It Was Just A Joke

Noah was about to step back, to drop down his trousers but Jess hooked her legs on his waist to imprison him with her and the cold marble counter. 

His pants could wait but his overlapping desires for the woman in his arms could not. He pulled down the thin strap of her red satin silk dress off her shoulder. Exposing the delectable curve of her collarbone that Noah couldn't help but bent down and have a taste.

He was rewarded with a soft moan that seemed like kerosene poured over his already burning desire. It ignited everything within him and he forgot all reasons or the promise that tonight was supposed to be just for fun. He inhaled the intoxicating scent that appears to emit from Jess' skin. 

He ran his tongue over the length of her neck and went in for a bite of the soft skin that connects her neck and shoulder. Jess whimpered in pain. He let go of her skin watching the mark he made on her soft brown skin. A carnal pride surged his whole being seeing his masterpiece on her body. 

In an attempt for an apology for the pain, he ran his tongue over her reddened skin, decorated with his teeth. And felt Jess tremble in his arms, her fingers buried deep in his hair. 

He was overwhelmed by the desire to own this woman in his arms. He wanted to claim her whole body as his. To take every part of hers as his own. He sighed in pure bliss.

With their lips still locked with each other, he scooped her from the cold marble bar counter and carried her to his bedroom, where an enormous bed covered with immaculate white beddings is waiting. The bed seemed to be more inviting tonight, than other nights. 

He deposited Jess to the waiting bed, but he didn't follow soon after. Instead, he stepped back to admire the marvelous contrast of her red dress on the white bedsheet. She was a sight to behold.

His breath was caught on his throat as it happened that the curtains of his bedroom were drawn wide open, allowing the city lights to enter the room from the glass window. The reflection of the city light bathing Jess, on her red satin dress sprawled on his bed. She looks like a dream. 

His eyes surveyed the marvelous woman in his bed, he wanted to preserve this moment in his memories forever. 

His eyes never left her as he fumbled on with the button and zipper of his pants, dropped, and kicked them on the floor before joining her in bed. His whole body was trembling with excitement and anticipation.

Jess, raised her arms towards him, silently inviting him to join her on the huge bed. He didn't need further proving. He entered her embrace, capturing her waiting lips for another kiss. 

He heaved deep ragged breathing. He never thought a kiss could make him lost his mind. It was just a kiss, for God's sake! But this woman in his arms is a natural temptress.

He took his time kissing her exposed skin as he slowly removes her red satin dress that glides off her body smoothly like it was glass. He shivered when Jess started making small gasping sounds of pure delight from his tongue grazing along her collarbone, down to her bosom, where his hand was busy squeezing her molds. 

Her dress is now pooled in her midsection like a bundle of satin ribbon, having her upper and lower body totally bared. 

His mouth took a bolder move and have a taste with one of her inviting breasts. Jess arched her body in pleasure as she clasped his shoulder and drove her nails deep into his skin, a thought crossed his mind. 

As his mouth assaulted her twin peaks, he whispered, "Miss Zimmerman, you can tell whoever that guy was, that you ain't terrible in bed, after all." 

Noah's words were like cold water that extinguished the fire of her desires. She gripped Noah's shoulder as she snapped out of the trance of her passion. Her whole body went numb, she went frigid on his huge bed.

All the while, his hand squeezed her thigh and slowly made its way to the middle of her legs. When they reached their target, Jess was jolted from her daze. 

She pushed Noah away from her, and when he didn't bulge, she slapped him across his face with enough force that surprised him to the point his jaw dropped. His eyes were full of question, -- hers were tears. 


With her body trembling she stood up from the bed, she tried to fix her dress with her hands shaking hands, she hoisted the strap of her dress back on her shoulder, as she walked to the door, in search of her shoes.

"Jess, wait… that was a tasteless thing to say." He grabbed her by the shoulder in an attempt to stop her, but she turned on her heels and slapped him once more. 

He was stunned to see Jess' eyes brimming with tears, that he seized her in his arms for an embrace, but he didn't expect Jess to step back and turn inside his arms, gripped his wrist, bent over, and threw him off the floor, -- all in one swift motion. 

He found himself lying on the cold floor, staring at the ceiling of the penthouse but what happened didn't register on his brain until he heard a door slammed shut. 

He scrambled to roll over and got up from the floor. He ran the short distance to the door, but he was too late. When he stepped out of the room, Jess was no longer outside. He saw the number on top of the elevator door going down. 

He cursed the layout of this floor that made the elevator door right in front of the main door. It was supposed to keep things in private, but right now it works to his disadvantage. Jess escaped too quickly.

He ran back to the bedroom to grab his pants, when he passed by the mini bar, he picked up his shirt that Jess removed from his body. He hurriedly put on his shirt when something small and black got tangled in his neck. 

He pulled it off his neck in annoyance, as he held it in front of his face, he found Miss Zimmerman black lace t-back underwear!