We Need Sex On The Beach

"Should we say hello?"

Lucille was straining her neck looking up at him but his eyes were like lasers zooming towards Jess looking so lovely as her hair bounced around her as she threw her head in another fit of laughter. He hated that she was laughing because of another man. 


He snapped out of his jealousy when she heard his daughter's voice. "Should we?" he asked her, stroking her jet black hair.

"Isn't it good manners to say hello to her since she is our neighbor?" 

He chuckled with amusement and felt a hint of pride when he heard what she said. "Yes, Princess. Let's show our good manner to our neighbor," he was grinning when they crossed the street to greet their neighbor with a blinding smile. 

However, before they could say hello to their pretty neighbor, Luke saw them approaching and greeted them first.