The Dark part 08: Preparation for war and a Demon maid!!!

Vanessa leaned her back to the cold wall, looking straight at Connor, with an emotionless stare she asked.

"So who was I fighting? you died after the first hit!"

Hmmm… Is she talking about when she cut off my head? Should I keep Ariel a secret for now?

"That was me! I can heal even from an injury like that!!" Connor replied.

"Heh! Try better to fool me, surviving isn't the problem! you weren't able to react to the first strike but after that, you suddenly started acting weird. Unpredictable movement pattern, fast reaction. Anyone who saw you there can tell that something was off about you!" Vanessa said as she reflected on the past fight.

"Aren't you just imagining things?" Connor tried to laugh it off in a pathetic attempt.

"Was it the thing that is possessing you?"

Connor stopped and looked at her.

Ariel, what do I do?

{Notice: Let me talk to her, use [Light Magic] and [Sound Magic] Like you did at the bath in Bluemill.}

Connor Activated his magic and a small orb of light appeared between him and Vanessa.

"{Notice: Yes that was me!}"

"What are you? A devil or another spiritual being?" Vanessa asked.

"{Notice: I answered your question so answer mine now. Where did you get information about me?}"

"Do you think that I will talk about my information source this easily?"

"{Notice: Unless you want to die here, both I and the holy maiden agreed to kill you unless you're useful!}"

"Tch! The assassins that attacked you in bluemill, they submitted a report that their mission was interfered with by an entity possessing the hero!"

"{Notice: I did wake him up that time so I guess they had one watching from afar. About your earlier question, I'm neither a Devil nor a spirit, Am a part of the hero's soul you might say we are two souls living in one body!}"

Ariel you lier!! you're a skill, not another soul!! I guess she can't lie but you can?

Let's get back to work, we need to head to Roa as fast as we can since Alice is facing a war.

"Vanessa, let's get to the main topic! We need to head to Roa city as fast as we can, how far it is?" Connor asked, interpreting the two.

Vanessa looked at me as she answered.

"About two days to the north, those caves are like mazes, without a guide you will get lost!"

Connor stood up and stretched for a bit, he drew his sword and pointed it at Vanessa, anger clearly in his eyes.

"Last question, the earthquake that dropped me down here, was it you're doing?"

Vanessa feels high pressure coming from Connor, he is seriously pissed off about something.

"{Notice: Someone dear to him died because of that, you better answer quickly!}"

Vanessa, sighted as she answered, it was as if she gave up.

"Starting a fight with the hero was a mistake, I would like to redeem that if possible. The one who used that magic should be our client, his name is Xaviin, a lich!"

Connor sat back down, as he said.

"A lich? An undead like the one that was with you?"

"No, that was a third-rate death knight, a lich is a highest-ranked undead, they are powerful spell casters!"

Ariel, what do you think?

{Notice: I don't have a source of information about lich's to confirm her claims!}

"How does he compare in power to the undead that was with you?" Connor asked.

"He should have several first-rate death knights protecting him at all times, I say at least ten times stronger!"

Connor had a troubled look on his face.

{Notice: We should have expected this since he caused a literal earthquake! There is no way we can fight him with the strength we have now! We should…}

Power level, farm monster and get good weapons. Ariel showed me my stats.


Name: Connor Von Eric Hakai Monke . Level: 19

Age: 24 Race: Human.

Social status: The master of the Von Eric family, The master of the Von Eric Hakai Monke family.

Class: Hero, Divine Slayer. Portfolio: Destruction.

Titles: Toxic gamer, Merciless, Another world traveler, Tamer, Partner of the gold dragon Kinryuu, Destroyer.

Health: 1459/1459

Mana: 1452/2320

Stamina: 789/1422

Strength: 30 ,Dexterity: 36 ,Speed: 36 , Magic: 40 ,Luck: 18

Constitution: 36 ,Wisdom: 34 ,Intelligence: 40 ,Charisma: 32 ,Will: 34

Martial art Skills:

[Martial arts: Level 22],[Mace Arts: Level 8], [Throwing: Level 1],[Sword arts: Level 17], [Pain resistance: Level 21],

Evocation Skills:

[Fire Magic: Level 18], [Water Magic: Level 10], [Wind Magic: Level 20], [Earth Magic: Level 28], [Lightning Magic: Level 12], [Light Magic: Level 6], [Dark Magic: Level 7], [Pure Magic: Level 24], [Enchanting Magic: Level 28], [Sound Magic: Level 7], [Magic Control: Level 24], [Enslavement Magic: Level 2]

Restoration Skills:

[Holy Healing Magic: Level 17], [Holy Detoxification Magic: Level 9]

Taming Skills:

[Taming: Level 9], [Shapeshift: Level 10].

