Ready To Have Fun

Noah had his wish the moment he saw Jess entered the room. He wanted to have these plump lips of hers between his teeth and sucked them like hard candy.

But then, as competitive as Jess is, she didn't just let him have his way with him. Gasping for air from his kiss, she hooked her right leg on his waist, pulled herself up, and pushed him down.

Noah found himself lying on his back on the tatami floor, staring at Jess' grinning face. Her hair cascading like dark silk waterfalls, framing her beautiful face.

He chuckled amused with the triumphant expression on her face with the fact that she was able to push him down. He dropped his arms on the tatami mat, breathing heavily waiting for her next move.

However, Jess did nothing. She just sat straddling him.

He lost his patience and was about to grab her for another kiss, when she straightened her back, still straddling his crotch. She was acting like she was unaware of the hard thing poking her groin.

She gathered her hair and pulled it into a bun, she was searching for her hair clip but it got broken when he pushed her forcefully on the floor. She glanced at the table and picked up the unused chopsticks and stabbed her hair with it to keep her bun on top of her head.

Noah grinned in amusement, clasped his hands on her waist. His manhood totally awakened when he realized he could span Jess' waist with just one hand.

"Tiefenbacher, do you realize that rooms here are equipped with CCTV, don't you?" She said with an anxious smile.

Noah understood at once what she was telling him. He grabbed her waist as he lifted himself from the mat. "Sorry."

"Don't be. I was also at fault," she averted her eyes.

He tucked the strands of her hair that escaped from her updo behind her ears. He noticed that her ears are flushed. He chuckled.

He leaned towards her and whispered in her ear, "So, Miss Zimmerman, are you ready to see my room now?"

He smirked seeing that the already flushed ears of Jess, turned redder.

"Yes, please," she said in a small voice.

Noah consumed with excitement seeing Jess' twirling her hands on her lap in embarrassment, stood up from the floor, pulling her up with him.

"Jess," he heaved a deep breath thinking he didn't really want to do it but… "From here, where we are standing until we reached my room on the 50th floor of this building, I want you to know that you can change your mind," he said with a small smile.

Jess clicked her tongue at Noah. Telling her that she could change her mind is like attempting to stop a leaking faucet by pressing her hands on it. It is simply impossible!

Especially when his pure carnal desires to have her were clearly mirrored in his blue eyes.

"Lead the way, Tiefenbacher," she said with fake bravado, chin held high.

Noah roared in laughter. Put his hand behind her nape and pulled her closer to him. He pressed a kiss on her temple, and murmured, "Let's have fun, shall we?"

He didn't wait for her answer, took her hand, and pulled her out of the private room. The servers that were standing outside the door, gave them a deep bow but didn't say anything as they left the room.

When they reached the elevator, Noah pulled a gold card with an emblem of the hotel from his pocket.

Jess is familiar with the gold card Noah was holding. But didn't say anything.

Noah pressed the button of the elevator, and once they were inside swiped the gold card on the elevator button. A soft hissing sound was heard after he did it.

The elevator pulled them up to the 50th floor of this building. This elevator would go directly to Noah's penthouse without stopping. The gold card made it happen.

The purpose of the access card was for the user to use the elevator with utmost privacy because the elevator would stop opening to other floors once the card was swiped.

Not everyone can get their hands on those gold cards. Just like not anyone could get an open reservation to one of a private traditional room of Matsugen.

Jess grinned inwardly. Noah was like a peacock tonight, spreading his colorful tail to bait her. Which he succeeded in doing.

He said she could change her mind anytime. But since they left the restaurant, Noah never let go of her hand.

Jess sighed watching the numbers on top of the elevator door. He wondered if the elevators in this building move real slow. The 50th floor isn't that far especially when you took the elevator from the 28th floor.

She was watching the red numbers flashing on top of the elevator door, 48th… 49th...50th. Even though she was watching the number, she still got startled by the elevator door dinged and opened.

Noah pulled Jess in his arms as soon as the elevator opened in front of them. His mouth crashed on her with a hurried kiss.


Noah picked her up off the floor, and it seemed as if her legs had a mind of their own, and just shamelessly clung to Noah's waist, while her arms instantly encircled his neck.

"Miss Zimmerman, time's up." his lips curled up in a seductive smirk.

She giggled to cover up her embarrassment. She felt uncomfortable with Noah's eyes burning with lust staring ardently at her face.

His blue eyes were like an ocean of lustful desire, that ignited her own yearning, she grabbed a handful of his hair, lowered her mouth onto his, and let her tongue slip over his mouth agape, waiting for a kiss.

The entire room spun when Noah kissed her back. She heard some things crashed on the floor, and felt her almost naked ass touch a cold marble counter.

She didn't notice that her dress was already hiked up her waist when Noah put her down on the bar counter.

He skillfully pulled down her lace t-back underwear that left her ass totally naked on the marble counter.

She grabbed Noah's necktie and clumsily untied them, as she groped his shirt to unbutton it at the same time.

"Easy, Jess," he chuckled. "We have the whole night." he seductively bit her earlobe, ran his tongue on it, when Jess grabbed his face and kissed him senseless.