Swimming pool

"Yes." Noah replied as he closed the door to Patel's room.

"She is in the garden." Alice replied.

"Thank you." Noah said and left.

Alice couldn't help but smile. It seems that her cousin is interested in Patel and she wondered where this is going to lead. Noah is a handsome man with excellent qualities that most girls would wish for.

But what about Patel, Will she fall for this charming good man? She wondered.


Noah was about to walk towards Patel but he decided to stay here for a while and just watch her.

She was sitting there on the bench with Man and Irene on either side of her. She looked beautiful with her black hair let down. The flowered summer dress that she was wearing looked perfectly good on her.

Noah sighed. Lately h,e found it hard to not think about her. Even in his dreams, Never in his life did he think that he would fall in love this way. It was so sudden and it surprised him. She was the kind of girl that every man would wish for.

Noah was about to join her in the garden but he received a call and had to leave.


In the middle of the night, Patel was wide awake in her bed. She couldn't sleep as she was both worried and excited about the surgery.

Getting up from the bed, She decided to take a walk.

Looking around her, Patel noticed that there was a huge swimming pool on the west side of the mansion near the guests house, Though she didn't know how to swim, She always wanted to learn it. Walking towards the swimming pool, She took a look at it.

The surface of the water reflected the moonlight its surface beautifully, Patel sat near the edge of the pool watching the mood light.

Wanting to touch the water, She placed her hands on the surface of the water before she immersed it in the water and started to play with it.

Patel hadn't realized she bent too much lost her balance and ended up falling into the water, The first few seconds, Her brain hadn't processed what happened, But when she did, She started to panic, The pool was too deep and she doesn't know how to swim, She tried to move her hands and legs but it was no use, Fear took over her as she tried to save herself.

Ethan who was out smoking a cigarette heard some noise, As if something had fallen into the water, But the more he focused the more he realized that it was a person n or something.

Frowning, He started to walk towards the swimming pool direction to see the idiot who decided to go for some in the middle of the night, And when his eyes fell on the swimming pool water and who was inside it, His frown deepened.

What a stupid girl, Ethan mumbled under his breath as he walked towards the swimming pool.