{Notice: We are surrounded by monsters, the titanic worm has also become a zombie! Not counting the 19 death knights and Xaviin himself, our situation is dire.
The chances of winning are small and running is even harder, our only choice is fighting!
I will fight as well!}
Connor dropped his monke's stick, it transformed, [Combined Magic: Ariel guise, Volcanic form]
[Battle Mode: Stone Knight]
Just as Connor got closer to Xaviin he teleported away leaving Ariel there, this was the plane.
As Ariel was about to punch Xaviin with a flaming punch she was intercepted by a death knight, a kick to the face.
The death knight did wear heavy armor and held a one-handed Axe, he probably realized that Ariel is just a golem, and damaging it is futile, pushing her away until they deal with the hero is better.
But this was Ariel, unlike Connor, she is more creative and always has a plan.
The moment the kick connected, Ariel's golem melted into lava and engulfed the death knight!
"Move away from her!" Xaviin screamed at the death knight and used his magic. [Necrotic Magic: Necrotic chains] He tried to drag the death knight from the midst of lava but he was late, It was Ariel he was facing, she will never make it easy!
She dragged the death knight underground in a second and then, [Combined Magic: Blast Furnace]
The ground glowed red from the furnace heat, Xaviin had to jump away.
"Sh*t! but this isn't enough to kill one of my death knights, even if he is charred I can revive him with necrotic magic!" Xaviin said.
"{Notice: Thanks for the advice!}" Ariel replied.
Connor has already game me permission to use [Earth Magic], [Fire Magic], [Wind Magic]. This means I can crank up the heat!
[Combined Magic: Blast Furnace] ⇒ [Combined Magic: Volcanic Womb]
Instead of extremely hot flames now the furnace chamber with filled with molten rock, Lava! Completely disintegrating any organic matter in it, melting the minerals, and finally mixing them together at the chemical level making them unrecognizable!
For example, if you put Iron and flesh in it, It will mix the iron with the carbon in the flesh making steel.
The ground erupted like a volcano, and Ariel walked out, glowing red hot.
"{Notice: Can you rise a nonexisting body?}" she menacingly said to Xaviin.
"You bastard! I read the report saying that there is a possibility that something is possessing the hero, was that you?"
Ariel didn't reply, Her intention is simple, buying time for Connor so he can take down the second biggest threat after Xaviin.
A brilliant flash of light engulfed the cavern with a thunderous sound, Xaviin turned around but couldn't see anything from how bright it was.
"That's where the worm was, is the hero the source of this light?"
Ariel though, I can't say this out loud but yes that's Connor, I created a plan to slowly turn the tides of battle.
I will distract Xaviin and the death knights while Connor will fight the titanic worm, we can ignore the other resurrected monsters since they are too weak.
Connor can't beat the worm alone but winning isn't his goal, since it's now a zombie she doesn't need to breathe this has eliminated one of her biggest weaknesses! but this has given her another major weakness, her [Acid Magic: Acid breath] has a large AOE, if she used it she will hit Xaviin and the other death knight potentially changing the tides of battle!
Xaviin should have given her an order to not use it but we can still try, Connor now is trying to agitate it, force it to use the breath!
How is the agitating it? If 300 million volts are not enough, and since the worm has Iron in her scales, I told him to try welding them together with high voltage, slowly robbing the worm of her ability to move!
This continuous light is Connor welding the scales!
{Notice: I can only use three skills, this is enough to buy time!}
Ariel is surrounded by Xaviin and the remaining 18 death knights, they think she might be the source of the hero's power and are trying to take her down first.
Ariel registered the death knight by their fighting style and equipment for ease of track!
On her four directions (Back, front, left, and right) at the close distance, there are four shields wielders they are tanks specializing in taking damage, beside them at close distance but diagonally (Front right, front left, back right, back left) stands four swordsmen, they carry either longswords or arming swords.
At the mid-distance, right behind the shield wielders stands the greatsword wielders, Ariel already took one down earlier so the front place is empty. At the mid-distance diagonal four archers stand aiming their bows.
After that at the long-range stands the four mages with Xaviin standing with one of them at the front.
