Enthusiasm And Desire

"Are you expecting someone?" 

They both looked in the direction of the door but none of them stood up to open it. 

"Should we call the police?" 

"And what should we tell 911? Hey, someone is buzzing our door and we don't know who it is because we didn't bother to get up from the couch to check it out," she said in sarcasm.

"Tch, smart ass. Let's go together," he said but didn't get up.

"What are we doing, Luke? Why are we whispering and worrying about a buzzer?" She laughed nervously at the foolish nervousness of Luke.

"I'm also asking myself that," he whispered. 

Jess grabbed the decorative pillow on the armchair and hit Luke on the face with it.

"Stop it. It's not funny at all." She stomped her feet and went to get the door. "Stupid." She muttered under her breath.