You're Going To Get What You're Asking For!   

"How long are we staying there, Jessica?" 

Both of their bedrooms were open and they were shouting to each other while packing their suitcases for the impromptu vacation. The trip wasn't really a spur-of-the-moment one since she and her friends planned it beforehand. However, they bailed on her last minute. 

"I don't know! A week at most." 

She pulled the lower drawer on her closet that has nothing but her summer essentials. Living in a tropical country most of her life, she is used to having a separate wardrobe or in this case - a whole drawer full of bikinis. 

She threw everything on her bed and picked ones that she liked. She was on her tenth pair when Luke entered her bedroom wearing a Hawaiin shirt while holding two more Hawaiin shirts in his hands. 

"Jess, which one should I bring?"