[Earth Magic: Rage Beneath The Mountains] The earth started to shake making it hard to stand, this has surprised the death knights.
Surprised they lunched a counter-attack immediately, the archer fired simultaneously
Ariel jumped to the ground to dodge the arrows, they were infused with magic so they might have some nasty effects, It was best to dodge them entirely then hope they have no effect on stone!
The next moment she appeared underneath one of the shielders, delivering a fiery punch from below. The death knight jumped and blocked the attack with his shield, supporting it with his legs.
Taking this opportunity the two close swordsmen slashed at Ariel at the same time, It was the best time to attack. The archer and mages can't attack because friendly fire is a thing.
[Wind Magic: Air jet], [Fire Magic: Fire jet] Using those two skills Ariel flew with the shielder death knight toward the ceiling where she smashed him, the two swordsmen missed since they aimed low expecting Ariel to dodge by going downward, she instead has gone up!
Once again Ariel's golem melted and engulfed the death knight, pushing him into the ceiling, and then, [Combined Magic: Volcanic Womb] she incinerated him as she did before.
"Seems like death knights can't take you down, a true monster, what is your race? Are you a devil? A ghost? From what I see probably a spirit!" Xaviin asked, he doesn't seem concerned that much.
Ariel didn't respond and only looked at them while dangly upside down from the ceiling like a spider.
{Notice: Analysing targets, calculating chances, detecting the easier target!
Confirmed, Target lock on!} Ariel looked her sight on one of the mages, the furthest one from Xaviin.
Ariel simply let go and started falling as if she run out of MP, Seeing this chance the mages started preparing their spells, for a split second, Ariel's target Extended his staff to cast magic.
{Notice: Casting magic requires concentration, even if it is for a second you won't be able to move! And I'm faster than any of you!}
[Earth Magic: Stone Spear], [Fire Magic: Fire Jet]
The stone spear was propelled with fire magic to high velocity, finally impaling Ariel's target in the chest.
The spear then melted and Absorbed the Death knight into the ground.
[Combined Magic: Volcanic Womb] He was taken out.
Ariel just dropped to the ground as they Looked in shock, what was that speed and accuracy? Xaviin couldn't believe what he saw, he thought that his mages were fast being able to cast Magic in a second or two, Ariel now used two different types of magic in a split second.
{Notice: three down!}
They started to hesitate, each time they made a move they lost a member, they can't attack recklessly.
What they don't know is that Connor and Ariel are limited with how much MP they have, even with [Combined Magic: Overclocked Mana Regeneration] they can't keep up with the demand of this fight.
The light from Connor welding the worm's scales faded, For a moment Ariel's golem fell on its knees and its fire faded.
As if Ariel were turned off for a second.
Connor has run out of MP and the worm killed him again.
This was enough for Xaviin to realize his priorities, he should aim for the hero instead of Ariel.
"Keep her busy as long as you can, I will take care of the hero!" Xaviin flew toward Connor's location.
{Notice: Connor, Xaviin is coming toward you I need to teleport toward you with [Teleportation Magic]}
No need to use the golem, just minimize the MP consumption, I can't fight with Xaviin at a close distance anyway!
Connor jumped from the titanic worm, toward where Xaviin landed and stood a short distance away from him.
"You have no way to run, surrender! You're stuck here with all of us!" Xaviin said.
"Stuck? You seem to misunderstand something!" Connor replied.
"I'm not stuck here with you all, you're stuck here with ME!" Connor said
{Notice: Don't even think about it! You can ignite it but not survive, the Nuke is too dangerous!}
I know, I'm not going to use it!
Connor extended his hand, [Lightning Magic: Chain Lightning]
Xaviin dodged by flying sideways, [Necrotic Magic: Godless domain] This spell prevents the interference of gods in a certain area, Xaviin used it to stop Connor from resurrecting since he thinks a god is doing it.
[Fire Magic: Flame Tongue] Xaviin slashed at Connor with what looked like a massive blade of fire.
[Water Magic: Water Wall] Connor blocked Xaviin's attack but he was surprised by the worm charging its breath.
