Don't Skip Breakfast!

[This chapter is dedicated to Thea1321. Thank you for bestowing your power stones to our story. I can't thank you enough!]


[This chapter contains some mature scenes. If you are uncomfortable with it, kindly skip the chapter.]


She woke up from the bright light flooding the room. Her brain was confused about why the room had too much sunlight when she was in Noah's place. 

"Good morning, Little Miss Jessie." 

She squinted her eyes to see a shirtless Noah, wearing nothing but his boxer shorts. He was holding a silver tray in his hands.

The curtain of his balcony was drawn wide open, hence, the room was flooded by the bright sun. The sliding glass door was open too. 

"Good morning," she replied, groggily. She stretched her arms in the air and waited for Noah to pull her up from the bed.