Break her will

Patel tried to not lose her consciousness, She was scared of what might he do to her if she fainted, But the pain on her thigh was so strong, Her forehead was covered in sweat and her breathing turned shallow.

Ethan stared at the girl with his grey cold eyes not feeling slight remorse for what he did. He has been dreaming about taking his revenge for years now and the time has finally come and he won't hold back.

"Still want to pretend, Fine by me, You will spend the night here until you decide to quit the act." Ethan said and walked out of the room.

He left the light on this time so he could watch what she is going to do once the door is closed.


Patel didn't hear a word from what he said. She could only see his lips moving. Usually, she can pick up some words by watching someone talk, But her mind and body were too exhausted to focus on anything.

She looked down at the wound, Blood still coming out covering her dress and the floor underneath her, She tried to move her legs put the strong pain that shoot along her body made her winced in pain, Not being able to hold it any longer, She burst into tears, She was scared, alone and being held prisoner for thing's that she never did, Can life be crueler to her.


Two days had passed and Ethan hadn't come down to the underground room. He planned to break her will by making her suffer from the pain and starving her.

"Ethan, This should be enough, Her wound will rot, Think about your mother, Guilt will kill her if this girl dies." Issac spoke, trying to convince his brother.

Ethan cast a glance at his brother before his eyes went back to look at the screen in front of him.

"Bring me someone who can speak the ASL language." Ethan said as he stood up and left the room.

Issac sighed and went to do as he was told, He hated how his brother changed, He became a whole different person, Cold and unconcerned about the other feelings.


The guards opened the door to the room for Ethan and he entered the room. He walked towards where Patel was and noticed that she was unconscious because of exhaustion.

"Bring two buckets filled with cold water." Ethan ordered the guards.

The two guards immediately went to bring the buckets. They had no intention of disobeying his orders and being in that girl's place.

Five minutes later, The guards went back with the two buckets in their hands. They stood there waiting to be ordered what to do.

Ethan turned to look at the guards with his cold eyes.

"Do you need an invitation?" He asked with his deep voice making the guards gulp in nervousness.

One of them stepped closer to the girl and poured the cold water on her head. Feeling the sudden coldness, Patel opened her eyes immediately, inhaling sharply as her body shivered.

It took a minute to regain her full consciousness and become aware of her surroundings. She let out a whimper when she moved her wounded leg.

"Sir, She is awake, Do you want to use the other bucket?

"No, This should be enough for now." He replied as he watched the girl glaring at him.