I decided

Lana turned around when she heard footsteps coming towards them, She frowned when saw Ethan coming towards them with the guards. 

She quickly pulled Patel behind her. She didn't want him to harm the girl, But how did he know about her plan?.

Patel stared at the man who was coming towards them. She wondered what was happening, But she saw the look of hate and danger lurking in his eyes.

"Well, What is hiding behind you Mom?" Ethan asked as he came to stand in front of his mother as he put his hands in his pockets.

Lana stared hard at her son.

"She is my guest, She has nothing to do with you." She replied holding Patel's hand from behind her. 

Ethan chuckled darkly and stepped closer to his mother.

"Did you think that I didn't know about your plan? I thought that you were smarter than that Mom." Ethan said, shifting his eyes from his mother to the girl who was hiding behind her peering down at her with his cold eyes.

"Ethan, I'm warning you if you dared to touch that girl, I will make you regret it." Lana threatened her son.

Ethan stared at his mother for a few seconds before he turned to the guards.

"Take her." He ordered his man.

"Ethan, What are you doing? I told you it has nothing to do with what happened." Lana hissed, lifting her hand signalling for the guards to stop.

"That's something that I decided, Mam, Now, Step back." Ethan replied as he stared at the girl behind her.

Inside the ballroom, Alice was speaking with her cousin Noah when they noticed something strange happening at the estate entrance.

"What's going on?" Now questioned as he turned to look at Alice.

"I don't know, But it's definitely not good since Ethan is there. Let's go and see." Alice replied as she started to walk towards her mother and brother, Noah following her.

At the entrance, Patel had already sensed the danger. Something is happening and her mother's friend is trying to stop it.

"Mom, What is going on here? The guests started to notice, ``At least go to one of the rooms, Not here." Alice said when she came to stand next to her brother.

Alice stared at the girl behind her mother closely, She had a feeling that she saw her before.

"Who is she, Aunt Lana? and why is she hiding behind you?" 

"Take her, I don't have all night to deal with this." Ethan ordered his man and they immediately stepped towards his mother, careful not to hurt her as they grabbed that girl.

Patel, who didn't know what was going on, tried to free herself from these men grab but she couldn't. She looked at Lana, Hoping to help her.

"Ethan, You bloodthirsty monster, Leave the girl, She has nothing to do with this." Lana hissed at him.

"Ethan, Why are you doing this? What did this girl do to you?" Alice asked, feeling her heartache seeing the girl struggling to free herself.