After Xaviin summoned his Death Knights to his side, the undead army retreated for the lack of a leader.
With this chance Eric city managed to survive the first night of the war.
What wasn't expected is that a great fire started at the middle of the night, Alice has set Avander's church ablaze!
Some confused, some angry and calling blasphemy, they heard an order.
'' To the southern land, we shall regroup with the Hero in our last stand! '' Alice rushed out of the city without a care about the people words, accompanied by Alva, Leon and Lisa.
The people turned toward Alen, their former lord in disbelief and asked.
'' How do you explain this act from your daughter? ''
Unable to give a direct answer he replied.
'' Ask her when we come back! '' He then signals to the guards to follow him, the war for the night haven't ended yet.
Underground, inside Connor's body.
{Notice: Enough MP was earned from the sacrifice, now attempting to install the upgrade!}
Ariel was looking at Connor's soul, chained in place.
{Notice: leave the rest to me!}
The veins at the fetus face was clearly apparent, a testimony of Ariel's anger.
[Installing the Core]
Right in front of Xaviin's eyes, the spectral form of fetus above Connor's dead body.
'' What the... ''
'' Piiiiikyaaaaaaaaaaaaa! '' The fetus screamed before Xaviin could finish his sentence. The scream was loud, unpleasant to hear, Xaviin could feel his instinct shudders. This thing is dangerous beyond reasons.
The fetus got absorbed into Connor's body and silence dominate for a second.
{Notice: The body in incompatible with Ariel, using [Shapeshift] to morph it to the need.}
Connor's body levitated as it started to change.
Xaviin didn't sit idle, he prepared his necrotic magic to interupt Connor's sudden change but he failed, the moment his magic got close it was nullified by an opposing element, fire with water, necrotic with holy magic...
Connor's form didn't change that much, Ariel only focused on changing the internal organs function and the blood and mana circulation.
The ghostly specter of a woman can be seen imprinted on him, two white wings emerges from his back as a halo of condensed holy magic.
'' You accursed! This is a godless land, how did you get here! '' Xaviin screamed as he saw that.
'' Which God sent? A being like you isn't even supposed to enter this realm! '' He continued.
Race: Human ==> Race: Angel.
Name: Ariel . Level: 26
Age: 0 Race: Angel.
Social status: The Adviser of the hero, The second soul of the hero.
Class: Hero, Divine Slayer. Portfolio: Destruction, Order.
Titles: META gamer, Merciless, Celestial Paragon, Tamer, Calculated, Destroyer.
Health: 4687/4687
Mana: 6785/6785
Stamina: 3715/3715
Strength: 40 ,Dexterity: 38 ,Speed: 41 , Magic: 50 ,Luck: 20
Constitution: 42 ,Wisdom: 50 ,Intelligence: 50 ,Charisma: 36 ,Will: 50
Martial art Skills:
[Martial arts: Level 31],[Mace Arts: Level 11], [Throwing: Level 3],[Sword arts: Level 18],
Evocation Skills:
[Fire Magic: Level 30], [Acid Magic: Level 1], [Water Magic: Level 16], [Wind Magic: Level 28], [Earth Magic: Level 37], [Lightning Magic: Level 34], [Light Magic: Level 10], [Dark Magic: Level 10], [Pure Magic: Level 34], [Enchanting Magic: Level 40], [Sound Magic: Level 13], [Magic Control: Level 36], [Magic Amplification: Level 16], [Enslavement Magic: Level 4], [Teleportation Magic: Level 21], [Shadow Magic: Level 3].
Restoration Skills:
[Holy Healing Magic: Level 30], [Holy Detoxification Magic: Level 24], [Regeneration: Level 11]
Taming Skills:
[Taming: Level 12], [Shapeshift: Level 20].
[Acid Resistance: Level 14], [Pain resistance: Level 34], [Lightning Resistance: Level 17], [Physical Resistance: Level 11], [Mental Resistance: Level 17], [Fire Resistance: Level 13]
Draconic blood Skills:
[Draconic Physic: Level 26], [Draconic Senses: Level 26], [Draconic Stomach: Level 7], [Draconic Arrogance: Level 17].
