The world is Moving!

Everything is going according to plan in Eric City. They are in full siege mode! The soldiers have spread in front of the city gate alongside some adventurers who want to fight, ready to repel the undead forces.

Every capable man who can't fight is helping with transferring supplies or digging moats, women are taking the rule of preparing food and helping the church healers, a respectable number of them that are capable of fighting have also joined the frontline.

Children who are old enough to understand the situation are helping to take care of their younger siblings and the elderly.

This isn't the first time this town faced a siege battle, and it won't be the last either.

Everyone came as one person under Avander's and the hero's flags, As they received Their god's blessing and heard the news of him speaking in their will increased. To top it off the hero appearance, Alice Von Eric, their town princess and who they knew as the dragon princess is now the holy maiden. Announcing this as a holy war against the undead had a great impact on the people's morale, as they asked where is the hero? why isn't he here fighting with us? Alice's answer just made them even more willing to fight, "The hero you call for is out there seeking the enemy's leader head, he has trusted us with safeguarding the town! Will you fight to back him up in protecting your City?"

Alva who was Alice's guard is now tasked with leading the scout mission in the mountain alongside backing Lisa and Leon up so they can complete their mission.

Dolrig now is helping the blacksmith repair weapons and armors along creating arrows, he can't get closer to the forge due to his fire PTSD so he had a helper heat the metal for him.

Alice's father Alen Von Eric is tasked with leading the soldier with his head general, As the city lord having him in the front line is a great way to keep the soldier's morale high.

Alice was running from platoon to other issuing orders when an unexpected something happened, A messenger from the royal capital appeared at the town back gate with interesting news! a meeting with Alice was in order!

Alice and her father had a meeting with him.

"I'm a messenger from the royal capital, I came to you with world news that the king ordered to be distributed to his people, even I heard some interesting news myself on the way here!" He said.

"What do you mean? Speak up!" Alice was getting restless with the town situation, she can't waste time here on some news that will never affect the situation!

"Keep calm Alice, the world news are events that affect the entire world if not today their effect will surely reach us in the future!" Her father calmed her down.

"The Elvish herald, The Demonic Beelzebub, The Mermaids Megalodon, and on my way here I heard that the Humanity's Hero has also appeared in this town!!!"

Alice's father jumped up from his chair and yelled.

"Are that news true? the other three have appeared at the same time? This can't be right!!" Alen can't believe what he heard.

"Can you explain in more detail?" Alice asked the messenger.

"Let me start with the elvish herald. He is a True Elf that was born from the branches of Yggdrasil the world tree at the Elvish capital! About two months ago one of Yggdrasil's branches cracked and an elf fell from it, he was already an adult! after treating and appraising him they discovered that he is a True Elf with great mastery over spirit magic, he also has the Herald class, The sword lord, who is the elvish lord gave the order to keep the herald name a secret to protect him! The Demon Lord and the depth lord also did the same and hid the true name of Beelzebub and Megalodon!" the messenger told the first part of his news.

"Should we do the same for the hero?" Alice asked her father.

"I guess they will keep their names secret until they are strong enough to protect themselves, just look at how much trouble our hero is in now!" Alen replied.

"Now I shall continue! The Demon Core who was slumbering in the depth of the demon lord's castle finally started beating again, from it a demon body regenerated! born from the depth of the Abyss and holding the demon core as his heart Beelzebub was born! or I should say, came back to life! bosting great mastery over the Life force itself, he had the class of Beelzebub and the demon lord offred him his protection until he reaches his peak!

Lastly Megalodon. She was born from the great pearl of the Unseen depth and caused an uproar in the entire world!! the moment she was born the great pearl shattered sending waves through the entire seas, even our ships have felt it. A Titanic shark-like monster big enough to swallow a whole warship in one go. Then out of nowhere, it shapeshifted into what they described as the finest and most beautiful Mermaid in the sea! She is a woman in her twenties who boast great psychic abilities, like telekinesis and mind control! She as well is receiving the protection of the depth lord!" The messenger finished his report.

Alice and her father had worried looks on their faces.

"I can understand getting rough information about them since we have a great diplomatic relationship with the demons, mermaid, and elves but how did you manage to know two of Megalodon powers?" Alen asked the messenger.

"That's why I said that she made an uproar! upon her birth, the waves tipped three of our navy ships that were patrolling above the great pearl. As the ships were sinking and our soldiers lost hope they saw the enormous monster emerge from the sea, some even said that it was bigger than the royal castle! As they lost hope they felt a weird sense of safety and relife! Megalodon used her Telekinesis to lift the ships and the drawing soldiers. Since the ships were damaged and can't sail, she dragged them with her telekinesis toward the coast and left them! when she left they returned to their senses and started panicking!" The messenger told his story.

