The proof

Author note.

Hello, my dear readers, I'm dropping this note to inform you that I started a new novel called, The Masked Vampire. Don't forget to add it to your library, Review it and leave your comments.

Also, Don't forget to review this novel as well.

Thank you.


Lana was reviewing Patel's medical file in her room when she heard a knock on the door. Giving them permission to the person who was knocking to enter, She picked her teacup and took a sip from it.   

Issac entered the room and walked towards his mother kissing the top of her head before he sat across from her.

"The maids told me that you went out with Patel, Where did you go?" Issac asked and heard his mother chuckled.  

"Didn't I tell you not to talk to the maids? You know what happens every time you do that. One of them ends up in your room." Lana scolded him."Yes, We went to the clinic for an examination." She replied to his question.

"And, What happened?" Issac asked not minding his mother scolding as he was used to it.

Lana sighed as she looked at the papers in front of her.

"She can only regain her hearing ability only, She can't speak, Her condition is beyond what the medical field has reached so far." She replied.

"Oh, That's bad." Issac said feeling sorry for Patel.

After a moment of silence, Lana asked.

"Did your brother send you?" 

Issac nodded knowing for sure his mother will figure out that Ethan sent him.

"But I wanted to know what happened. It must have been hard for her to accept the news. How is she doing?" Issac asked, He will have to visit Patel.

"She is surprisingly fine, She accepted the news and she is excited about the surgery." Lana replied remembering the look on Patel's face when she asked her about the surgery.

"She is eager to explore the sounds she has never heard. It's hard to live isolated, You can't speak or hear." Issac replied to his mother's words.

After talking for a while, Issac left his mother's room and went to his brother's house.

Ethan was sipping on his wine when Issac entered his room and placed a thick-looking file on the table.

"What is this?" Ethan asked as he looked up at his brother.

Putting his hands inside his pockets, Issac replied.

"The proof you have been looking for." He replied before he left.

Massaging the space between his eyebrows, Ethan picked up the file and started to read it. Turning the pages one after the other he closed the file and placed it back on the table.

"She can't fake a medical file but she can fake her intentions." Ethan muttered under his gaze at the file.

But he didn't understand why his chest felt heavy, But as always, He ignored his feelings by stepping on them.

Ethan was never the man who will care about feelings, If he did he wouldn't be in the position that he is in now.