Ariel Skills:
[Ariel: Level 30]= [Appraisal], [Sentient], [The Core], [Analyse], [Encyclopedia], [Minimap], [Ego], [Inventory]
Hero Skills:
[Patron of the holy maiden: Level 14]
Curses from the god of creation:
[Plot armor: Level 14],
Destroyer Innate skills:
[Destruction: Level 33], [HeAw%=DeLoAw%: Level Unknown].
Registered Combined Magic:
[Combined Magic: Overclocked Mana Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Mana Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Active Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Extreme Active Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Weightless and Durable Stone Armor]
[Combined Magic: Weapon Speed Enchantment]
[Combined Magic: Enchanted Movement and reaction Speed]
[Combined Magic: Shell Shock]
[Combined Magic: Stronger Shell Shock]
[Combined Magic: Earth Glide]
[Combined Magic: Presence Concealing]
[Combined Magic: Monke's Stick] {[Combined Magic: MK-47], [[Combined Magic: Ariel's golem]}
[Combined Magic: Blast Furnace] ==> [Combined Magic: Volcanic Womb]
[Combined Magic: Ariel's Guise]
[Combined Magic: Warzone]
Battle Modes:
[Battle Mode: Stone Knight]
Active Skills:
[Ariel: Accelerated Calculation, Magic Calculation, Internal Chanting, Vital Record, Mental protection, Accelerated Thoughts, Ego, Appraisal, Sentient, Analyse, Encyclopedia, Minimap, Inventory]
[Enchanting Magic: Reinforced Body], [Draconic senses: enchanted perception], [Draconic Physic: Draconic Vigor], [Draconic Stomach: Iron Stomach], [Martial Arts: Body Control], [Pain Resistance: Lessened Pain], [Lightning Resistance], [Fire Resistance], [Mental Resistance], [Physical Resistance], [Acid Resistance], [Lightning Magic: Lightning enchantment (On the body)], [Fire Magic: Fire enchantment (On Monke's stick)], [Regeneration]
[Patron of the Holy Maiden: Holy Maiden's link]
Active Modes:
[Battle Mode: Stone Knight]
Active Combined Magic:
[Combined Magic: Overclocked Mana Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Extreme Active Regeneration]
[Combined Magic: Monke's Stick]
[Combined Magic: Enchanted Movement and reaction Speed]
[Combined Magic: Weightless and Durable Stone Armor]
Connor opened his eyes (Ariel), they were completely blue.
{Notice: from the skills [Holy Healing Magic] and [Holy Detoxification Magic] the skill [Holy Magic] was learned.
By Laying the script for [Holy Magic] over the other skills, giving them a holy attribute is possible! The same as dual activation [Holy Magic]+[the wanted skill] = [Holy 'the wanted skill']
[Holy Fire Magic]
Ariel lifted her right hand, holy flame engulfed her palm. The inventory opened above it and the Monke's stick fell from it.
The Monke's stick was engulfed the moment Ariel grabbed it, enchanting it with holy fire.
[Holy Magic: Holy chains] golden chains of pure holy magic appeared around Ariel the same as the tentacles from her fetus form did.
'' What we're waiting for, Attack him now! '' a Death knight screamed as he leaps forward bearing his great sword.
'' Stop... '' Xaviin yell's at him.
As the Death knight got closer he was blocked with an invisible wall of compressed air. Before he could hit the ground, the chains wrapped around his neck and started flinging him around like a rag doll. At last his body was torn apart and burned by the holy flame.
As he saw that, Xaviin became serious if he do not use his all he might actually lose!
Putting his hands together, [Necrotic Magic: canceling Necromancer graveyard] on all but the death knights and the titanic worm.
[Necrotic Magic: Necrotic absorption] Xaviin started absorbing the latent necrotic mana released by the undead he just destroyed.
The moment he started, Ariel flapped her wings, instead of taking off she instead teleported directly to Xaviin.
The Death knights who expected her to fly were surprised and didn't react in time to protect Xaviin from her.
Ariel kicked Xaviin in the face with a straight kick, it wasn't only powerful but also backed with a massive burst of holy flames.
As Xaviin was set flying backwards he got caught by the golden chains and bounsed back toward Ariel were he got another kick to the torso.