Draconic blood Skills:

[Draconic physic: Level 10], [Draconic senses: Level 9], [Draconic stomach: Level 4]

Ariel Skills:

[Ariel: Level 25]= [Appraisal], [Sentient], [Analyse], [Encyclopedia], [Minimap], [Ego].

Hero Skills:

[Patron of the holy maiden: Level 7]

Curses from the god of creation:

[Plot armor: Level 3],

Destroyer Innate skills:

[Destruction: Level 28], [HeAw%=DeLoAw%: Level Unknown].


Did I level this much? wasn't I level 14 before?

{Notice: the death knight that was with Vanessa provided a lot of Exp, normally we won't be able to beat him!}

"You look happy, did you raise a level? or perhaps you are leveling a skill?" Vanessa asked as she saw Connor's happy face.

"Both, I got five levels and multiple skills have increased by over 3 levels!"

Surprised at what she heard, Vanessa stood up.

"Impossible, raising a level takes months of grind and resources. Skills take years of training. Do you want me to believe you leveled this much from just this fight?"

"I have no reason to lie, It's just that I grow faster than normal. It's just been about a week since I became the hero and I can beat your whole squad isn't this enough as proof?"

Vanessa started scratching her head, Xaviin words came back to her. Failure is unacceptable since you will only fuel the hero's power.

"A week-old hero is already a powerhouse! That fool Xaviin, allying with the hero a safer option!!"

"What do you mean?" Connor asked.

"It means that I want to switch sides, being an ally to you is safer for our future!" Vanessa said.

"Ours?" Connor was a bit confused.

"I'm the leader of a small assassin guild, my goal was to use Xaviin influence to grow bigger but now he is doomed after starting a fight with you!"

"Then what will I get from you? If you want to use me as the hero to grow your guild you should be prepared to offer something, right?"

"I expected you to say that! What I offer is information gathering, Assassination, thieves, and any similar jobs, of course, the stronger you make the guild the better we can do!!"

Games usually have multiple factions that you can join like the neutral adventurer guild, the kingdom magic knights, criminal organization… Vanessa's guild seems like a criminal one…

"What do you say?" Vanessa was looking at Connor with anticipation.

"I will think about it! let's move for now."

As Vanessa led the way, they were getting closer to Roa.

Up in Eric city, Alice, escorted by Alva and other guards, just entered Avander church in search of assistance.

The priest in charge greeted them.

"May Avander blessing be on you! What brought you here today?" He was a bit cautious since the city lord's daughter has come to his church, she doesn't have a good reputation with religion.

"We come to speak with Avander!" Alice was straightforward, a bit disrespectful she looked to the priest.

"We mortals don't dream of hearing the word of god, if he wishes he will bless us with his words and guidance!"

"You know the situation we are in, right?" Alice said to the priest.

"I know, this is a mere trail prepared for us. You who only revered a non-existing hero can never understand this!" The priest was getting a bit impatient, is he having a bad day?

"Priest Alex, the truth is a second hero has appeared…" Alva commented and the other guards nodded.

"For real? It has been thousands of years!"

"THE HERO'S HOLY MAIDEN, I'VE BEEN EXPECTING YOU!" a deep voice came from the Avander statue at the other end of the hall.

"I guess you know why I'm here!" Alice replied to the voice.

The priest has already kneeled and is almost crying, "Oh! God, I finally got to hear your words" was what the priest said in a low voice.

Alice was the only one remaining calm, Avander had spoken, for the first time in around 200 years.



"So basically you're giving us resistance to the undead necrotic mana and after we burn the mountain alongside the undead on it you will put the fire out with rain? this is a great help but can't you do something… more direct?" Alice complained.

The priest is really wanting to bash Alice in the head for her lack of manners or respect toward Avander, but he refrained to not interrupt his god who is about to speak again.


"If that's what you say then I will take your word for it, now let's get to the second part. What's your price?" Alice said with a serious face.


"Can I ask why you want that?" Alice asked, a bit suspicious of Avander's intention.