Shi*t! I need to stop it! If Xaviin was the one who ordered it to do it then I'm in trouble, since that means he has a way to survive it. Our initial plan was to use the worm's breath to kill Xaviin and his underlings but with this, our plan has gone up the smoke.
Connor flew toward the worm at high speed using the magnetic field created by his [Lightning Magic].
Xaviin flew directly to intercept Connor, [Necrotic Magic: Death Blade], [Poison Magic: Toxic cloud], [Staff Arts: Mage's reckless strike]= [Triple Activation: No Life Slam]
Xaviin swung his death-charged staff at Connor with killing intent, even if Connor managed to dodge it he will get his with the Toxic cloud which could be fatal.
That thing seems painful as hell Like I will get hit! [Teleportation Magic: Mana Step]
Connor just teleported and skipped Xaviin.
I need to get to the worm… Connor's vision blurred as he felt a sharp pain in his back.
"I expected this!" Xaviin said as he redirected his slash to hit behind him. He managed to slice Connor's back.
The worm unleashed its breath, Connor didn't have time to stop it since he was hit. He ended taking the Acid breath to the face.
[Plot Armor: Level 13] ⇒ [Plot Armor: Level 14]
Xaviin Landed beside Connor's half-melted Corpse, he seems to not have suffered any injuries so he might have an item to protect him.
"Now this is a godless land, you will find no salvation and shall stay dead! Now, will you become my Zombie?" Xaviin said to Connor's corpse.
"Daga Kotowaru! (But I refuse!)" A voice came from Connor's corpse as it was engulfed in golden flames.
Connor got resurrected again which cough Xaviin off guard, he was able to headbutt Xaviin in the skull (Since he was a skeleton with no face)
"You little…" Xaviin Grabbed Connor's hand and throw him with a great amount of force, even if he was a skeleton necromancer Xaviin seems to have enough physical power to toy with normal fighters.
"SH*T!" Xaviin Slammed Connor onto the ground as if he was a doll.
[Sound Magic: Extreme scream]
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" It was loud enough to be heard from hundreds of meters away.
Alema later described the horrendous sound she heard, she said.
"It was sharp, loud, painful. I felt as if my teeth are about to crack! I've seen multiple people fall to the ground as they closed their ears, some weren't even able to breathe. The moment it started it was surprising, scary, and sudden.
If I was to describe it, It was like a beaver scream but enchanted to a crazy degree!"
Xaviin stumbled back, His bone cracked from the loud sound.
Connor jumped back up, Ariel crank up the holy magic through my body and fly back here!
He lifted his hand and the Monke's stick flew right to it. As Connor looked something seemed off, something is stuck to the monke's stick, it was a severed head.
It was mostly in its regular form, but at the tip, it was still the shape of Ariel golem's hand holding the death knight's severed head.
{Notice: I was about to incinerate him!} Ariel threw the head to the ground where he was sucked into a small [Combined Magic: Volcanic Womb]
"How much did you take down?" Connor asked.
{Notice: 8 There are still 11 remainings!}
Connor spun the Monke's stick and swung it at Xaviin with an extreme amount of force.
Xaviin ducked down and countered with a hit to the elbow with his staff, Connor's elbow started to rot from that hit for a moment but healed.
{Notice: Xaviin's whole body is filled with Condensed Necrotic Magic, Normal living beings can even touch him without dying!}
Passive damage? Not like it matters now!
Connor aimed at Xaviin's torso, which seemed the easier way to get a hit in.
Xaviin easily dodged by taking a step back and he then unleased a spell [Necrotic Magic: Death Ball].
Connor created a wall of water using [Water Magic] To block the attack.
As he did that, he was surprised as Xaviin's hand appeared from the water and caught Connor from the neck.
[Necrotic Magic: Necrotic Blast] Connor's neck and upper chest have turned into dust.
"Will this do it?" Xaviin questioned.
Connor got resurrected again anyway.
"Guess no?" Xaviin said.
[Earth Magic: Earth spikes] [Fire Magic: Blase Blizzard] Spikes started to emerge from the ground targeting Xaviin and fire filled the place.
