The mansion part 6: Assassins.

"Another world traveler?!" Alice said in surprise.

Connor nodded.

"That's right! I was summoned to this world by the God of Creation!" Connor.

Lydia stood in surprise as she said.

"So when we met in the forest!"

"That was the same day I was summoned!" Connor replied.

"Connor-sama, Would you mind explaining from the start?" Alice asked.

"Yeah! I'm confused enough! A good explanation will be appreciated!" Alva said.

Connor proceeds to tell the full story. How he was summoned, what he talked with the god of creation about, and how his life in the other world was.

"I can't imagine a world without magic! and the god of creation dragged you from it to deal with our problems!" Alice said, a bit irritated.

"Maybe there isn't someone capable of becoming the hero in our world?" Lydia suggested.

"That something will never know, it's the gods' problem to find one!" Alva said.

"You believed me?" Connor asked.

"Well, you have a title so it must be true!" Alice said.

"More importantly, what are all those skills?!" Lydia asked with anticipation.

"Let's start with the most important of them, Ariel!" Connor said.

Connor opened his skill menu again for them.

He then pointed at the spot where Ariel is.


Name: Connor Von Eric Hakai Monke . Level: 02

Age: 24 Race: Human.

Social status: The master of the Von Eric family, The master of the Von Eric Hakai Monke family.

Class: Hero.

Titles: Toxic gamer, Another world traveler, Tamer, Partner of the gold dragon Kinryuu.

Health: 120/120

Mana: 372/372

Stamina: 131/131

Strength: 21 ,Dexterity: 25 ,Speed: 28 , Magic: 27 ,Luck: 16

Constitution: 26 ,Wisdom: 23 ,Intelligence: 31 ,Charisma: 25 ,Will: 29

Martial art Skills:

[Martial arts: Level 6],[Mace Arts: Level 3], [Throwing: Level 1],[Sword arts: Level 1], [Pain resistance: Level 3],

Evocation Skills:

[Fire Magic: Level 5], [Water Magic: Level 5], [Wind Magic: Level 4], [Earth Magic: Level 6], [Lightning Magic: Level 11], [Light Magic: Level 3], [Dark Magic: Level 2], [Pure Magic: Level 4], [Enchanting Magic: Level 12], [Sound Magic: Level 2], [Magic Control: Level 8].

Restoration Skills:

[Holy Healing Magic: Level 4], [Holy Detoxification Magic: Level 1]

Taming Skills:

[Taming: Level 2], [Shapeshift: Level 1].

Draconic blood Skills:

[Draconic physic: Level 1], [Draconic senses: Level 1], [Draconic stomach: Level 1]

Ariel Skills:

[Ariel: Level 18]= [Appraisal], [Sentient]

Hero Skills:

[Patron of the holy maiden: Level 2]

Blessings from the god of creation:

[Plot armor: Level 1], [Destruction: Level 11], [HeAw%=DeLoAw%: Level Unknown].


"This here is [Ariel], she evolved from appraisal! Now she is sentient and can help me to deal with information and management problems!" Connor said.

{Notice: Nice to meet you!}

"Kya~" Alice screamed as she heard a voice in her head.

"Alice are you alright?" Lydia asked.

"I just heard a woman's voice!" Alice said.

"That was Ariel! She could speak to me and those who are connected with me! Which means me and Alice right now!" Connor said.

"Ariel-san, is there a way to let Alva and Lydia hear you?" Alice asked Ariel.

{Notice: call me just Ariel. There is a way to make that happen, Connor must use [Sound Magic] so I can speak through it.}

"You heard her Connor-sama!" Alice said.

Connor nodded.

[Sound Magic: Floating voice source], [Light Magic: Orb of light].

A small orb of faint light appeared mid-air and from it, a woman's voice spoke.

"{Notice: Is it Working?}"

"Yeah we can hear you loud and clear, the light also makes it easier to look at you when talking!" Alva said.

Connor then explained the rest of his skills, and lastly, he reached the Cursed one -Plot armor-

"You mean it can kill someone to keep you alive?" Alice asked.

"Not exactly, It warps fate so someone will die in my stead. I can't control it so it's dangerous to be close to me in a battle!" Connor said.

"Rather than a curse, it seems like a measure to keep you alive, your life as the hero is more important than the rest of us!" Alva said.

"She is right! We normal people can be replaced but you, the hero most likely can't!" Lydia said.

"They are right!" Alice said.

"Probably I shouldn't think of it that much!"

