Doctor, Doctor I Am Sick!

[This chapter contains some mature scenes. If you are uncomfortable with it, kindly skip this chapter.] 


She gasped when Noah's scorching tongue swirl around her wrist, "That's a strange way of taking one's" 

"Be a good patient and open your mouth." 

Hearing Noah's authoritative voice, her toes curled up in anticipation, as she followed the --er doctor's order. 'Shit! Do I have a kink as Siena's said? A sense of shame seizes her being as no crevice of her mouth is left uninvaded by Noah. 

The sliding door to the balcony was left open when Noah led Jess in a hurry to clean her wound. The night breeze entered the room, announced by the white sheer curtain softly dancing as moonlight peeking from the thin fabric; Jess hooked her uninjured hand to Noah's neck, urging him to deepen the kiss. 

Most waves come crashing on the shore, yet sometimes, they kiss the shoreline gently -- like a naughty child playing touch-me-not.