It's Our Neighbor

[This chapter is dedicated to the current top 3 fans of this book; Amber17, Mischon_Harrington, and Madhurilonikar. Thank you so much, guys!]


There were some delays, which led them to arrive quite late at San Lucas. The hotel service that picked them up was accompanied by Jin and two other men. Noah asked Jin to come to San Lucas for some additional security to watch Lucille while they are on vacation. 

If he is going to be honest, he wanted additional security than Soraya for Lucille because he wanted to spend time with Jess without worrying about his daughter's safety. 

He was sitting on the passenger seat with Lucille on his lap and Soraya next to him. Antonio was sitting on the passenger. 

The passenger of the other hotel car service was his airplane crew. He is giving them a vacation too. Since they are all already here they could just enjoy themselves.