{Notice: That doesn't change the fact that it is dangerous so try not to die!}

"Ariel is right Connor, try to stay alive and don't count on -Plot armor- to save you!" Alva said.

"It's getting pretty late, we should get out since we have to wake up early!" Lydia said.

"You're right! we still have a long way to go!" Alva said.

After a few minutes of soaking in the water, they got out.

In the room.

"Come here I can help you dry your hair!" Connor said.

[Air Magic: Air gust], [Fire Magic: Heat source].

"Ano… Connor-sama, I have something to ask!" Alice said, playing with her fingers as Connor was drying her hair.

"Just Connor is enough! And I won't -DO YOU- tonight cause I want to rest!"

"That can wait until I get back home!" She raised her voice slightly.

"Then what do you want?"

"Can I have a… A new skill?" Alice asked.

Connor showed his list of skills to Alice and asked her to pick one.

Alice wanted one that can help her with melee combat.

Connor suggested the skill [Martial Arts] since she is already training in martial arts, this way she can integrate the skill faster.

Ariel, how do I give her the skill?

{Notice: Just put your hand on the hero symbol and then think about giving her a copy of the skill.}

"Alice, I need to touch the symbol on your back to transfer the skill."

She immediately took off her shirt, Connor got surprised for a moment but he remembered what happened in the bath and thought that what happened here was just normal by those standards!

Lydia and Alva who were in the room with them got Closer to witness the magic happen.

Alice laid on her chest as Connor put his hand on the Symbol on her back.

Think! Create a copy of [Martial Arts] and send it to Alice.

Connor imagined it as if he was sending something using Bluetooth.

{Notice: The skill [Martial Arts: Level 6] is being Copied.

The Copy [Martial Art: Level 1] has been created.

Preparing for transferring…

The link is stable due to direct contact.

Initiating transfer!}

The symbol glowed dimly as the skill was getting transferred.

"I feel hot! it's burning on my back!"

"Just bear it for a moment, I will be done!"

{Notice: Transfer finished! Showing Alice stats!"}


Name Alice Von Eric Hakai Monke. Level: 05

Social stats: daughter of the duke.

Class: Holy healer.

Titles: Servant of the hero, Hero fanatic, healer, The hero's second wife.

Health: 11/11.

Mana: 95/95.

Stamina: 9/9.

Strength: 7 , Dexterity: 12 , Speed: 12 , Magic: 16 , Luck: 18

Constitution: 8 , Wisdom: 22 , intelligence: 13 , charisma: 28 , Will: 28


[Holy Healing Magic: Level 9], [Holy Detoxification Magic: Level 7]

Blessing of the hero:

[the hero's holy maiden: Level 1], [Martial Arts: Level 1].


"Those are your skills now!

"Thank you, now all I need to do is level it one time to fully integrate it as my own skill."

Lydia sat on the bed where Alice was.

"Alice finally has a new skill, I just hope she can master it quickly!"

"Why do you think that? can't it just level it normally?" Connor asked.

"Alice is a great back rear supporter and getting up close in the fight is extremely dangerous for her! A level 1 skill is still weak with the level of enemies we will be fighting!" Alva replied.

{Notice: Alice has a great aptitude for healing magic so what if after she integrates [Martial Arts] you give her [Pain Resistance]. With this, she can heal any damage she takes and also decreases the pain she feels from injuries?}

That will turn her into an immortal battle monster, won't it? a build that has high close-range damage with the ability to heal is just broken!

Hold up! What if I tried to get a skill like [Shield Art] that Lydia has and give it to her to increase her defense and also add [Enchantment Magic] to boost her overall stats?

{Notice: [Enchantment Magic] will work but the [Shield Arts] won't!}

Why is that?

{Notice: Alice will be fighting with her fists and usually you can't use a skill without the appropriate item so she will need a shield. Lydia and you are the only people who managed to use a skill without the appropriate item!}

Can you explain more?

{Notice: If someone wanted to use a skill like [Sword Arts] they need a sword or a similar item, a branch for example can be used for [Sword Arts] or [Repair Arts] and if the branch was a bit sturdier it can be used for [Mace arts] but not for [Bow Arts].

Lydia on the other hand can use her own body as a tool, and that is a special talent of hers!

Alva has great instinct and reflex, she can even attack when she is asleep like how she did in the carriage.

Alice has great acting and deception skills she can even keep the princess persona in front of her guard all the time}

She did talk to me in an abnormal manner this morning! So that was it! but how can I use my skills?