"And what might be beneficial to us?" Alice asked.


"Are you saying you could help us get Lydia back?" This was the first time Alice lost her composer in this conversation.


"As you wish my god!" Priest Alex replied.

"Guess I have to wait to know more!" Alice said, then she walked toward priest Alex.

"Any objections?" Alice asked.

"Not at all, what are your orders?" The priest seems a bit more cooperative now, that might be because Avander himself asked him to do so.

"Gather all restoration magic users that you have, the church is gonna focus on healing the injured soldiers, you report directly to me!" Alice's orders were broad but direct, the priest nodded and then hurried to prepare.

Alice then headed toward the adventurer guild.

The building was large, bustling with life. The entrance leads you to a tavern where the adventurers discuss their missions and prepare, where you can get food, medicine, drink, information, and almost everything else.

The woman at the reception desk greeted Alice and her company, she then led them to the branch leader's office. Apparently, they have been waiting for her!

Inside the Office, a weirdly large man was sitting on a sofa waiting for them. He was built like a grizzly bear almost 9 feet tall, his arms were thicker than Alva's hip! His look alone is enough to tell you that a normal person can't beat him. beside him sits a frail-looking woman, no she wasn't frail, she just looks so small when you compare her with him. 6 feet tall, long black hair and glasses, gorgeous body, someone might think she is a noblewoman. She was reading a book with weird scripture.

"Honey, the holy maiden is almost here, can't you read your book later?" The man said to her.

"Dear, they knock on the door, I rarely have time to study magic!" she replied to him.

A few moments later…

Knock! Knock!


Alice entered the room alongside Alva leaving the guards at the door.

"The Holy maiden, Alice Von Eric, we have been waiting for you!" The man greeted them.

The woman walked to Alice and bowed slightly.

"Let me introduce you to Leon Strongheart, the branch leader. and I'm Lisa Strongheart, his Secretary and wife!"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Alice Von Eric Hakai Monke, the holy maiden, and the hero's second wife, and she is Alva Von Eric Hakai Monke, my personal guard and the hero's third wife."

"Now that we are over with the introduction, please take a seat. We have coffee prepared. Let's talk over it." Leon let them to the sofa.

Then sitting facing each other, Lisa started pouring coffee for them. Everyone gets a normal cup except her husband who she poured a whole mug for, a normal cup will look too small in his large hands!

"We are here to submit a request to the Adventurer guild, an urgent one at that!" Alice said.

"About the undead army, I guess?" Leon said.

"Yes, I won't ask you to take care of them, I know they are too strong. I just want you to light the mountain on fire when they get on it, gather information, and help move the supplies and the injured!" Alice listed her request.

"Moving the supplies is an E rank quest since it can be handled easily with high safety and low chance of failure. Moving the injured can be tricky since we have to jump into the battlefield and drag the injured out, with the risk involved and the possibility of having to fight its at least a D rank quest, gathering information looks simple but since we are gathering information about a moving army that has its own scout this mission danger increase significantly, it also needs a fair amount of skills and experience so it's a B rank quest. Lastly, the big problem is setting the mountain on fire!" Leon said, deciding what most of the quests are.

"We have to bait them deep into the mountain then light the fire in multiple places so they won't be able to put it out and then get back alive, surviving a forest fire, possible fights with the undead and we might even get surrounded with both undead and fire at the same time. This is no short of an A rank quest!" Lisa said.

"I know but I'm afraid that we don't have A-class adventurer capable of this mission!" Leon said.

"What do you mean we have two! Me and you, we haven't gone on a quest for so long!!" Lisa seemed a bit happy.

"The branch leader himself is going?" Alva said in surprise.

"I guess we have no other choice!! I was missing the thrill of battle!" Leon said.

"Is there a problem with that? I guess it's great that the branch leader himself is taking the mission!" Alice asked Alva.

"I heard that the branch leader is a battle junkie, and his wife is a pyromaniac. they got together as they were wreaking havoc in their adventuring days!" Alva said to Alice.

"hhh! People still remember that!! Those past days were fun!" The branch master laughed out loud.

"Alva-san, please don't worry! We will make sure to have fun and finish our job perfectly!!" Lisa said.

"Just don't treat this job as a date, Ok! I heard that you went to a dungeon for your honeymoon!!" Alva replied.

