor.

As she ran toward him she slipped just before the bathtub.

[Water magic: water cushion] Connor caught Alva before she could smash her face on the ground.

"Don't jump in the bathtub before washing yourselves!" Connor said in a cold voice.

Connor stopped splashing both of them and then he asked.

"Who of you decided to come in here?"

"It was me!" Alice replied, "I just wanted to bath with Connor-sama!" she added.

Connor looked at Alva.

"I just wanted to bath with Alice-sama!" Alva replied.

"I don't mind seeing you both naked but you need to take Lydia's permission first right?" Connor said to the two women who were sitting on the ground now.

"But Lydia is barley laughing, so I don't think she mind it that much"

Connor turned toward Lydia to see her short of breath from laughing too much.

This one has problems too!!! Connor screamed inside his head.