Out of nowhere, the worm slammed Connor with its tail but he was able to dodge at the last moment by diving into the ground.
"I almost forgot that the worm is still here!" As Connor said this he emerged back up.
{Notice: Warning, don't!
"Heh?" As Connor jumped outside the ground he was immediately cut down by a death knight that survived.
"How about now?" Xaviin is waiting to see if Connor is finally dead for good.
[Plot Armor] Activated.
Nop! He just got back up like always!
[Teleportaion Magic] Connor teleported directly to the death knight that just slashed him.
With the might of a great ape, Connor blasted the death knight's upper body with his monke's stick!
[Combined Magic: Volcanic Womb] Ariel disintegrated the Death knight body as it hit the ground.
{Notice: Nine down}
Are you counting?
{Notice: Can't let anyone of them escape!}
Most of the death knights don't have facial features and can't show emotion, but it was obvious, their look at Connor wasn't how you look at a human.
Connor could see it with [Draconic sences], the fear and disgust in their eyes, as if they are looking at an abomination of a monster.
On the other hand, nothing can be sensed from Xaviin except excitement.
Without hesitation, Connor teleported toward another Death knight.
The death knight was an archer so he tried to back down and gain distance but he instead got the signature backhand to the face. Connor followed with an extreme kick to the nuts. POP! The death knight never felt a pain like that, the kick was so strong he was sent flying upward to the ceiling where Ariel relived him from his suffering with another [Combined Magic: Volcanic Womb]
{Notice: Ten down!}
{Notice: You leveled up!}
Name: Connor Von Eric Hakai Monke . Level: 26
Age: 24 Race: Human.
Social status: The master of the Von Eric family, The master of the Von Eric Hakai Monke family.
Class: Hero, Divine Slayer. Portfolio: Destruction.
Titles: Toxic gamer, Merciless, Another world traveler, Tamer, Partner of the gold dragon Kinryuu, Destroyer.
Health: 4687/4687
Mana: 6785/6785
Stamina: 3715/3715
Strength: 40 ,Dexterity: 38 ,Speed: 41 , Magic: 44 ,Luck: 20
Constitution: 42 ,Wisdom: 36 ,Intelligence: 44 ,Charisma: 36 ,Will: 38
Martial art Skills:
[Martial arts: Level 31],[Mace Arts: Level 11], [Throwing: Level 3],[Sword arts: Level 18],
Evocation Skills:
[Fire Magic: Level 30], [Acid Magic: Level 1], [Water Magic: Level 16], [Wind Magic: Level 28], [Earth Magic: Level 37], [Lightning Magic: Level 34], [Light Magic: Level 10], [Dark Magic: Level 10], [Pure Magic: Level 34], [Enchanting Magic: Level 40], [Sound Magic: Level 13], [Magic Control: Level 36], [Magic Amplification: Level 16], [Enslavement Magic: Level 4], [Teleportation Magic: Level 21], [Shadow Magic: Level 3].
Restoration Skills:
[Holy Healing Magic: Level 30], [Holy Detoxification Magic: Level 24], [Regeneration: Level 11]
Taming Skills:
[Taming: Level 12], [Shapeshift: Level 20].
[Acid Resistance: Level 14], [Pain resistance: Level 34], [Lightning Resistance: Level 17], [Physical Resistance: Level 11], [Mental Resistance: Level 17], [Fire Resistance: Level 13]
Draconic blood Skills:
[Draconic Physic: Level 26], [Draconic Senses: Level 26], [Draconic Stomach: Level 7], [Draconic Arrogance: Level 17].
Ariel Skills:
[Ariel: Level 29]= [Appraisal], [Sentient], [Analyse], [Encyclopedia], [Minimap], [Ego], [Inventory]
Hero Skills:
[Patron of the holy maiden: Level 14]
Curses from the god of creation:
[Plot armor: Level 14],
Destroyer Innate skills:
[Destruction: Level 33], [HeAw%=DeLoAw%: Level Unknown].
