Flock Of Birds

"Sparrow, I'm begging you, please don't involve my daughter in this. I already did what they ask me to do." 

She was standing in the middle of her hotel room. The organization middleman called her and threatened her to produce the drug they wanted. Her luggage was all packed and she was ready to quietly return to China, but he gave her a call informing her of the threat.

"You know that I don't have that drug. It was a different group of pharmacists and scientists who did it. I happened to be there, but I don't know anything about it!" she was almost yelling on the phone. But she knew from experience that these hoodlums have no soul and would do anything to get what they wanted. 

It's all business to them. They don't care that children - innocent children would get hurt in the process. 

"Listen, Liu Xichen, you had accepted the money. You don't expect them to treat you as an innocent bystander when you received cold cash from these people, do you?"