No Need To Pay

"A crush on me?" Luke asked after he regained his bearings. 

He laughed, "I was just kidding, of course," he gave Luke a conspiratorial wink.  "My name is Dr. Chu." He glanced at Luke's slanted shoulder, and said, "Let's have a look on the shoulder of yours, Mr…" 

"Luke Ravenport." 

"This way Mr. Ravenport," he said and turned around and led them to the corridor where the Orthopedic Department was written on the wall in large letters in white letters. 

Jess and Luke followed the doctor to the consultation room of the orthopedic department in silence. In there, Luke was sent for an x-ray while Jess filled out Luke's personal information for hospital records in the doctor's office. 

"Miss Zimmerman, I'll leave you here, for I still have to do my rounds. I will have the nurse sent Mr. Ravenport in here once they are done patching him up," he said with a kind smile on his face.