"Moving ship is a telekinesis ability, keeping the soldiers calm until they reached the coast is where you deducted the mind control ability? Right?" Alice said with a thinking face.

"Yes, shortly after that we received the news about Megalodon's birth so we asked about the incident and the depth lord admitted that it was Megalodon, she wanted to help the ships but feared they might start fighting her or panic so she used her Psychic ability to calm them down!" the messenger gave the news.

"With her size, she is unbeatable in a sea battle and to have psychic abilities on top! Thank god she seems like a gentle person!!" Alice felt a sense of relief.

"This isn't all you have to say right? tell us about Beelzebub and the Herald!" Alen ordered the messenger to speak.

"It's as you say, the other two also have weird personalities! let start with the Herald! Just a few days after his appearance and as he was walking through the Elvish capital he saw dark elf slaves that were brought from the ongoing war between the dark Elf and the high Elf, he was furious to the point that he stormed into the Elvish king (Sword lord) throne room demanding to stop the war!"

"Are saying he stood up to the sword lord?" Alen asked.

"You could say that! as you know in the past a group of high elves tried to burn Yegdrassil but failed, the tree then cursed them and burned their skin turning them into the outcast Dark elves! right now since the herald is considered to have the same will as Yegdrassil the Elvish king took it as the world tree is finally forgiving the dark elves! And when he asked the Herald why did he think peace was better the herald replied by saying 'Dark elves are HOT'!" the messenger was showing a confused face.

"I guess he and our hero can understand each other since both of them are like this!" Alice laughed it off.

"About Beelzebub, his Affinity with a life force is so strong that the moment he gets a bit emotional of start a fight his body starts to absorb life force! In this case, everything around him withers away and dies even his clothes, so he is naked most of the time!! right now he is traveling around the demon kingdom with the twin daughters of the demon lord to level up and control his power! the demon lord said that letting him stay in the demonic capital will endanger the citizen!"

"Won't this endanger the demon lord daughters?" Alen asked.

"The of them decided to go with Beelzebub despite the dangers!" The messenger said.

"Is this all?" Alice asked.

"Yes, that's all the news we have! So... can you tell me more about the Hero? I heard about him in my way from your messenger!" The messenger asked trying to know more so he can relay it to the king.

Alice told the messenger almost everything, of course, she avoided Connor's personal information.

The story to be told to the world was that the hero was born from the world mana and the wish of the people of the kingdom, he boasts great magical ability and control over skills, just a few daying after his appearance he managed to quell an and undead uprise in Eric City.

Alice was confident in their ability to win that she announced it before the war started, that was because of the backing of Avander and the hero.

Seeing how the town situation is, the messenger decided to leave as soon as he finished delivering his message, he has to deliver the news to the world! It's not only Beelzebub, Megalodon, and the Herald, the Hero also appeared!!! The world is about to change.

Of course, Alice relayed that information to Connor as soon as it reached her, he was quite interested and thought that they might have a similar purpose in this world.

Connor also told Alice about Vanessa becoming their head maid but surprisingly Alice wasn't surprised at all as if she expected something like this to happen, she then proceeded to warn Connor by saying ' Don't lay your hand on her, remember the pecking order is important!!' to which Connor denied his intention to do anything!

Deep underground, Connor was traveling with Vanessa as his guide toward Roa, the caves seemed similar to him the only way he can know the direction is by using Ariel Compass and Vanessa's knowledge.

Vanessa noticed that Connor's sword was pretty damaged and asked him if he could only fight with magic.

"I can fight with the magic only, also the reason my sword is in this stat is because of you isn't it?" Connor replied, his sword got that damaged when he fought Vanessa.

{Notice: you can make a simple weapon using earth magic! just use [Earth Magic] to create a long cylindrical stone and you have a quarterstaff. The simple shape makes it easy to maintain and gives the possibility of only concentrating on making it stronger. A stone quarterstaff is extremely heavy but with [Enchantment Magic] that Connor is constantly using that won't be a problem but instead, a heavier weapon will hit harder!}

"That sounds like a good idea! Let me try it!!" Connor extended his right hand and cast his magic. [Earth Magic: Stone Quarterstaff]

The quarterstaff was created instantly but Connor kept adding more stone and compressing it, both the staff weight and Mana concentration started to rise quickly, for Connor and Ariel this was a simple experiment with magic trying to solve a problem they had, but for Vanessa who was watching it wasn't simple.