Registered Combined Magic:
[Combined Magic: Overclocked Mana Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Mana Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Active Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Extreme Active Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Weightless and Durable Stone Armor]
[Combined Magic: Weapon Speed Enchantment]
[Combined Magic: Enchanted Movement and reaction Speed]
[Combined Magic: Shell Shock]
[Combined Magic: Stronger Shell Shock]
[Combined Magic: Earth Glide]
[Combined Magic: Presence Concealing]
[Combined Magic: Monke's Stick] {[Combined Magic: MK-47], [[Combined Magic: Ariel's golem]}
[Combined Magic: Blast Furnace] ==> [Combined Magic: Volcanic Womb]
[Combined Magic: Ariel's Guise]
[Combined Magic: Warzone]
Battle Modes:
[Battle Mode: Stone Knight]
Active Skills:
[Ariel: Accelerated Calculation, Magic Calculation, Internal Chanting, Vital Record, Mental protection, Accelerated Thoughts, Ego, Appraisal, Sentient, Analyse, Encyclopedia, Minimap, Inventory]
[Enchanting Magic: Reinforced Body], [Draconic senses: enchanted perception], [Draconic Physic: Draconic Vigor], [Draconic Stomach: Iron Stomach], [Martial Arts: Body Control], [Pain Resistance: Lessened Pain], [Lightning Resistance], [Fire Resistance], [Mental Resistance], [Physical Resistance], [Acid Resistance], [Lightning Magic: Lightning enchantment (On the body)], [Fire Magic: Fire enchantment (On Monke's stick)], [Regeneration]
[Patron of the Holy Maiden: Holy Maiden's link]
Active Modes:
[Battle Mode: Stone Knight]
Active Combined Magic:
[Combined Magic: Overclocked Mana Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Extreme Active Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Monke's Stick]
[Combined Magic: Enchanted Movement and reaction Speed]
[Combined Magic: Weightless and Durable Stone Armor]
Connor's growth is accelerating each time he comes back from the dead, Connor gained his confidence of winning, his blood pumped up, I could win!
The next emotion that swelled back up was anger, rage, Malice! The thought came back, this is the man that killed Lydia!
Another sight flashed through Connor's head, The sight of a man crying at a ruined house, Connor recognise this sight, this is his parent's house in Bluemill. No! Connor doesn't have family here, whose house is Connor remembering?
-O'hero, please protect her!- The voice of a man rang through Connor's head.
Multiple fragments of emotions flow in Connor's head, The joy of finishing a robbery, The relief after your assassination targeted finally kick the bucket, the hard life of a slave, a woman cursing the entire world for her suffering…
{Notice: It's getting out of hand! The emotions of the souls absorbed by [Plot Armor] are spilling out! Stay calm!}
Ariel tried to calm Connor down, but he was getting out of hand, Consumed by the massive amount of souls he absorbed he lashed out at Xaviin.
[Necrotic Magic: Instant death] Xaviin unleashed a wave of death at Connor, instantly killing him.
[Plot Armor] Activated.
Connor was flying toward Xaviin when he died, as he got resurrected he just kept moving forward, an unstoppable monster.
Grabbing Xaviin from the face Connor throw him like a ball and followed with a kick ragdolling Xaviin as if he was a soccer ball.
"Just stay down!" Xaviin yelled as he unleashed another wave of necrotic Magic, causing Connor's left leg to rot entirely, that wasn't permanent damage since it just got healed back up.
"Xaviin-sama, are you sure this is a hero? Isn't he just some crazy monster?" A death knight shouted.
"Like I know? We got information that he is the hero, with this crazy strength he must be the real deal!" Xaviin replied.
"I thought a hero was to be a role model for humans, a symbol for bravery and grace!" Another death knight said.
"Who thought you that? A hero is the symbol of change, abnormality, and the unexpected. A hero can be good or evil, isn't bound by anything, more consider him a symbol for despair rather than hope since fighting him is like jumping in a never-ending hole of possibilities!" Xaviin replied as he dodged a swing from the enraged Connor.
"I have a trump card! We can win, buy me time!" Xaviin said.
As the nine remaining death knights jumped at Connor to buy time, Xaviin stood still to prepare his magic.
Taking off his necklace and breaking the three jewels in it he started the chant.