He kept bouncing back and forth one being kick at other times hit with the Monke's stick, and even punched.
To the looker it seemed as if Ariel was playing with him the same way you play with a balloon and a string!
The death knight jumped to save Xaviin but to their surprise, it was a trap.
[Holy Water Magic: Power Spray] as if hit with a power washer they got splashed with holy water, that was the bane of undead and they suffered from it, the water eating at their already dead flesh as it was acid.
Ariel could feel it, even though he is cought in her combo, Xaviin didn't stop absorbing the necrotic mana.
'' {Notice: tough bone} '' Ariel said in a monoton voice, she sensed the increase in necrotic mana inside him.
[Holy Earth Magic: Deep Hole] With this, Ariel dug a large hole and threw Xaviin in it.
[Holy Earth Magic: Dirt]+[Holy Water Magic: Flow] = [Combined Magic: Holy Mud] encasing Xaviin inside.
She then struck it with [Holy Lightning Magic: Arcing Lightning] until the mud dried fully.
As she looked around the Death knights started to crumble, break down into ashes. As Xaviin absorbed even them, at that place no other undead remained except him.
Bursting from the freshly dried clay like a zombie crawling from his grave, Xaviin raised to the challenge.
'' Angels are cruel... '' before he could finish his sentence, Ariel teleported behind him swinging the Monke's stick.
'' let me finish... '' Xaviin turned back swinging his staff with extreme amounts of force and necrotic magic.
Just before the impact Ariel teleported to Xaviin's other side, effectively avoiding his counter and landing her strike at his neck.
As Xaviin's body spun mid-air he caught Ariel's face with his hand, slamming her into the ground.
[Necrotic Magic: Death Burst]+[Fire Magic: Fire Burst] = [Combined Magic: Hell Burst]
The abnormal amount of power in Xaviin's magic was because he has spent decades, if not sentries perfecting it. This was supposed to compleatly incenerate Ariel's face.
Using the wide arsenal of skills that Connor has she managed to mitigate the damage to point where healing magic could fix it in one cast, a chain whipped Xaviin into the cave ceiling. Ariel flew after him, gathering momentum for a single massive hit with the Monke's stick tip. It was strong enough to bury hit into the stoney ceiling.
'' Impudent being! '' Xaviin growled [Earth Magic: Dig] he dug the ground behind him to move away from Ariel.
[Necrotic Magic: Breath of Death] a howling gust of purple vapor hurled toward Ariel, as the tunnel that Xaviin created was narrow, she had no place to escape, normally that is!
[Combined Magic: Earth Glide] swimming through the ground and closing the hole behind her, Ariel managed to evade the deadly breath.
'' {Notice: Target Lock On!} '' since she has lost sight of him, she started using hygiene [MiniMap] to track him down.
Back on the surface, Alice and the army have just reached an open field, it wasn't planted just grass as as the eye could see.
'' Alice-sama, the effect of what you did is great and the soldiers are losing patience, when will the Hero appear? '' A soldier that was accompaning Alice with Alva asked.
'' He will appear when it's time! '' Alva replied.
'' She is right, and it seems that time is now! '' Alice said.
Alva drew her rapier the moment she heard that.
'' Now? From where, we can't see a thing, at least it's almost a full moon! '' The man replied.
Alice then walked to the middle of the field and readied her mace.
As the soldiers looked at her actions in confusion, there were no enemies in the sight so why the stance.
As they thought that they felt a sudden shaking in the ground.
And again it seems to get stronger.
The ground burst and a Skeleton flew out at high speed. His sight was enough to send fear into the bones of the living, they instantly recognized him as their natural enemy, they held their weapons strong, some even fled but Alen was watching so he turned back pretending to carry supplies.
Following the skeleton, what emerged from the ground left every one in awe, the direct opposite of what they just saw.
A man with pure white wing that spans longer than his body. They can't clearly say if his hair was black or brown but they sure recognize the long glowing silvery strand of hair on his head. Lastly a golden halo on his head that seems to shine through the darkness of the night.
'' Aim for the skeleton, the angel is the hero don't you dare hit him! '' Alice yelled her order.
