Don't try, It's useless

After dinner, Noah and Patel left the restaurant and went back to the mansion. Tonight Noah felt so happy. Though he hadn't told her about his feelings towards her, he felt a good vibe from her.

"Did you enjoy your time?" Noah asked as he drove the car.

Nodding her head, Patel smiled, She did have fun today.

"I'm glad, Let's do it another time, What do you think?" Noah suggested turning to look at her.

"Yes." Patel immediately replied signaling.

"Okay, Let's go out again next Sunday, This time I will take you to a different place." Noah spoke as they reached the estate and entered the mansion.

"Okay, Next Sunday." Patel signaled agreement.

When they arrived at the mansion, Noah got out of the car and walked towards Patel's side and opened the door for her, and helped her to get out of the car.

"Thank you." Patel said."Good night." She added signaling.

Offering her a warm smile, Noah bent down and placed a kiss on her cheek, surprising her.

"Good night." He said.

Patel who was still shocked by the sudden kiss nodded her head and walked towards the mansion.

"Good evening, Sir, Do you want me to park the car?" The servant asked.

"Yes, Please." Noah said, keeping his eyes on Patel who was walking towards the mansion.


Inside the mansion, Patel, who was happy that she had a fun night, Walked towards the kitchen to drink a cup of water as she was thirsty.

She was about to enter the kitchen when suddenly a hand covered her mouth and she was pushed against the wall.

Patel, who was scared, tried to push who was pinning her against the wall but her attempts failed. The mansion was dark and she couldn't see who this person was.

"What a naughty girl. Coming back at this hour, I thought that you were a polite girl." Ethan whispered in Patel's ear.

Patel's eyes widened realizing who was pinning her against the wall, Fear took over her and she tried to push him off her again but she couldn't.

"Don't try, It's useless." Ethan said as he removed his hand off her mouth and stepped away from her.

Patel gasped for air, Relieved that she hadn't been killed, She lifted her head to look at him, Her heart was still pounding in fear, She looked around her and noticed that everyone had gone to sleep.

"What do you want?" Patel asked knowing that he can understand the ASL language.

Ethan chuckled darkly and stepped closer to her again, Hovering over her.

"Me, Nothing." He replied, taking a strand of her hair between his fingers, Playing with it."I should be asking this question, What is trying to make Noah fall for you? Are you planning to carry out your father's plans by being one of the family, Hmm?" He added, making her glare at him.

She had thought about this. Of course, He will think that is still plotting something against him and his family, But even if she tries to defend herself, He won't believe her.

She stood there staring at him without doing anything.

Hearing someone's footsteps nearing, Ethan whispered in her ear.

"Let's continue this interesting conversation another time." He then left, leaving a tariffed Patel behind.

"Patel, What are you doing here?" Lana asked as she tried the living room light and walked towards her.