"With this a three-headed seal…"
A Death knight was slain by Connor.
[Necrotic Magic: Necrotic chains] Xaviin infused the fragments with his magic.
"As the blood stops to flow…"
Smacking his hand together his staff started to float in front of him.
"The medium between the soul and body shall be severed…"
Another death knight was slain.
Xaviin extended his hands toward Connor and pointed at him with three fingers.
"One at the body, one at the soul, one at the medium…"
Xaviin eyes flashed as magic started to build up inside him.
[Curse Magic: Seal], [Necrotic Magic: Medium Severing], [Necrotic Magic: Raise Souls]=
"Never wake up from your slumber!"
[Combined Magic: Soul seal]
Silently, the combined magic directly hit Connor, without resistance he fell down, dead!
{Notice: Warning! Can't Connect to the main soul!
Analyze, finish.
Connor's soul was found, reconnecting…
Another attempt… Failed.
Analyze… reason found.
Connor's soul was sealed inside his body…
Warning, emergency…[Plot Armor] won't activate.
Analyze… Just Connor's soul was sealed, Plot armor detect if Connor is dead or alive when his medium break… Connor's medium is still intact.
Further, analysis required!... Compleated.
The living being is constructed with three things, A physical body, a soul, and a medium that connect both soul and body together. When a creature dies the medium breaks releasing the soul. In this case, Connor's medium was left intact but his soul was sealed.
In this situation, Connor's body will die out without activating the plot armor skill.
The body has entered cardiac arrest, about 6 minutes until brain death.
Searching for a solution… non was found with the current skills.
Retrying… Non was found!
Non was found! Non was found! Non was found! Non was found! Non was found! Non was found! Non was found! Non was found! Non was found! Non was found! Non was found! Non was found! Non was found! Non was found!...
Ariel repeated the search to what semed infinity, over and over fliping the same pages, searching for hope but none was found.
Eventually… [Ariel: Level 29] ⇒ [Ariel: Level 30] upgrad [Core] is available.
A glimpse of hope was shining.
Instaling [Core]
insufficient MP 2697/5684 needed.
!#@((&$5#$#@$@#$%%&^*%^@#$@#^$%*(&_)*@$@!#@!!!!! (I should probably censor what Ariel said)}
Slowly fading away, Connor's inner world started to crumble as he was actually dying.
No hope was left for Connor and Ariel…
She can't do anything now, with Connor dead she can't use his skills, the only thing she was able to use is the analysis.
-" Connor-sama! Connor-sama!"- A voice Called from afar.
Ariel heard it, she know that voice, it was Alice.
Ariel wasn't able to call her since Connor's soul was sealed but I guess Alice could use her end of the link to call.
-" Connor-sama! The link is feeling weird, It's cold! What's happening to you!"- Alice asked.
Alice got one reply from Ariel, it was short simple but carry great meaning. It was the first time Alice got an order from the hero without a choice.
"{Notice: Get a big sacrifice for the hero! Now!}"
At the time Alice was back at the church of Avander alongside Leon and Lisa as she got the order.
Slowly she turned toward Lisa, with a straight face that carried a strong will.
"Lisa, Burn this place to the ground!"
"Excuse me, what?" Lisa replied.
"Get you're a*s moving, now!" Alice shouted at Lisa.
With a crazed smile, Lisa said.
"If it's an order I guess it can't be helped!"
"Leon-san, Help evacuate everyone, I will explain later!"
A minute later, people gathered to watch the City's ancient Church burning, at the gate stood Lisa and Alice.
Lisa was laughing with a red face, she is feeling something from doing this for sure.
Alice lifted her hand to the sky, with a maniacal smile.
"Let this 100-Year-old church be a sacrifice to the hero of destruction!" She screamed.
"Is he dead?" A Death knight asked.
"It's been five minutes, he didn't move!" Another one said.
"The time is out! he should be dead, get his body for me!" Xaviin said as he turned around to head back to his fortress.
At that moment he felt a pulse of Holy Magic from Connor's dead body.
"{Notice:}"... A voice boomed in the cavern.
[Instaling the Core]