Lydia had calmed down after laughing her ass off.
I'm just realizing how grave the situation is! Everyone here has serious problems! Including me of course.
He sighed as he accepted the fact that he is already here.
"Lydia, are you alright with them being here with us?" Connor asked Lydia.
"I don't really have a problem! I can't refuse the holy maiden and Alva doesn't have that much interest in you!" The answer was.
"You two wash yourselves before entering the water with us!" Connor said.
"Yes, Connor-sama!" Alice replied in a calm voice.
"Of course, I know how to bathe!" Alva sounded a bit irritated.
"By the way Alva, I wanted to say something!" Connor asked.
"What is it now?" Alva said as she turned toward Connor.
"Nice body!" Connor said with a perverted smile.
Lydia instantly slapped Connor on the face hard enough that his nose started bleeding.
Alva hurriedly picked her towel and covered herself.
"I totally forgot that we were naked!"
Alva remembered that Alice was also naked so she called to warn her.
"Alice-sama, here your towel!"
As Alva looked at her, Alice was spreading her arms and legs with a red face.
"Kya!!! Alice-sama what are you doing? Please cove yourself!!" Alva screamed.
"Connor-sama look!! What do you think???"Alice said with a shameful look on her face.
"As I said before, you're too young for my taste! but you still have a good look on you!" Connor said in a monotone voice not caring a bit for the naked Alice.
Alice:45% of the target body is inspected.
Lydia: 85% of the target body inspected.
Alva: 51% of the target body inspected.}
What Ariel are you inspecting them now?
{Notice: It seemed like a perfect opportunity to do so!}
Do you think it's a good idea to ask them to cooperate?
{Notice: You can try if you want! Alice and Lydia would accept, don't know about Alva though!}
Well, then I will try my luck!
"Do you remember my shapeshifting skill, can I inspect you to get enough information to morph?" Connor asked carefully so as not to sound weird.
"I don't mind, I'm your wife after all!" Lydia said.
"Please do, Connor-sama!" Alice said as she threw the towel that Alva just put on her.
"No way!" Alva replied.
As soon as she heard that Alice turned toward Alva with a sharp look in her eyes.
"What did you say? Did you forget what I told you earlier?" Alice has a pissed-off look on her face.
"Alice-sama we were then talking about the hero's will, but now he asked and gave a choice!" Alva said with a nervous attitude.
"Then if it was an order you will do it?" Alice asked.
"Yes!" Alva replied with slight hesitation.
"Then, this is an order! You…" SPLASH!!!
Connor interrupted Alice by splashing her with water.
"There is a clear difference between asking someone and forcing them! Alva is right. next time if you tried forcing her I would get angry for real!"
Alice was silent for a moment before speaking.
"Then as long as I leave the decision to her it's alright?"
"That's right!" Connor agreed.
Alice turned toward Alva.
"Do you remember what I said earlier in the room?" Alice said.
"Yes! and it isn't enough to do this!"
"Then what if I add that you can ask me to do one thing?" Alice said.
"Are you serious?" Ava said with a face full of anticipation.
"Don't you dare do anything funny!" Lydia said, clenching her fist.
"Lydia, please don't interfere no matter what! this is an order" Alice said.
"Then as you wish! just don't start crying!" Lydia replied.
Alice silently turned toward Alva.
"I'm serious! then what do you say?"Alice said.
Alva approached Alice and whispered something in her ears.
"Is this alright then?" Alva said.
"Well, I don't know how to feel about it but I accept!" Alice replied.
"YEAY!" Alva jumped in joy.
"Connor-sama, we resolved the problem! you can now inspect the three of us!" Alice said.
"I will then start with Lydia here, you two wash yourselves in the meantime," Connor said.
Lydia walked out from the bathtub and lay on the floor, waiting for Connor.
Connor approached her and started to meticulously check every corner of her body.
"I feel kinda weird doing this!" Connor said.
"Well, it was quite dark last night so you probably haven't seen much!" Lydia replied.
Connor was more fascinated with the muscular structure that Lydia has. wherever he puts his hand they are met with a sturdy muscle.
{Notice: Lydia 90%}
{Notice: Lydia 95%}
{Notice: Lydia 100%}
"That's it!" Connor said.
"Did you finish this quickly?" Lydia said.
"Yeah, since you are the one I had the most knowledge about!" Connor stressed the word Knowledge.
"Are you two finished yet?" Connor called Alva and Alice.
"Yes, I'm coming!" Alice replied as she headed toward Connor.
