
Patel followed Jacob who was holding her hand tightly making sure that she didn't get lost. She wanted not to go back and check on her mother but she knew that he would not allow her to do that. 

They have been walking for more than two hours now, Her legs were hurting her but she tried to not show it, He had told her that they are almost there, To the place that her mother had sent her to, She told that this woman called Lana is her mother childhood friend and that she entrusted her to stay with. 

Jacob turned to look at Patel who looked tired.  Sweat was covering her forehead and she tried to wipe it with the back of her hand.


They continued to walk until they reached their destination.


Inside Wilson's estate, Lana received the text messages that she was waiting for the whole night.

[ We are outside.] 

"Stay here until I go back." Lana said to her daughter Alice and was about to leave when her daughter asked.

"Where are you going?" Alice asked.

"I'm just going to step outside for a while. If Ethan asked, tell him that you don't know where I went." Lana replied and walked away towards the mansion entrance.

Alice frowned hearing what her mother told her, If it's something she wants to keep from Ethan then it's something bad and if he were to discover it, then nothing good will happen.

Lana walked towards the estate entrance and asked the guards to open the gate.

Once the gate was open she stepped outside looking for Patel. She was happy that she was going to see her. It's been a long time since she last saw her.

Lana was unaware that Ethan had sent his man to the Santos mansion and that he ordered to kill everyone inside the mansion.

When Jacob saw the old lady standing outside the gate he asked Patel to follow him.

"Miss, Wilson." Jacob greeted me.

"You must be Jacob, And you must be Patel." Lana said, stepping close to Patel.

Jacob stared at Patel and was unwilling to leave her heart, But right now, It's both best and dangerous for her.

Patel stared at the woman who was smiling at her as she cupped her face. She could feel that she had seen her before but she can't remember where she saw her.

"Miss, Wilson, I have to go, Please take care of Patel." Jacob said as looked at Patel.

Lana smiled and nodded her head.

"I will Don't worry, She will be like my daughter." Lana replied.

Jacob turned to look at Patel and signalled to her.

"I need to go, I will come back once I can." 

Patel felt sad that she had to part with Jacob but she nodded her head, She stepped closer to him and hugged him and he did too, Warping his arms around her.