He Has A Crush On You

[This chapter is dedicated to BedheadBookworn, our new top 3 fans of our book. Thank you for reading!]


'Papa is here, so you live in Palo Alto.'

Noah and his daughter were long gone. Probably they were on their way to the airport now.

However, Lucille's innocent remark still echoing in her head as she blushed in embarrassment. And Luke, seeing her discomfort, could not hold back his laughter. 

They were still lounging on the beach near their villa, and Luke could not stop snickering like a kid who heard the funniest joke of his lifetime. 

"Well you stop it," she snapped in irritation. 

"Stop blushing like a freaking virgin, if you want me to stop laughing!" he said, laughing even more. 

She just rolled her eyes in irritation. She leaned back on the sunbed and put back on her dark eyeglasses. She would get teased more by Luke if he knew she was affected. Thus, she ignored him and returned to lounging on her sunbed.