A little emotional

Author note.

Hello, my dear readers, I'm dropping this note to inform you that I started a new novel called, The Masked Vampire. Don't forget to add it to your library, Review it and leave your comments.

Also, Don't forget to review this novel as well.

Thank you.


"Hmm, That's sad, But if you look at the bright side, She will be able to hear." Alice said, putting the medical report.

Like her mother, Alice is studying medicine, She too wants to be a doctor, But she isn't the first one to attend medical school, Ethan too wanted to be a doctor, But after his father sudden death, He dropped college to take his father place as he is the head of the family now.

"The surgery will be in four weeks from now, Hopefully, everything will go smoothly." Lana said looking outside the window.

"It will." Alice assured as she stood beside her mother.


Two weeks later.

Patel was watching the dogs as they played with each other, Except for Max who seemed to always sit next to her.

Patting his head, She kissed his head and the dog gave her an adorable look.

Isn't he too old for that? She thought to herself as she continued patting his head. Suddenly felt someone sit next to her and when she turned around she saw Irene, A female husky dog who is the same as Max sitting next to her on a bench.

Patel watched as the female dog staring intensely at her. Before now, The only dog who approached her willingly was Max, It's the first time Irene had been this close to her.

Irene lifted her body a little and started to sniff her around her neck close to her ear before she moved away looking at her. This time, She had a more gentle look in her eyes.

What the dog did somehow made Patel a little emotional. She didn't want to cry but tears started to slide down from her eyes unwillingly.

Upon sensing her crying, Max became alert and tried to stop her from crying.

Wiping her tears, Patel hugged Max and stroked his back gently.

Issac turned his head to look at his brother who had an ugly expression on his face, They have stood there and saw everything that happened, Ethan had asked him to not let the dogs near her, But what he didn't want to believe that the dogs are just simply attracted to Patel and run towards her whenever they see her.

"Her surgery is scheduled two weeks from now. Make sure to wish her speedy recovery and send her flowers." Issac said knowing that his brother will get angry with his words.

But an unusual thing happened. Ethan turned around and left without saying anything. Issac turned to look at Patel once again and saw that she was crying.

Issac frowned as he turned at his brother, Who was walking towards his house.

Inside the house, Noah looked for Patel in her room but he didn't find her there.

"Are you looking for Patel?" Alice asked.