Alice was covering herself with a towel. Lydia grinds as she sees her.
"Chickening out now?" Lydia said.
"I'm not!!... it's just that I'm not prepared mentally!" Alice replied, her face bright red.
"You don't have to do this, you know?" Connor said in a gentle voice.
"That is convincing with the face you're making!!" Lydia commented.
"Let's just get this over with!!" Alva pushed Alice to the side and laid down in her place.
"Alva it's my turn!!" Alice said with a sad face.
"You prepare yourself mentally, I just want to get this over with!" Alva laughed it off.
"Well then, are you sure about this? you were against it!" Connor asked Alva again to confirm.
"Of course, if I did this I could get Alice to…" Alva stopped for a moment before continuing.
"Anyway, do what you want!! the reasons don't matter!" Alva said.
Lydia and Connor are looking at her with a doubtful face.
"Anyway, I'm starting!" Connor said.
Let's start with those two mountains, ohhhh! they are softer than I thought!
{Notice: Alva 55%}
Her arms look slender but they are firm, just moving them causes the mountains to shake.
{Notice: Alva 60%}
The hair is wet but you can tell how beautiful it really is! After taking a look at the inside of her mouth I can say that she has very healthy teeth for the medieval ages where the concept of brushing teeth didn't exist!
"How do you usually keep your teeth healthy?" Connor asked the laying Alva.
"When I notice any black spots I just get healing and detoxification magic cast on my mouth at the same time at a nearby church," Alva replied.
So churches here work as hospitals and religious places at the same time, probably I should have guessed that from the fact that Dolrig is staying in one.
{Notice: Alva 65%}
Let's check the abdomen, it's soft and flat.
Alva giggled.
"It's tickle!"
Wait! something is hiding under the soft skin, one, two, three, four, five, six, A Six pack! No, wait! this can't be!! Seven, eight!! there is more! nine, ten!!! A rare ten pack is hiding inside!.
"Hey Alva, would you mind tightening your muscles a little!" Connor asked.
She immediately tightened them up and a ten pack showed up.
Wow this is amazing Lydia has a six-pack that is visible all the time, but Alva's looks like it can spring in a flash with explosive power.
"How the hell do you train a pack like this?" Connor asked Alva as she was rubbing her belly.
"First, don't rub it too much, it tickles. Seconds I don't really know but maybe because my fighting style requires me to be flexible and it ended up getting more folds as a result of that!" Alva replied.
Connor started rubbing Lydia too.
"Lydia here is hard as a rock while you are like hard rubber, both are nice," Connor said with his eyes closed as was feeling the muscles.
"Well Alva was a chumpion, It's normal for her to have developed muscles!" Lydia commented.
"Chumpion?" Connor questioned.
"It's a long story, how about we leave telling it until we are on the road?" Alva suggested.
"Okay then! I will go down!" Connor said.
Let start with the thighs and go down to the feet, I will leave the flower to the end.
They are THICC! but like the rest of her body the moment you squeeze it you can feel the muscles underneath, even so, this is nice. Lydia is thicc don't get me wrong but…
Connor looked at Lydia.
"You are like a log, Honestly Alva's …" Lydia smacked Connor mid-sentence.
{Notice: Alva 70%}
"Just finish what you're doing, I didn't agree to this for you to start comparing us!" Lydia scolded Connor.
Let's just finish this quickly before Lydia loses her patience and snaps my neck.
Let's see how the feet are looking, nothing special for first.
{Notice: Alva 75%}
"Alva, would you mind turning, I want to get to your back?" Connor asked.
Alva flipped so Connor completed his check.
The back is done.
{Notice: Alva 75%}
The slender Lower back is done.
{Notice: Alva 80%}
The hip and the trench between the two giant hills.
Let's see… ohhh! They are softer than I expected.
"Are you alright?" Connor asked Alva.
"I'm alright, it's just that I'm still a little bit sore!" Alva said with a blushing face.
"I thought that Alice can't hurt you?" Connor asked.
"Well Alice-sama can't, but you can!" Alva replied.
Connor remembered that he did deliver the last two hits.
"Well, what can I say? Sorry!" [Healing Magic]
{Notice: Alva 90%}
"Well, Ava that only leaves one place unchecked!" Connor said as he gulped.
"Go ahead!" Alva gave her approval.
Ariel, let's finish this quickly. I feel like Lydia is about to kill me!
Here I go.
A well is between the mountains, below it is a large pink flower with red grass underneath.
