Don't You Like My Daddy?

[This chapter is dedicated to Angela_Douglass for taking the second spot for the top fans of our book. Thank you for reading.]


'I helped Papa choose those flowers.'

Lucille's message keep on echoing in her head, as she sat on the bathtub with her knees drawn to her chest, overwhelmed with emotion.

Receiving flowers from Noah that had such a strong message already sent her heart into overdrive. Getting a message from his daughter added to the confusion in her mind.

She knew she was being unfair to Noah when he already became upfront with his feelings. She could ask him the question that stopped her from admitting hers. 

However, it was not easy to lower one pride. 

She leaned back in the tub, stretched her legs along with the tub's length, and rolled her neck side-to-side to ease the tension in her shoulders. She had just returned from vacation, but already felt she needed another one.