I can only promise that I won't kill her

"Our dear mother should tell you." Ethan replied as he stepped closer to the girl who was still struggling to get free from the guards' grip.

Alice turned to look at her mother who was blocked by the other grudge when she tried to step closer to the girl.

Patel glared at him hard and tried to kick him but she was pinned down by the grids.

"What a strong little thing we have here, But I will make sure to break your well to live." Ethan spoke to the girl unaware that she won't be able to hear him.

"She can't hear or speak, I'm begging you Ethan don't do this." Lana bagged as she tried to push away the guard.

Alice frowned when she heard this, Now she remembered who this girl is.

"Mom, Is she that girl? The Santos daughter?" Alice asked, wanting to confirm and her mother nodded her head.

Hearing this Ethan raised his eyebrow in amusement.

"Well, This interesting, I will personally make sure of that, Down there, In the underground room." Ethan said and signalled to the guards to take her.

Patel knew that these men would take her to a place and lock her in. She tried to kick them with all of her to free herself, But she failed. They were strong compared to her.

"Ethan, Don't do this, Please, She was the one who saved me and she tried to save Evelyn, It's not her fault that Evelyn died." Alice spoke trying to stop her brother from commuting something that he will regret.

Ethan stared at his sister before his eyes met his mother's eyes.

"Please, Ethan, The girl is innocent." His mother pleaded with him.

Noah watched everything that happened in silence as always, He didn't like to involve himself in the family matters, But he felt a tug in his chest seeing the girl being dragged forcefully.

"I can only promise that I won't kill her." Ethan said before he left the place going back to the meeting that he left.

"I will make you regret this, Ethan." His mother shouted, pushing the grid away.

Alice walked towards her mother trying to stop her from following Ethan.

"It will only anger him more if you follow him. Let's wait until the gathering is over." Alice said, stopping her mother.

"Patel is innocent, She didn't do anything." Lana said feeling guilty for bringing the girl here.

She won't be able to live with the fact that she was the reason for this girl to be killed.

"I know." Alice said, She too won't be able to the fact that she will let him kill her without even trying to stop, But he promised that he will not and no matter how bad Ethan is, He is not the kind of man that breaks his promise.

"It's best that we go back before everyone starts to ask about you, Aunt Lana." Noah spoke with his calm voice as he patted his aunt back.

Lana took a deep breath and nodded her head, The three of them went back to the mansion.

The guests didn't witness much as Issac was able to distract them until his mother came back. No one dared to ask about what happened, Knowing that they might be killed for just asking.