{Notice: Don't know! you're an abnormal being!}

"Kya~ Connor-sama, I told you to wait until we got home!" Alice moaned.

Connor's hands have reached Alice's mountains.

He quickly drew them as he apologized.

"Sorry I zoned out!"

"Massaging Alice's chest for two minutes is not zoning out!" Alva gave Connor a disgusted look.

"You said you zoned out, why is that?" Lydia asked as she grabbed Connor's hands.

[Sound Magic: Floating voice source], [Light Magic: Orb of light].

Ariel help me!

"{Notice: We were talking about how to make Alice stronger.}"

"Is that right?" Lydia said.



Deep underground in a dark room.

The room was empty and the walls were carved in stone.

Glowing mushrooms dangled from the ceiling emitting dim light on the figure of the person standing in the middle of it.

A woman wearing a jet-black cloak is facing a glowing purple orb that looks like a witch cristal.

"Lord Xaviin, the mission to throw Bluemill into chaos has failed!" She said in a trembling fearful voice.

"You better have a good reason for your failure!" A voice came from the Orb.

"This may sound unbelievable but a hero showed up, and he is responsible for the mission failure!"

"Taking into account your successful record and the danger of a potential hero, I'm willing to believe you this time!"

"Thanks for your mercy Lord Xaviin!"

"A hero is dangerous, we need to eliminate him quickly. I believe you took the initiative, right?"

"Yes Lord Xaviin, I did send all my available men to assassinate him but…" she pondered for a moment.

"There is a chance that they will be eliminated instead?"

"I say it's a 60% success rate! but every time that hero fights he seems to have become stronger so the success rate can drop even further!"

"Don't mind it, that's why we need to take care of him quickly! I will prepare a second plane in case the assassination failed!"

"Thank you Lord Xaviin!" She bowed toward the orb.

"I'm forgiving your failure because the hero is involved, but if I discovered that the target isn't the hero you're dead!"

"I will make sure I succeed this time!" She said in a strong voice.

"The plan to take over Bluemill will have to wait until we take care of the hero!"

"I understand, I shall suspend the operation and focus on the hero!"

"What is the hero's name? I need to search for information about him."

"He is called Connor, the holy maiden is Alice Von Eric the daughter of Alen Von Eric."

"I will look into him then, remember failure is unacceptable this time! Kill him!"

"As you order, I Vanessa promise to succeed this time!"

The light faded.

The woman pulled her hood back revealing her head.

Dark blue skin, Longears, glowing red eyes, and dark purple hair. Someone might mistake her for a dark elf if not for the two goat-like horns on her head and the black whip-like tail wiggling behind her.

She picked the orb, [Appraisal]


Name Vanessa. Level: 24

Age: 145 Race: Demon.

Social stats: Mercenary.

Class: Shadow Assassin.

Titles: Shadow Walker, Cold-blooded killer, relentless hunter.

Health: 460/460.

Mana: 470/470.

Stamina: 350/350.

Strength: 20 , Dexterity: 26 , Speed: 34 , Magic: 26 , Luck: 16

Constitution: 26 , Wisdom: 25 , intelligence: 26 , charisma: 26 , Will: 28


[Dagger Arts: Level 28], [Claws Arts: Level 36], [Throwing: Level 21]

[Shadow Magic: Level 22], [Poison Magic: Level 18], [Life Stealing Magic: Level 16]


Tch… I still need to train more, I certainly can't beat the hero with just this.

As she walked out of the room she was in a dark cave.

Her nails extended to about an inch long.

"Time to hunt!"


In Bluemill town.

Under the night sky on top of a tree a few meters away from the mansion a man dressed as if he was a ninja sat observing.

It's been an hour since the light in the hero room has faded, no noise has been heard from then. Most likely they are asleep.

Last night he was going on it with the armored guard so we didn't find a chance to attack.

Today is a different matter.

It's confirmed that in that room The hero is sleeping alongside the holy maiden and her guards.

Total of four people.

We are told to leave no chance, so we have to also take care of the others.

Dolrig the dwarf in the church and the squirrel sleeping with Roxanne.

I have eight men, nine including me.

With a weave of his fingers, the six assassins headed to Connor's room. one to the squirrel and one to Dolrig.

I shall observe and report back to Lady Vanessa about the mission.

As the shadows danced in the middle of the night six ninjas showed on the tree Closer to Connor's room.

The leader of the six ninjas took a quick look inside the room.

