
Lana was in her room sitting on the, She had enough of her son's madness, She needs to stop him before he does something he might regret for the rest of his life.

She allowed him to do what he wanted only because he promised to not kill, But with what he is doing, Keeping her locked in that room with no water or food or even a bed to sleep on, surely she is going to do just that.

Lana was aware of Patel's condition since she was born, As she is a doctor, Patel was born with a weak body and her vital organs weren't fully developed, her auditory system was damaged along with her voice box, It was a rare case to her and the other doctors who examined her.

It took Olivia a long time to nurse her daughter to health, When Henry heard the doctor reports he wanted to get rid of his daughter, Saying that she will be a burden to him, But Olivia refused and said that she will leave the house with her daughter and go to live somewhere else, away from him.

Patel was unlucky since the day she was born and now that her mother has died she is all alone in this world.

Lana stood up and left the room heading towards the underground room. She decided to put an end to this before it's too late.


When Issac was finally able to find someone who uses the ASL language, It was already an hour had passed, He paid the man a hefty amount of money to make him come with him.

Of course, He hadn't told him about the situation that he was about to walk into knowing that he wouldn't have said yes if he told him.

"Wait here." Issac said to the man before he entered the room first.

He was greeted with the heinous sight of the girl who was hanged and tortured, But what was more heinous is his brother who was sitting on a chair with his legs crossed, Enjoying watching the girl is she whimpered in pain, The dress that she was wearing was drenched and she was shivering from the cold and to add more to her suffering, Ethan had opened the window, letting the cold winter air hit her skin.

The girl lifted her head to look at him as if she was asking him to help her.

"Did you find someone?" Ethan asked with a cold voice.

"At least let me clean her wound." Issac said as he looked at the wound that was covered with dry blood now.

Ethan sighed and stood up walking towards his brother.

"You know that I don't like to repeat my words." He said his words carrying a warning.

Issac hands turned into fists and gritted his teeth before he called the man who was waiting outside.

"Oh God, What is happening here?" The man said when he saw the girl who was in chains.