Everything she wants and needs

"Ready?" Ethan asked as they were about to leave his room and go downstairs.

Everyone must be waiting for them and she didn't want to be late. It would be impolite if they prepared this dinner for her.

Petal nodded her head and placed her hand in his and watched as he closed his big hand around her small one and opened the door for them and walked towards the stairs. 

"Don't over push yourself, Whenever you feel tired tell me immediately." Ethan whispered in her ear when they reached downstairs. 

Although Petal looks completely fine her body is still in the recovery process, She still can't walk properly without having to hold onto Ethan but her walking is getting better with the physical therapy that she was getting.

A smile appeared on Petal's lips. He's worried about her even when next to her. How much more obsessed can he be? She wondered.