We Met Before

"The impertinence!"

"Yeah!" he drunkenly agreed, raising his wine glass. "He should be castrated! That's what should be done with men that can't keep their things inside their pants!"

"How dare he told me not to drop the call because he wanted to hear my voice!" she stood up from the couch, waving her arms trying to make her point. She's holding a bottle of wine and has been drinking straight from it. The wine glass has been abandoned since they opened the second bottle of wine.

"Like mofo, you can't even remember rolling in bed with me! You called my name in the peak of your passion, and yet you talk to me like I am a nobody!" she dropped herself on the couch, stifling a sob.

"Hey, Little Jessie. Don't cry, the bastard doesn't deserve it!" He put down his wine glass and sat beside her on the couch.

She crawled in his chest and went all out ugly cry.

"Hush, hush. We will get him back. We will make the bastard run all over the seven continents for making you cry." He was trying to lighten the situation, but it seems something happened that caused her to forsake her pride and cry.

"Would you like to tell me about it?" he asked as gently as he could. Jess has the temperament of a three-year-old when she is in a foul mood. He doesn't want to trigger it, especially now that she's totally intoxicated.

The story of the night that the jerk forgot is something that Jess didn't tell him too. He just put two and two together to know that it was the guy she told him in passing during the holiday that took her virginity away.

"He said...he said." she hiccuped and could finish her sentence. She sat up on the couch, took a swing of the wine, and tried to tell Luke what happened.

"He called me this afternoon saying that he had my ID in his car."

"Wait, why were you in his car?" his thick eyebrows knitted like a bushy caterpillar on top of his eyes.

"Because we had ice cream, you silly!" she slapped his chest, grabbing the bottle of wine.

"Go easy on the wine, Little Jessie. Let me catch up with the story; you two had ice cream, you went inside his car, now he booty call you to get the ID that you left in his car."

"It wasn't a booty call, you big Buffon!" she stood up from the couch and went to her kitchen to grab another bottle of wine.

"Well, what could have happened in the car that made you forgot your ID there? It sounds like THE moves of someone who wanted a call back!" he scoffed.

"Do you think he perceived it that way?" She asked worriedly.

"Is his car's window tinted?"

"Yes. It was tinted black, why?" she asked popping the cork of the third bottle of wine for the night.

"Doing the nasty in the car is exciting but uncomfortable AF." he chuckled sipping his wine. He's pacing himself now that Jess opened a new bottle of wine. Someone has to be a little sober to be the mind of reason between the two of them.

They can't both intoxicated at the same time. They learned it the hard way the last time they got drunk. They ended up getting picked up by some fine-looking gentlemen of San Francisco Police to have a sleepover in their office.

It won't be good in their resume so someone cleaned it up for them. He had no idea who Jess called the next morning but it was cleaned without any evidence. It's like it never happened.

"We didn't do anything nasty! I just ate his ice cream," she said, pouring him a glass of wine.

"Why does it sound so sexy in my ears?" he grinned, " Babe, let me eat your ice cream," he said in his girly voice.

"Pfft!" She picked up a fresh wine glass and poured herself a glass. "There was nothing out of the ordinary that happened there. It was just as I told you."

"His ice cream was eaten inside his car," she emphasized the words to her friend, to make him stopped making nasty stories in his head.

But it just made Luke laughed some more.

"I gave up. Your brain is too far down the gutter, no use saving it," she smirked.

"So let us go back to the juicy story at hand." he leaned forward with his hands clasped on his knees, anticipating the so-called juicy story.

"I told him," she replied curtly.

He waiting for her to continue the story but she just kept on drinking straight from the bottle. The wine glass was forgotten all over again.

"You told him what?... that you wanted to eat his ice cream again?" he leered at her.

"I told him that we met before!" she spat the words with a bitter smile, gulping down more wine.

Luke sat straight and turned serious for the first time that night.

"Why did you decide to tell him?" He asked, but what he really wanted to say was, that it was a bad move to tell him, but he didn't want Jess to feel worse than she did right now.

"Don't give me that pitying look! Of course, I didn't tell him those parts!" she rolled her eyes feeling insulted. "I wasn't that stupid, you know."

"Then what part did you tell him exactly? Please save me from a heart attack and just tell your story straight to the point!"

"As I've told you before he called me to return my ID, when I was in his car, I asked him if he is flirting with me."

Luke's eyes widened in disapproval but he kept his mouth shut so Jess could continue with her story.

"He said, he can't help it since I look so darn familiar." She rolled her eyes while Luke pretended to gag listening to her story.

"So, I told him that we do meet before."