A Normal Morning

After the uncomfortable breakfast, Lucille and Noah went back to their villa and agreed to meet down at the beach after an hour to go to the North side of the resort where most of the water activities are happening. 

Jess doesn't really want to join Noah and his daughter after last night and what happened this morning, however, she can't say no to Lucille's invitation. 

She slumped on the sofa, right after Noah and Lucille stepped out of their door. 

"Luke—" She whined. 

"What?" He widened his eyes on him with his arms in akimbo, "Did Noah come here last night?" 

She let out a sigh and cradled the throw pillow with a tassel on her lap. She gripped the throw pillow in frustration. "Yes, he came over last night." 

"And what happened to your hand? I was about to ask you about that, but watching Noah's reaction was so entertaining that I forgot to ask," he said, giggling.