"Ara Ara! I thought we hid that very well! Anyway, don't worry we will do our best!!!" Lisa replied.

After that, they finished discussing the rest of the details, like payment and other things.

Alice did ask them about their classes, Leon is Berserker and Lisa is a pyromancer wizard and are both AA Ranked adventurers.

The guild has two ranks system, one for experience and one for strength.

The first letter is for strength and the second for the experience. The letters are S, A, B, C, D, E. Six ranks in total.

Each time your strength ranks up your experience is reset! Making the ranks like this from the lowest to the highest.


















You can only rank up by having S rank experience and passing a strength test.

Both Alva and Lydia have strength equal to a Low C Rank, Vanessa has a high B, low A strength. Leon and Lisa are high A strength and AA class adventurers. Connor has B strength, when Ariel was partly controlling him his strength was A.


Alice Left the adventurer guild after putting the request.

-"Hey Alice can you hear me?"- Connor called her.

She wasn't surprised, as she expected him to call her after he tried the enslavement magic.

"What is Connor-sama! Is Everything Alright?" Alice asked.

-"Yes, the enslavement magic works very well! I called you for something else!"-

"What is it?"

-"Vanessa suggested having her assassin guild work form, it's a pretty small and new guild but the catch is that I help them grow in exchange for their service!"- Connor said.

"Hmm! this worries me a little, she already somewhat betrayed her previous client so what makes us trust her?" Alice is skeptical.

-"I know, I thought the same!"-

"How about you put her under a contract?" Alice suggested

-"So what are the conditions?..."-

...Deep underground.

"Vanessa, I did talk with Alice about your case!" Connor said.

"Alice? Ah! the Holy maiden!! and what she said?" Vanessa is full of anticipation!

"She said she doesn't trust you, since you are betraying someone else! therefore she needs a contract!!" Connor relayed what Alice said.

"I'm fine with a contract, what are your conditions?" Vanessa asked.

"First, lifelong servitude to the hero and the Von Eric Hakai Monke. you can't betray or trick us in any way and lastly, to keep your guild in check! you will always stay by my or Alice's side!" Connor listed Alice conditions (Ariel also Agreed on them since she didn't speak)

Vanessa stood in a thinking man pose for a moment before talking.

"I serve you and your family for the rest of my life and never betray you. Those two conditions are fine by me but the last one… I understand that it keeps me as a hostage so the guild won't betray you but just standing there beside you all day is just boring!" Vanessa did seem to like the last condition that much.

"I know, and there where my big brain comes into action, you will be the head maid of the Von Eric Hakai Monke! A demon's maid that is secretly an overpowered assassin that controls shadows!" Connor relayed his vision.

"So you want me to be your maid?! Hmmm! Very well I accept!" Vanessa accepted being Connor's maid.

After that, with Ariel's help, Connor sets the contract between him and Vanessa using enslavement magic. and since he felt that Enslavement magic is more of a Contract Magic depending on how you use it, he Asked Ariel to change its name into Contract magic.

"So how should I call you now? Master?" Vanessa asked with a smug face.

"What with that face? Just call me Connor! and aren't you angry that I killed your guild member?" Connor asked.

"No, they weren't!! Xaviin haired them. I'm the only one from my guild that joined the hero hunt! I did work with some of them before but we weren't that close" Vanessa answered

"So they have just hired mercenaries?" Connor asked.

"Hired killers who don't belong to any guild! The plan was to recruit them if the hunt was successful but it failed!"

Vanessa saw Mei sitting on Connor's head as she always did so she tried to pet her. Mei didn't resist as Vanessa expected.

"She is smart, isn't she! as soon as we became allies she accepted you!" Connor complemented Mei.

"Yes, Nobody will believe that such a cute creature can emit such a strong blood lust!" Vanessa thought back when she faced Mei.

"Is that true? I didn't feel anything!" Connor said.

"The blood lust was directed at me, so you won't feel it! it was like a frenzied monster looking down on his prey!"

"Vanessa you know...I was interested in your shadow magic, especially the teleport part and hiding weapons! Can you show me again?" Connor asked.

"Okay, just let me drink a mana potion first since I'm quite low on mana!"

After Vanessa drank her potion, she showed her magic to Connor!