"How long are you gonna keep starring?" Alva said in a trembling voice as he looked at Connor.
Connor released his hand instantly sealing the view.
{Notice: Alva 100%}
"Sorry, I just zoned out for a moment!" Connor laughed before feeling a hand grab him by the neck.
"Ahh! Sorry, Lydia. Aw! Aw! you're breaking my neck!" Connor screamed.
"Sorry I just got a little bit annoyed!" Lydia was clearly a little bit angry.
Alva sat and called Alice to come because it's her turn.
Alice walked slowly toward Connor.
"Wasn't you the most eager one to do this?" Lydia started teasing Alice.
"I was but!!"
"Don't worry Connor-sama doesn't seem that interested in you so he may finish quickly!" Alva said.
"You two sit there, don't interfere!!" Alice pointed at the edge of the bathtub.
Lydia and Alva sat where Alice told them.
"Would you mind Lying down!" Connor called Alice.
Alice nodded silently as she laid down.
Let's check the heal first.
Silky blond hair even if it is wet it's still beautiful. Those sky blue eyes are simply fascinating.
The mouth is also clean.
{Notice: Alice 50%}
Down the slender neck is…
Alice was covering her chest with her hand.
"Hey Alice, I can't check you like this!" Connor told Alice.
"It's embarrassing!" Alice replied in a faint voice.
Connor sighed.
"The choice is yours, either we stop here or you spread your arms now!" Connor said.
"Ok!Ok! I understand!" Alice slowly raised her hand.
Well look at those two jellies with the two strawberries on top, this definitely a C-cup!!
Alva was around F cup while Lydia was D cup because she burned all the fat she had.
Even if Alice was just a C-cup. The fact that she has low fat and her muscles aren't firm like Lydia give her an incredible amount of elasticity!
"Kya~! don't squeeze them too much!" Alice complained.
Connor took his hands off, she seemed to be very sensitive.
{Notice: Alice 60%}
Connor proceeded to her belly, it was soft with no muscle to speak off! He was a little bit disappointed.
"You need to exercise more!" Connor told Alice.
"I'm trying!" She replied.
Ok, let speed run this!
To the thighs, not too thick but soft like marshmallows.
Her feet are also beautiful, it is really befitting to call her a princess.
Why am I putting myself through this?
{Notice: you just realized that now?
Alice: 70%}
"Alice, can you turn around?"
{Notice: A signal is coming from her back!}
What do you mean?
{Notice: Magical signal has been detected on her back! Do you want to appraise it?}
Of course!
A bright light flashed from Alice's back.
Lydia and Alva came running to check what was happening.
"What is happening?" Lydia called to them.
As the light faded a golden symbol appeared on her back.
The symbol looked like a sketch of a monkey face with a kanji word behind him that read-Hakai- meaning Destruction.
Ariel, what is this supposed to be?
{Notice: This symbol is the source where the Holy maiden link is installed, it can therefore serve as proof of being the holy maiden and a storing unit for mana or even skills!}
"Calm down, it's just the holy maiden link!" Connor calmed Alva and Lydia who were checking on Alice.
Connor then explained what Ariel told him.
"What! you mean that Alice can now have more skills than normal?" Lydia asked.
Is that right Ariel?
{Notice: No! The symbol only serves as a temporary storing unit, when a skill is put in it is always at Level 1. When the skill level up it will be then integrated into Alice's normal set if she has space for it the skill will be integrated as Level one and deleted from the symbol. If Alice didn't have the space the skill will stay in the symbol as a level 1 skill!}
Is that so?
Connor explained this to the girls.
"So it is more complicated than I thought!" Lydia said in disappointment.
Ariel, isn't there any way to increase their capacity?
{Notice: it's possible to an extent! any person who enters into a sexual relationship with the hero is considered as family therefore he and his descendants will have the same capacity as royalty mentioned by Alice before. For example, Lydia had the capacity of only one set as an unregistered noble. Now she has the capacity of three sets like royalty! Also, Alice who had the capacity of two sets as an aristocrat now has four as being the holy maiden has doubled her capacity! incase of relation with her it will increase to six sets.
One set= 3 Skills of the same type.}
Hold up! what? Why? Are you saying that my monkey milk is that strong?
{Notice: can't answer that!}
Well, I probably need to explain this to the girls.
"Listen, I have something important to tell you all!" Connor said with a serious face.
"Important talks when we are all naked in the bath?" Alva commented.