Connor was sleeping in the middle of the bed and Alice was right on top of him, Alva was to his left half-naked hugging Alice. Lydia is sleeping on the couch with her mace in hand.

He signaled to the other to get in the room while pointing toward Lydia to warn them to not wake her up.

As they entered through the window he looked again toward the bed.

Blue glimmering eyes are Looking directly at him.

Shit! the hero is awake.

{ARrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!} A loud crackling scream rang in Connor and Alice's heads waking them.

Connor blinked as he woke up, the light in his eyes had faded.

Five of the assassins drew their dagger and jumped straight at Connor; the last one attacked Lydia because she was armed...

Connor pushed the half awake, Alice, at Alva.

As soon as Alice moved Alva woke up.

Out of five knives, two had struck Connor's torso.

At the same time. Alice screamed waking Lydia up, Alva Caught one of the assassins that managed to hit Connor between her thighs and snapped his neck.

Assassins who aimed his knife at Lydia struck her neck, but…

[Shield Arts: Tough Hide], the blade just scratched her.

As he backed off, [Mace Arts: Heavy Hit] Lydia swung her mace downward crushing his skull.

The pain of having two knives stuck in his torso swept through Connor's body.

In the midst of chaos fueled by pain and rage along with the fear of death Connor instinctively cast [Air Magic: Shockwave] Pushing everyone away from him including Alice and Alva who were close.

{Notice: Calm down! Calm down! Calm down! Calm down! Calm down!}

Connor took a short breath as he removed the daggers stuck in him with a painful growl.

The assassins try to retreat but Lydia is already standing in front of the window.

Alva jumped to block the door.

Alice extended her hand as she was lying on the ground after being violently thrown at the wall.

[Holy Healing Magic: Level 9], [Holy Detoxification Magic: Level 7].

She healed Connor.

{Notice: Have you calmed down?}

Yeah, I'm half calm, half bursting.

{Notice: Don't kill all of them, we need to get some answers!}

[Enchantment Magic], [Martial Arts], [Lightning Magic].

The four assassins split, one handling Connor, one for Alva, one for Lydia, and lastly one to try capturing Alice, since she seemed the weakest and would make a great hostage.

Alva is unarmed and in her underwear, so she can barely hold one of the assassins in a fight. Lydia on the other hand is having trouble hitting him.

[Water Magic: Water ball] The assassin easily cut through Connor's magic with his dagger and launched a series of stabs toward Connor.

They weren't hard to dodge but they were annoying.

{Notice: they are stalling for time to take Alice as a hostage! Protect her!}

Easier said than done when I'm holding back to not kill them.

One of the assassins tried attacking Alice but she dodged the initial strike using [Martial Arts] but the second hit gouged her belly open.

"Arghhhhhh!" Alice cried as the blood gushed from her mouth.

The pain was too much for her to think straight and heal herself.

Connor stopped for a moment as he saw that.

"Alice-sama!!" Both Lydia and Alva screamed at the same time.

{Notice: Connor your heart rate is increasing to a dangerous level

Your heart rate is over the roof, calm down!}


The assassin lifted Alice from her hair.

"She will die soon without healing so you best let …"

Before the assassin could finish his head was blown to pieces as blood and brain matter covered the walls of the room.

[Enchantment Magic: Abilities increase], [Martial Arts: forward jump and punch], [Earth Magic: Dust gauntlet], [Air Magic: Accelerating jet], [Magic Control: Skill stabilisation], [Pure Magic: Increased mana flow], [Destruction: Increased damage].

Connor caught the falling Alice, he was bleeding from his nose and ears.

[Holy Healing Magic], [Holy Detoxification Magic].

[Holy Healing Magic], [Holy Detoxification Magic].

[Holy Healing Magic], [Holy Healing Magic].

This should stabilize her condition.

Connor wiped the tears from Alice's blood-drenched face.

I was naive, they are here to kill us! Why am I holding back?

We only need one alive to interrogate.

"Rest here for a bit, I will take care of this quickly!" Connor said to the unconscious Alice.

Connor stood and faced the assassin that he was fighting with an empty look.

The assassin screamed his lungs out as he charged at Connor.

[Dagger Arts: fast thrust].

Connor didn't want to move since Alice is behind him.

[Enchantment Magic: Abilities increase], [Martial Arts: catch].

Connor caught the assassin's hand.

"Impossible!!" the man screamed.

[Enchantment Magic: Abilities increase], [Mace Arts: Heavy smash].