Improvising a magic spell on the fly isn't something that a normal mage could do, also the amount of mana Connor was putting into the staff is just scary! she refrained from talking to him as he worked on the staff as to not disturb him and cause the spell to fail.

just a minute later, Connor finished making his new weapon and drooped on his ass on the ground the quarterstaff on his shoulder.

"Damn! that was exhausting but Ariel managed to pull it off!!" Connor was making a happy face.

Vanessa rushed yelling at him.

"You stupid hero! at least tell me before you start experimenting with your magic!! what if the spell failed and you killed both of us!!" Vanessa is angry.

"Please wait a moment! what do you mean by if the spell failed?" The moment Connor asked he was punched in the face.

"If you lost control over your magic, the mana used will be instantly released as an explosion equal in strength to the mana released! I don't know what do you think your body is made of but I will die if that failed!! how mana were you putting in it?"

"Don't punch my face! I only put 2000 MP in it to make it a little durable!"

Vanessa punched him again.

"A whole 2000 MP!? are you crazy!!"

{Notice: The possibility of magic failing with me in charge is extremely low but if what Vanessa said is true and we expect an explosion equal in power to the MP spent, the explosion created by 2000 MP is fatal!}

Jut give me an estimation of the power released.

{Notice: [Combined Magic: Shell Shock] uses around 345 MPand has force equal to tank cannon! So 2000 MP has a destructive power equal to 5.79 tank cannon shoot at your face!}

Connor's face turned a bit pale after realizing what was in his hands =.

"Sorry, I will be more careful next time!" Connor apologized to Vanessa as well Mei that was sitting on top of his head.

"So is your new weapon?" Vanessa asked Connor about the quarterstaff he was holding on his shoulder.

"It's a success, trie to lift it!" Connor put his quarterstaff on the ground for Vanessa.

She wasn't able to make it budge, Vanessa seemed confused as Connor was holding the quarterstaff normally.

"Hehee! surprised? bu Ariel calculation I can roughly transform 1 MP into 1 Kg of stone so that staff is a Compressed 2000 Kg of stone!!!!" Connor is proud of his creation.

"But how were you able to hold it if it was this heavy? I wasn't able to!!" Vanessa questioned Connor.

Connor extended his hand and conjured a small stone in his hand, the stone was floating on top of his hand ready to be sent flying toward a target as a stone bullet spell should.

"See how this stone is floating? it also has a weight of about 3Kg! but the nature of the magical spell itself makes it float in perspective to me!" Connor showed the stone bullet spell to Vanessa.

"I can see it but how does that relate to your staff?" Vanessa is still confused.

"Since the quarterstaff is technically a spell that I cast I asked Ariel if she could maintain the floating state on the quarterstaff permanently! So for me, it only weighs about 2 kg and for everyone else, it weighs 2000 kg! a hundred times more!" Connor posed with pride.

"Then what happens when you hit something with it?" Vanessa asked, waiting to hear something outrageous.

"I only feel the recoil of swinging a 2 kg stick while the one I hit will feel the whole 2000 kg crashing onto his face!!"

"And you came with this shit on the fly? are you some kind of magic monster? if any wizard saw this they might quite magic! how do you even keep the floating permanent?" Vanessa can't believe what she saw.

"I don't really know Ariel does most of the calculation for the magic in my subconscious mind! I asked her to explain but she said it will take me months to understand!"

"And that with her dropping information directly into your mind! then a normal wizard can spend years if not a lifetime to learn this single technique! I can understand why Xaviin always felt frustrated when he talked about the first hero powers!!" Vanessa sighed.

"Xaviin is the person who sent you against me right?" Connor asked.

"Yep! He is also the ruler of the City of Roa that we are heading toward but don't worry, he won't be there!" Vanessa replied.

"Since he is leading the undead army toward Eric City right?" Connor replied.

"Yep! if you want to stop him, storming his stronghold in Roa is a great idea to get his attention!"

"Isn't his stronghold a fortified structure? storming it alone seems like a stupid idea to me!" Connor isn't confided enough to charge from the front door.

"With how quickly you're growing and the abnormally strong magic you can cast I believe it isn't possible for you to be able to do it in a few weeks!" Vanessa suggested.

"I don't have weeks, we need to stop him as soon as possible!"

"Then how about using my guild? this will be our first job under your name!"

"What do you mean?"