As the arrows rained down on Xaviin he responded with a massive fireball [Fire Magic: Fireball] aimed directly at Ariel.
Just moments before the impact a woman flew between Ariel and the fireball.
'' Let me play as well! '' with a swing from her hand the woman deflected the fireball.
'' Name is Lisa, nice to meet you, Hero-san! '' Lisa said.
'' Annoying bugs... '' As Xaviin was about to speak, a hulk of a man appeared before him, even Xaviin was flying quit high, this man jumped to him.
[Berserker: Back Axe-Kick] he kicked Xaviin out of the sky to the ground.
'' That's my husband, Leon he should be saying nice to meet too'' Lisa said.
''{Notice: leave the introduction for later, do you have a mana potion on you?} ''
'' A weird way of speaking you have there, even your voice seems weird! Go to the carriages down there they have what you need! '' Lisa replied while pointing toward the carriages.
Ariel flew toward them at high speed.
Xaviin crushed into the ground after Leon's kick, he stood up looking for Ariel's location.
Bang! He was slammed at the side of hit head with a mace enchanted with holy magic.
Alice came from behind and hit him.
Xaviin did move, he just turned around swinging his staff at full force.
Alice lifted her shield at the last moment to block but it was futile, even with her [Shield Arts] Xaviin was just that much stronger.
The shield shattered and her left arm broke as she was sent flying.
Xaviin pointed at her with his staff trying to finish the deed, [Necrotic Magic: Deathball]
Just before his spell was fully cast he was interrupted as a massive fireball explodes at his head.
'' Sorry, can't let you kill her, she let me burn a whole church so I gotta repay the favor! '' Lisa said.
Xaviin looked towards her, finally counting how much people he is fighting now other then the Hero.
A fire mage, a meat head, and an armored weakling. They all are weaker than the Hero but still annoying.
Xaviin flew directly toward Lisa, kepping close to her so she can't use strong fire Magic spells, cause burning herself is a thing without preparation.
'' Are you sure following another man's wife in front of them is a good idea? '' Lisa said to Xaviin.
At that moment he felt a hand grabbing his leg, dragging him down it was heavier that he could fly with.
Leon has jumped again and managed to catch Xaviin. As they they hit the ground Leon slashed at Xaviin with his Battleaxe [Battleaxe Arts: Heavy Slash]
Xaviin deflected the hit toward the ground with his staff as he prepared to counter.
At the carriages, a soldier saw Ariel flying toward them.
'' It's the Hero! '' they stood to greet the Hero, for them this was a formality that must be carried even in the middle of a war, disrespecting the might lead to unimaginable suffering, as the old tales speaks of the Orc's down fall (From the early chapters, Alice mentioned how the Orc's were turned into mindless monsters after they refused to accommodate the first hero, and their God payed with his existence)
With all of this, Ariel ignored them and flew directly to the carriage. Breaking the wooden frame and grabbing almost half of the carriage load into [Inventory].
Ariel didn't drink the potions normally, instead she teleprts the liquid from the potions directly into her stomach, this allows her to almost get the effects directly without interrupting her actions.
'' {Notice: It's might get messy so get closer to the battlefield} '' this was the only thing Ariel said to the soldiers as she flew back.
'' That was quick! '' A soldier said.
'' Yeah, and didn't he sound like a woman? '' the other asked.
'' Probably your imagination, let's keep moving! ''
When Ariel returned Alice was already laying down coughing blood, Leon on the other hand has lost an arm protecting Lisa from one of Xaviin's attacks.
Alva and Alen didn't join the fight since they can't take Xaviin's hits, for the both of them who only focus on attack power and have weak defense it's a one hit kill!
With her chains, Ariel dragged Xaviin Away to give them a chance to heal.
'' You're back? I was just getting bored! '' Xaviin said he enchanted his staff with necrotic magic, swinging it down at the chains.
CRACK! The chains broke and Xaviin was freed, but not for long Ariel have more than one chain.
She used another chain to slam him onto the ground at full force, [Combined Magic: Volcanic Womb] Xaviin was engulfed with a cocoon of stone where he was submerged in molten lava.
Using a barrier of necrotic magic and an explosive burst of it, Xaviin broke out of the spell and flew toward Ariel.
