The Jerk Needs Spanking

"A twin??" She was baffled by the assumption that Noah had a twin.

"I mean, how will you explain his amnesia-like over what happened with the two of you?" he said, exaggerating the plausible explanation that came to his mind.

"I doubt it." she rolled her eyes. "Let's just stick with the hypothesis that he is a jerk."

"Still a hypothesis? Darling, that ain't a hypothesis. You don't need to conduct a study to prove that he is." he expressed his opinion blatantly. He doesn't mince his words when it comes to Jess.

The reason why they are stuck with each other like glue. They are both brutally honest for their own good. Especially Jess. In his case, he has been betrayed enough in the past that he now knows the necessity of living a double life or triple - just to be sure.

With Jess, he is his real self. Whatever that means is. Jess would not drop him like a hot potato just because he is rough on the edges.

Jess, on the other hand, still believed in rainbows, unicorns, and butterflies even though she doesn't admit it. They've known each other since the first day of school and been good friends ever since.

They cried, laughed, and mourned over losses, cheered on each other in so many instances where insecurity crept in at the most unexpected times of self-doubt.

"Love? What is that?" she scoffed sarcastically. "I have friends who crossed an ocean to be with the man they like, that ain't gonna happen to me." she swallowed the last bit of her burritos. She wiped the corner of her mouth, then her hands after gathering all their trash on the picnic table.

"If he doesn't have a twin, does that mean he has selective amnesia? And he chooses to forget you." he laughed like the devil.

"Is this the reason why you invited me for lunch?" she asked slowly getting annoyed with Luke.

"One of the reasons, the other reason was that I would like to use your guest room again." he smiled impishly, batting his eyelashes on her in an attempt to get her pity.

"Do I need to ask why you are moving into my house when you just moved out last month?" she scowled at him.

"I will cook, clean, and do the laundry. All the house chores you hate, you can give them to me," he said, trying to convince Jess of letting him stay at her apartment again.

She nodded absentmindedly. She doesn't really care if Luke stayed in her apartment forever. Her worry was not him staying in her place but with the fact that Luke once again, broke up with his boyfriend.

"This is the third one already and we are still at the first quarter of the year, are you reaching a quota of broken hearts?" she jeered at him.

He grinned at her, "Don't worry they all remember me. See you for dinner." he said matter of factly, waving his hand as he walked away, throwing his hips left and right exaggeratedly before disappearing at the corner.

She grinned at Luke's joke until she can no longer see him. She smiled like a fool, but deep inside she hurts. Because she was puzzling over Noah too, as much as Luke wondered of what could be the possible reason why Noah didn't remember sleeping with her.

Her pride was hurt. And Noah is rubbing salt on her wounded pride every freaking time he would smirk and follow her like a puppy. If he hasn't shot down some of her advances, she would suspect again that he is flirting with her.

She is weak when it comes to his devilishly handsome face. His eyes hide the mischief of a five-year-old boy, in a body that would make any woman fall on her knees admitting all the sin of the world that hasn't ever been committed.

She did. She has fallen as a victim of his allure. She tossed all the moral values the women in her family inculcated in her brain under the bed for a night of sin. Her mother, for sure would shake her head in disappointment if she was still part of this world.

She opened and googled how to make someone remember their forgotten memories and all she got were trash. She sighed with frustration. It's a good thing Luke would be staying in her place until he found another man to have his heart and bank account ripped apart. She scoffed.

She almost threw her phone when it suddenly vibrated on her hand and the name of the man, that has been occupying a lot of her free time nowadays registered on the screen.

"What do you want?" she said in a flat tone. It's so hard to feign disinterest with him when she finds him good enough for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks in between.

"You left your ID on my car. Come and pick it up."

"Thank you, but can you just leave it on the security guard on duty at the lab," she said in a formal tone.

"I'm already around the parking lot of Building D, I don't have time to leave it at our building."

"Then bring it tomorrow at the lab." she bit her tongue, in order not to raise her voice towards him, since he is exerting an effort to return her ID that apparently fell down from her lab coat. She reminded herself to get a lanyard for her ID rather than just a clip.

"Jess, I have to do something important and would not be able to visit the lab for a few days or so," he informed her.

Jess knitted her eyebrows when she noticed a hint of anxiety in his tone.

"Okay, where is your exact location now?" she left the garden and entered the side entrance of building D, "You can stay where you are now, I'll be there within five minutes." she was about to drop the call when he said something that made Jess fumed in anger.

"This jerk really needs a spanking to give him a rude awakening," she murmured to herself as she pushed the door going to the other side of the building where Noah is waiting.