Shadow magic Can be used to control shadows, Vanessa uses it to create a pocket dimension that she uses to store items like weapons and rations, she keeps mana potion on her person though since she needs mana to open her magic. In the case of teleporting she jumps into the pocket dimension and exits it from another place, this magic has a limited distance of about 30 meters and to a location, she knows or already marked, the magic can only activate in shadows.

{Notice: put your hand in her shadow pocket dimension, I will analyze that magic!}

"Vanessa-san can I put my hand inside your shadow magic? Ariel wants to check how it works?" Connor asked.

"People don't ask their maids, they give them orders! Try something like… Vanessa let me put my hand inside you!!" Vanessa was teasing Connor.

"Don't take the magic part!! it sounds wrong on many levels!!" And Connor was quite easy to tease.

After that Connor put his hand inside Vanessa's shadow pocket dimension and Ariel started analyzing it. It took over half an hour for the analysis to finish and Ariel gave her report.

"Ah! it seems she is finished!" Connor said.

"Finally! took her long enough to admire how magic works!" Vanessa said.

"Now let me try this!!" Connor stood with excitement in his eyes.

"Try what?" Vanessa asked Connor.

"Just watch!" Connor said and then suddenly teleported about two meters forward.

"Yaahooooo! It works as intended!" Connor jumped in joy.

Vanessa's mouth was wide open, what just happened in front of her.

"Hold...hold...hold up! what was that!" Vanessa screamed.

"Your magic! I used it to teleport like you!" Connor replied with a calm face.

"And that's the problem! Why can you use it! And it's not even my magic this doesn't have shadows in it!!!

"Ariel analyzed it so I used it! About the lack of shadows, Ariel said that the magic activating only in shadows was too limiting a factor so she exchanged shadow with mana since it exists everywhere! and it's now called Mana pocket dimension!" Connor said as if it was normal.

"No! I'm saying why can you learn it in half an hour? It usually takes years of study to learn magic, and a couple of other years of practice to get it as a skill! It's at least a four years process! Why can you get it so fast!!!!!!!!" Vanessa is confused as common sense was broken by Connor.

"I don't know! That's just how Ariel works: she analyses and learns then executes what she learned!" Connor replied.

"She is a monster! Can I see your stats? I'm afraid I'm going to see something even more abnormal!" Vanessa requested and Connor agreed.

"Here, take a look!"


Name: Connor Von Eric Hakai Monke . Level: 19

Age: 24 Race: Human.

Social status: The master of the Von Eric family, The master of the Von Eric Hakai Monke family.

Class: Hero, Divine Slayer. Portfolio: Destruction.

Titles: Toxic gamer, Merciless, Another world traveler, Tamer, Partner of the gold dragon Kinryuu, Destroyer.

Health: 1459/1459

Mana: 2320/2320

Stamina: 1422/1422

Strength: 30 ,Dexterity: 36 ,Speed: 36 , Magic: 40 ,Luck: 18

Constitution: 36 ,Wisdom: 34 ,Intelligence: 40 ,Charisma: 32 ,Will: 34

Martial art Skills:

[Martial arts: Level 22],[Mace Arts: Level 8], [Throwing: Level 1],[Sword arts: Level 17], [Pain resistance: Level 21],

Evocation Skills:

[Fire Magic: Level 18], [Water Magic: Level 10], [Wind Magic: Level 20], [Earth Magic: Level 28], [Lightning Magic: Level 12], [Light Magic: Level 6], [Dark Magic: Level 7], [Pure Magic: Level 24], [Enchanting Magic: Level 28], [Sound Magic: Level 7], [Magic Control: Level 24], [Enslavement Magic: Level 2], [Teleportation Magic: Level 1], [Shadow Magic: Level 1].

Restoration Skills:

[Holy Healing Magic: Level 17], [Holy Detoxification Magic: Level 9]

Taming Skills:

[Taming: Level 9], [Shapeshift: Level 10].

Draconic blood Skills:

[Draconic physic: Level 10], [Draconic senses: Level 9], [Draconic stomach: Level 4]

Ariel Skills:

[Ariel: Level 25]= [Appraisal], [Sentient], [Analyse], [Encyclopedia], [Minimap], [Ego], [Inventory]

Hero Skills:

[Patron of the holy maiden: Level 7]

Curses from the god of creation:

[Plot armor: Level 3],

Destroyer Innate skills:

[Destruction: Level 28], [HeAw%=DeLoAw%: Level Unknown].


Vanessa passed out the moment she saw Connor's stats.