Late Breakfast

[This chapter is dedicated to MysticAmy. Thank you for being one of our power stones fairies! Lots of kisses from Luke and Lucille.]


"Can we have that breakfast now?" 

"You already had your breakfast." He enunciated the word breakfast since Jess already 'ate' him twice! 

Jess heard the teasing in Noah's voice, annoyed she bit his stomach but his abs were taut and she had no flesh to bite. She ended up punching his right thigh. 

Noah chuckled but despite Jess resorting to violence, he didn't stop caressing her naked back. Half of her naked body was laid on his stomach. He was lying on his back, his right arm was under his head, while his left was on her back, tracing the few red marks on her skin that was from his desire to have all of her.