The assassin growled in pain as Connor hit him in the elbow, tearing it off.

Before he could back off, Connor caught him in the face.

[Lightning Magic: High Voltage].

The assassin screamed in pain as his body was fried by the electricity.

In a few seconds, he stopped moving and his body started smoldering.

The burnt dead body fell to the ground.

Connor walked slowly to the middle of the room stepping on the assassin's dead body.

He looked around him in silence.

Two remain, one at the door and one at the window.

"Lydia, help Alva capture the one at the door!"

Lydia complied with the order on the spot leaving the window open.

The assassin took the chance and jumped outside.

Before he could reach the tree he was knocked down with something invisible.

His body was pierced with a spear made of stone and dirt.

Connor was extending his hand [Air Magic: Air hammer], [Earth Magic: Earth spear]

"Hey, what is your problem? wake up!" Connor heard Alva yelling.

He walked toward them and asked.

"What happened?"

"He isn't responding!" Lydia answered.

Ariel, scan him for anything abnormal.


Poisoned dead corpse


"He poisoned himself to death, let him!" Connor said.

"Are you alright?" Lydia asked Connor.

"Yes, Let's check on Ali…"

{Notice: The holy beast Mei's health has dropped to 0, Taking health from the tamer Connor to regenerate her!!}

Connor's rage was fueled again as he was calming. He ran toward the window.

"Take care of Alice, Mei is in danger!"

Ariel leads the way!

Connor exited the room from the window and climbed the wall as if he was a monkey.

As Connor looked through the window where Ariel led him, he saw another assassin with a shortsword slashing Mei in half.

{Notice: The holy beast Mei's health has dropped to 0, Taking health from the tamer Connor to regenerate her!!}

Mei's body healed instantly. Behind her, in the corner, Roxanne was crying.

As the assassin was about to strike Mei again Connor caught his hand.

The assassin turned to see Connor.

"What are you doing…Arghhhhh!" The assassin screamed as Connor crushed his wrist.

"Shut up!" Connor said.

The assassin started foaming and fell to the ground.

Ariel check him


Poisoned dead corpse.


This one too? How are they killing themselves?

Connor threw the corpse to the room Corner and then grabbed Mei in his hand.

[Holy Healing Magic], [Holy Detoxification Magic].

Ariel appraises her.


Name Mei. Level: 10

Social stats: hero pet.

Class: Holy beast.

Titles: Servant of the hero, Nutcracker, Steel-willed one, Defender.

Health: 46/46.

Mana: 125/125.

Stamina: 46/46.

Strength: 4 , Dexterity: 20 , Speed: 28 , Magic: 26 , Luck: 14

Constitution: 12 , Wisdom: 18 , intelligence: 18 , charisma: 14 , Will: 28


[Climbing: Level 14], [Nuts collector: Level 10], [Claws Arts: Level 2]

[Pain resistance: Level 6]


She must have been desperate to protect Roxanne.

Ariel, how many times did Mei's health drop to 0?

{Notice: Four times, two when you were fighting and two that you heard!}

Connor patted Mei.

"You've done well protecting Roxanne!"

Mei was squeaking in joy as Connor saved them.

Connor walked to Roxanne to check on her.

Roxanne was shaking in terror.

"Don't worry it all ended well!"

As Connor was trying to calm Roxanne down the door busted open and armed guards entered the room.

They saw the assassin's corpse and asked Connor about the details.

"... this is all that happened!"

"It's regrettable that we weren't able to capture them alive, but nobody died on our side and that is a good thing!"

The head of the guards said as his men were taking care of Roxanne and dragging the assassin's corpse away.

"Leader! The team that headed toward the hero's room reported -All Green- '' one of the guards entered the room and reported and rushed back immediately.

Connor looked at the head guard.

"He means no death, no one in a life-threatening situation and all the enemies are dead!" the head guard explained.

"Thank god it's over! those bastards were most likely aiming for your party you know? since they attacked every member!" The head guards said.

"No way! They haven't attacked all the members! Dolrig is in the…Shit! God damn it!!" Connor stopped as he realized they Forgot about Dolrig.

"Bring the guards to the church, Dolrig is in danger!!" Connor yelled as he jumped from the window alongside Mei.

"Hold tight Mei! The ride is going to be violent!"

The head guard ordered his men to split up into two groups, one that protects the mansion and one that follows the hero's order and heads toward the church.

Please don't die on me Dolrig! I need you to dispel [Plot Armor] Curse.