His gift

Holding into the iron bars. Petal took a deep breath as she tried to walk. She had started physical therapy a week ago and she was already showing signs of improvement. She did need much help as she asked that no one help her even when she fell the first time she started to walk alone.

Ethan stood there close to her in case she needed him, A smile full of pride formed on his lips as he watched her walk back and forth on her own. 

It's been two weeks since she woke up. Everything was like a dream. Every morning he woke up before her and just watched her as she slept waiting for her to wake up. It's something that Petal had gotten used to by now.

When Petal felt exhausted and couldn't push herself anymore, She looked at Ethan and he understood the signal.

"Tried?" He asked as he warped his hands around her waist, Supporting her body weight.