They started to trade blows, at start Ariel managed to dodge all of Xaviin's attack while landing her's. As he realized the fact that she could best him, Xaviin charged his staff with a combination of fire and necrotic magic making it explode at each swing. With this strategy he managed to deal some Damage.
Ariel was relentless in her fighting style, never repeating the same swing twice, always mixing it to make unpredictable.
At a point Xaviin backed down to avoid Ariel's unending fury of blows, to his surprise Ariel extended the Monke's Stick a few centimeters and landed another hit.
'' You monster! '' Xaviin said.
'' {Notice: Back at you, Just die already! '' Ariel replied.
'' I'm already dead! ''
Ariel teleported closer and kicked him in the face toward Leon at the ground who hit him with his battleaxe back to the air.
PONG! It sounded like a baseball hit.
[Fire Magic: Volatile Sphere of Fire] Lisa engulfed Xaviin in a ball of fire.
[Holy Wind Magic: Compressed Oxygen] Ariel add more oxygen to the sphere increasing fire power.
As they focused on burning him, Xaviin protected himself by using his own fire magic. Flying directly toward Lisa who was the weaker of the two (Lisa and Ariel) and swung his staff at her. As expected Leon jumped to protect her.
'' I expected you! '' Xaviin said as he slammed his staff at Leon with full force.
Unable to fully block the hit for the lack of support (Solid Ground) Leon was sent backward hitting Lisa with his back. They both dropped from the Sky, Lisa was unconscious and bleeding while parts of Leon's arms started to rot from Xaviin's hit, he was barely holding his consciousness!
[Necrotic Magic: Deathball]
Xaviin expected them to die from that deathball, as the dust cleared what he could see was only Ariel's white wing as they gently engulfed the two of them, with a barrier made from condensed holy mana she has protected them from a certain Death.
[Holy Healing Magic] Ariel healed them in an instant.
Leon stood up as soon as he was healed but Lisa stayed unconscious.
Ariel could tell they looked pale, weak, in this one night they took to much damage and healed it, the toll on their bodies was obvious.
'' {Notice: Take her and retreat!} ''
'' Hero-sama, I can't do that, we have to help you! '' Leon replied.
'' {Notice: I understand, Right now you're too weak, so help me by getting out of the way!} ''
Ariel words seemed harsh but Leon understood them very well, he stated that is obligated to help so she made it so he can help by getting away from the fight.
'' You have my thanks! '' Leon lifted Lisa and ran away to the back lines.
'' Fire!! '' Alva yelled and arrows rained down on Xaviin.
'' More annoyances, Die! '' as Xaviin said that Ariel appeared in front of him.
'' Get me first! '' [Holy Water Magic: Waterball], [Holy Lightning Magic: Lightning Bolt] hitting him with two different magics at the same time.
As he took the hit Xaviin fell to the ground and landed standing looking at Ariel.
He felt a sharp pain in his back, as if he was slashed. As a reaction he turned back swinging his Staff, There was nothing! Again he felt the sharp pain, he turned back and there was nothing! He felt for the third time before it clicked in his head, he knew who can do this.
'' You betrayer, How did you get up here? '' Xaviin screamed as he hit the ground with his staff causing a necrotic burst.
'' Woha! That seems dangerous! '' from the shadows of the night, Vanessa showed up dual wielding her daggers.
'' You two left a gapping hole in the ground so I slowly climbed up with my shadow magic, thanks to that I had to drink three whole potions! '' Vanessa replied.
'' You both shall... '' before he could finish, he was interrupted again, but this time with someone he never wanted to cross.
A spear, chiseled with green jewels and devilish inscription landed in between them.
As they looked upward toward the moon they saw a single child looking down at them.
His eyes glows with a mixture of green and red, a body that barely visible due to the moon behind him but the red glow of the tattoos on his arms is still apparent.
The entire battlefield was engulfed in cursed man but not a single person was hurt by it.
Everyone felt it, this isn't a presence familiar to this world. He was a Devil in the flesh.
With his head slightly tilted, and an angry but questioning expression on his face, he Spoke.
'' What are you doing? '' The Devil said.