Be beside you in the such moment

He couldn't help but gaze at her, Her hazel eyes stared at the people who were eating their dinner with curiosity, Her black hair was let down covering the external hearing devices, He noticed that she was letting her hair down a lot lately, especially after the surgery, It seemed that she didn't want anyone to notice them, Which he didn't mind.

He traced her face features with an intense gaze, Noah wanted to laugh at himself, He couldn't stop thinking about her and now he couldn't stare at her, He was hopeless, His eyes went lower, Focusing on her plump lips, The bright red lipstick that she used made her lips look fuller.

He suddenly found himself thinking about what it felt like to kiss her, Noah's grip on the wine glass tightened as he continued to stare at her lips.

His chain of perverted thoughts was broken when the waiter brought the food and started to place the plates on the table and somehow Noah was glad, But he can't be blamed for being a man after all and Patel was the kind of girl that will make every man drool for her.

"Do you like the food?" He asked and she nodded her head."I'm glad." Noah added.

Patel wasn't a big eater. She can eat one meal a day and doesn't feel hungry. Her mother had told her that's why she has a weak body. She tried to finish the food for Noah's sake, He had invited her. It would be impolite to not eat the food.

The restaurant had a small stage and for tonight evening, The restaurant hosted a violinist, The soothing music filled the restaurant and it reached Patel's ears.

She suddenly found herself being drawn to the relaxing and enjoyable sound that was coming from this musical instrument. She placed her fork down and focused on the woman who was playing on the instrument and couldn't help but love the sound of it.

Patel was so emotionally touched, That she didn't notice the tears that came down from her eyes. She didn't know that hearing musical instrument sounds can be this emotional.

Suddenly, She felt Noah's hand on hers and that made her look at him. He smiled warmly at her and reached to wipe her tears with his thumb.

Patel was so emotionally touched that she couldn't help but let more tears slide down from her eyes. All this time she had kept her feelings Inside her and piled inside of her and once they reached the surface, She couldn't control herself.

"I'm sorry." Patel signaled.

"That's alright, I'm glad that I was the one to be beside you in the such moment." He said rubbing her hand gently with his.

The rest of the evening, Noah and Patel continued to interact with each other, Getting to know each other more.

Patel had a good time, Noah was an easy to be around person, Though he looked serious most of the time when she spent some time with him, She discovered that he is a kind-hearted person and has a funny and goofy side in him which made him easy to be with.