Vanessa started explaining what she thought.

Her guild 'The Shadow hand' is fairly new so the kingdom shouldn't have any record of it. Vanessa wants Connor to use his name as the hero so they won't be prosecuted!

Usually, the assassins get jobs from people in power to kill certain targets that pose a threat to the client, they can also be hired to steal or abduct people but, if they were to be seen as a special squad of Assassins working for the hero, the kingdom will be more willing to trust them and they can even start getting jobs from the Royal court.

The biggest obstacle to work with a country or a kingdom is getting them to trust your organization or on the other hand, fear it. Therefore if the hero were to vouch for them Vanessa's guild will get a massive jump in its power and prestige in the Dimiourgia Kingdom.

Connor asked Vanessa whether the king already has an assassin guild work for him and she replied that he doesn't and the special cleaning squad from the royal army is doing his dirty work for now, in fact, is causing too much suspicion around the king that he might be willing to get an assassin guild to do it in secret!

This is a massive jump in power that Xaviin just can't provide this fast! Vanessa was ready to enter a contract with Connor so her guild action seems as if they are the hero's orders.

The plane Vanessa thought of to enter Xaviin stronghold is as follows.

They will hunt a hulking cockroach and use Connor's shapeshifting on its corpse to make it look like Connor. Connor then will again use the shapeshifting on Vanessa to give her horrible scars as if she barely survived the battle, Connor will also shapeshift into a woman from her guild so they won't recognize him! So now the story is: Vanessa's entire party was massacred by the hero as they barely managed to subdue the hero! Now the last standing Vanessa felt a weird magical power in the hero's Corpse so she thinks that the hero isn't completely dead or that he can't be killed by normal means so she tried to call Xaviin for advice. Sadly as the hero killed the Death knight Xaviin thought that Vanessa failed her mission and cut contact to protect his information, now Vanessa is forced to drag the hero's corpse back to Roa as fast as possible and find a way to Contact Xaviin so he can finish the hero off. using this excuse the stronghold guards will let them in for two reasons, Xaviin was the first to abandon Vanessa but she finished her work, and this need to be relayed to their master, second Vanessa managed to beat the hero so she isn't someone to mess with!

After they get in they will contact Xaviin and tell him to come back to Roa to make sure the hero is dead for good! this will cause him to leave the front line, giving Alice a better chance of winning the war against the undead! Since the trip from Eric City untile Roa takes about 3~4 days Connor and Vanessa have plenty of time to wreak havoc in the stronghold! Xaviin is a thinking man, with a losing war and a destroyed base is more likely to run away to prepare for another time in the future giving Connor more time to grow stronger!

This is Vanessa's plan and Ariel didn't object which surprised Connor.

"Damn! Vanessa that was some 3d chess thinking!"

"What is this '3d Chess' your talking about?" Vanessa was a bit confused.

"Nothing important, tell you about when we reach Roa!"

After that they continued their travel toward Roa, Connor spent the time playing with his newly acquired quarterstaff, swinging it around to test its strength he discovered many things.

He can use [Earth Magic] to fight with quarterstaff the same way he can use [Sword Arts] to fight with swords!! he also discovered that the inventory he got has a weight limit decided by his maximum MP, Since Connor's Max MP is now 2320, he can store up to 2320 Kg of material.

If he was to store his quarterstaff in his inventory he will only have 320 Kg left! To be able to teleport Connor needs to enter his inventory and exit in another place that is close by or at least in Ariel's detection range, the further he teleports the more mana he consumes and the more inaccurate it becomes! which mean that Connor needs empty space in his inventory of more than 2100 kg to be able to teleport (2000 kg for the quarterstaff, 100 kg for Connor and his armor) this make Connor's inventory have a usable space of only 220 kg. Connor counted another 20 kg for food, water, and potions so he only has about 200 kg to use!!!

Only 200 kg? it's kinda small!!

{Notice: This is the best optimization I can do with my current abilities, I might be able to make it more efficient in the future as I level up but for now raising our max MP is the only way to increase your inventory space!}

I get it but how about Vanessa? how much she can carry now?

{Notice: She has a max MP of 640 and her shadow subspace isn't as efficient as our inventory she can only hold a maximum of 213 kg of weight! after subtracting the teleportation weight and her rations she might only have about 80~90 kg of space!}

Now I feel like my inventory is a bit bigger!

{Notice: don't forget that we need to get a hulking cockroach for the plan to work! those things weigh about 110 kg so you also have about 90 kg to work with!!!}

God Damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!