Why Are You Wearing Daddy's Shirt?

[This chapter is dedicated to our new top 1 reader, Ikemen_Lover! Yay! Thanks for reading. P.S. I am an ikemen lover too!] 


He woke up with something heavy across his stomach. A crease appeared on his forehead, as he pressed his temple for a throbbing headache due to the mix of alcohol he consumed at the party last night. 

And the heavy log over his body was annoying him. He picked it up and threw it away from him, and he heard a woman grunted. 

A warning bell rang inside his head when he heard a woman grunt. He went frigid and his breathing became shallow. 'Did he commit another mortal sin?'

His eyes were tight shut for he was afraid to open them, but he felt the woman's weight shift on the bed as she rolled over. 

"Luke, can't you not—"

Little Miss Jessie's grunted, angry that he had thrown her legs off. Relief swept over his body when he heard it.