Yeah probably I should finish with Alice first then we can talk in the bathtub!
{Notice: With the analysis of the symbol and the information from Alice's memories the percentage of Alice's body analysis has reached 100%. no further check is needed.}
Oh! that's nice.
"This another topic, Alice apparently I don't need to inspect you anymore I already got the data I needed! let's go to the tub so I can tell you about what I found!" Connor said.
"Yeah! that right!!" Alice hurried to stand Up but Alva dragged her from her hair.
"Alice-sama, why are you running? after what you made me go through and now you want to get off the hook along?" Alva was smiling menacingly.
"Lydia! help me!" Alice called Lydia.
"Sorry but Alva is right, you aren't going anywhere before getting your share!" Lydia helped Alva pin, Alice, down.
"Connor-sama, please do your thing!" Alva said.
"Okay!Okay! I understand! I will do it myself, let me go!" As Alice screamed they let her go.
Well if they say that I don't have a choice.
Alice laid down and Connor started again.
The two mountains are very soft this time but are a bit smaller than Alva's.
"I'm going to spread them!" Connor warned Alice.
"G...go ahead!" Alice's face was deep red as she forced those words out.
Connor opened the crevice to take a look inside.
What he was a pink-well at the top with a small pink flower down with thin golden grass underneath it.
Alice turned suddenly and moved away from Connor.
"You finished right!" She said.
"Eee… Yeah!" Connor replied to the blushing Alice.
"Let go! you have something important to tell us right?" Alice said with a strong voice.
"Yes, as you say ma-lady!" Connor said with a smile.
They got in the tub with Alva and Lydia.
"So now let me tell you what I found earlier!" Connor said.
"Yes, tell us how Alice's private area looked!" Alva said.
As she heard this Alice kicked Alva in the face.
"I was pink and beautiful..." Before Connor could finish his sentence Lydia punched him in the face.
A few moments later.
"Ok let's start again! I discovered something important that I need to tell you about!"
Connor then proceeded to explain what Ariel told him.
"I'm royalty now?" Lydia said.
Connor nodded.
"And I have four sets capacity? it's more than royalty!" Alice said as she thought.
"the ancient story of the first hero said that he had four sets, doesn't this make Alice potentially as strong as him?" Alva said
{Notice: You the second hero Have no limited capacity, the first hero more likely is the same as you!}
That makes sense, also it's the first time you answered without me asking!
{Notice: I'm learning all the time!}
"No Alva, I have unlimited capacity, the first hero most likely was also like me!" Connor said with a serious face.
"For real!!" Alva said in amazement.
"Hey, from what I understand I can still go up to six sets of capacity right?" Alice asked.
"Yeah!" Connor replied.
"Lydia, I want to borrow him tonight! Would you mind?" Alice asked Lydia.
"That isn't how you ask for those things right? It's my job to protect him from other women! I trust you but at least ask respectfully!" Lydia glared sharply at Alice.
Alice stopped for a moment before sitting directly in front of Lydia.
She then bowed her head and said.
"I'm Alice von Eric, I want to humbly ask for your agreement in me joining your family as the second wife! What's your condition?" Alice asked.
"In my house, we are all equal! No wife is better than the other!. I will call you Alice and you call me Lydia! We decide everything by consulting each other! We also don't keep secrets from each other! Do you accept those rules?" Lydia said in a strong voice.
"Yes! I accept!" Alice answered.
"Very well! I accept you as the second wife!" Lydia declared.
"How about my opinion?" Connor asked in a sad voice.
"You don't want to?" Lydia said.
"It's not like I'm against it but…" before Connor finishes his explanation Alice interrupted him.
"If you're not against it then it's Okay!" Said Alice with a wide smile on her face.
"I understand." Connor surrounded.
"How about me?" Alva said.
They all looked at her in surprise.
"You want to join? I thought you had no interest in Connor?"Lydia said.
"She is right! if you want to become the third wife, at least speak your honest intention!" Alice add.
Alva started talking.
"It's true that I have no interest in Connor as a man or a husband! but I'm interested in Alice also in the capacity raising!" Alva said.
"I don't like this!" Lydia said.
"I don't really mind her, as long as she keeps faithful to Connor!" Alice said.
Lydia Looked at Alva and Alice and then turned to Connor.
"What do you say?"
"I already got here. I may as well get Alva too, you two decide the conditions."
Lydia turned to Alva.
"The original rule of being faithful to Connor is never changing! With the same conditions that I stated to Alice before! I also have an extra condition for you!" Lydia declared.
"I accept but what is your extra condition?" Alva asked.
"If you did anything to hurt Alice, I want to have the freedom to beat you!" Lydia declared in a sharp voice.
"I accept, I will not do anything that can hurt Alice, and if the off chance that it happens you are free to hit me as much as you like!" Alva accepted.
"And you Alice, want to add something?" Lydia asked.
Alice turned toward Alva to state her conditions.
"The rule of how much you go with Connor the more I go with you still applies. I don't have any other condition!" Alice said.
"Then I accept!" Alva said.
Lydia pushed Alice on her back.
"Now it's your turn to declare it!" Lydia said.
"I, Alice Von Eric and Connor's second wife declare you as the third wife!" Alice declared.
Lydia hugged both of them.
"Now all we need to do is return to the estate to get the wedding done!" Lydia said.
"By the way, what is our family name?" Alva asked.
"Isn't Connor-sama the master of my family? can't we use that name?" Alice said.
"No, That and aristocrat family name, we need one with at least four words for the hero family!" Lydia said.
They all looked at Connor.
Heee! I don't want to use my family name, also a four-word family name! are they serious?
"Alice, what is the king's full name?" Connor asked.
"It's Lukas Brovy Alon Dimiourgia!" Alice answered.
Connor thought for a moment.
{Notice: May I make a request!}
You never asked for anything before! say what do you want Ariel!
{Notice: Add the word Hakai to the family name, that will make more sense with the symbol earlier saying-Destruction-}
I will add a meme then suggest it to them.
"Then how about, Von Eric Hakai Monke!" Connor suggested it.
The three girls agreed, saying it sounded nice.
"Alice Von Eric Hakai Monke, this is will be my name, it sounds amazing!" Alice was giggling.
"Yeah, I also never dreamed of having a four-word family name!" Lydia stated.
"From a simple girl wanting a good job as a guard into having a four-word family name! Life really developed really fast!" Alva adds up.
Connor Von Eric Hakai Monke.
Lydia Von Eric Hakai Monke.
Alice Von Eric Hakai Monke.
Alva Von Eric Hakai Monke.
Those are our names now! What do you think Ariel?
{Notice: they make some sense!}
"Well then since we are All here I want to tell you something important! It's about where I came from!" Connor said with a serious face.
His wives lined up in front of him to hear the story.
Ariel, can you show my status to them?
{Notice: You can do that with Light magic to project the image!}
Then Ariel, [Light Magic].
Connor's stats were revealed to his wives for the first time in all of its glory!
Name: Connor Von Eric Hakai Monke . Level: 02
Age: 24 Race: Human.
Social status: The master of the Von Eric family, The master of the Von Eric Hakai Monke family.
Class: Hero.
Titles: Toxic gamer, Another world traveler, Tamer, Partner of the gold dragon Kinryuu.
Health: 120/120
Mana: 372/372
Stamina: 131/131
Strength: 21 ,Dexterity: 25 ,Speed: 28 , Magic: 27 ,Luck: 16
Constitution: 26 ,Wisdom: 23 ,Intelligence: 31 ,Charisma: 25 ,Will: 29
Martial art Skills:
[Martial arts: Level 6],[Mace Arts: Level 3], [Throwing: Level 1],[Sword arts: Level 1], [Pain resistance: Level 3],
Evocation Skills:
[Fire Magic: Level 5], [Water Magic: Level 5], [Wind Magic: Level 4], [Earth Magic: Level 6], [Lightning Magic: Level 11], [Light Magic: Level 3], [Dark Magic: Level 2], [Pure Magic: Level 4], [Enchanting Magic: Level 12], [Sound Magic: Level 2], [Magic Control: Level 8].
Restoration Skills:
[Holy Healing Magic: Level 4], [Holy Detoxification Magic: Level 1]
Taming Skills:
[Taming: Level 2], [Shapeshift: Level 1].
Draconic blood Skills:
[Draconic physic: Level 1], [Draconic senses: Level 1], [Draconic stomach: Level 1]
Ariel Skills:
[Ariel: Level 18]= [Appraisal], [Sentient]
Hero Skills:
[Patron of the holy maiden: Level 2]
Blessings from the god of creation:
[Plot armor: Level 1], [Destruction: Level 11], [HeAw%=DeLoAw%: Level Unknown].
"All those?" Lydia said in awe while smiling.
"For real?" Alva gasped.
Alice noticed a weird title - Another world traveler-